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+Title: Targeted Sponsorship Policy
+# {{title}}
+## What is a Targeted Sponsor?
+Targeted sponsors support the foundation by helping specific parts of the foundation.
+For example, targeted sponsors today donate cloud services, fund project hackathons,
+and provide committer resources. It’s our way of encouraging and recognizing the
+sponsors that we rely on everyday outside of and often in addition to funding our general
+## Who Can Be a Targeted Sponsor?
+The policy available at
+also applies to targeted sponsors as will the same sponsor agreement
+template and intake process.
+## Changes to Thanks Page:
+The main ASF Sponsor Thanks Page is now split into two sections, “Normal”,
+non-targeted Sponsors and “Targeted” Sponsors.
+The previous Infrastructure sponsorship section on the Thanks page was removed and
+carefully audited with Infra to integrate Infrastructure sponsors as simply one type of
+targeted sponsorship.
+## More Details
+Committees and projects can choose to set up a project thanks area of their TLP site
+that also recognizes the sponsor in sync with the foundation page as noted at
+Any additional recognition on
+committee or project page(s) must be approved by VP Fundraising and VP Brand
+Sponsors & Targeted Sponsors can provide cash and/or in-kind services. In some
+cases, a mixture of the two may be approved at the discretion of the VP Fundraising
+especially in cases where the ASF’s Infrastructure team or a specific Apache PMC has a
+need of the services.
+"Normal" Sponsors provide sponsorship that are used to support the entire operation of
+the foundation. Targeted Sponsors provide support for a specific pre-agreed upon goal.
+A Non-Targeted Sponsor donates $100 to a NPO charity baseball team. The
+team can spend the $100 to buy whatever they want with it.
+A Targeted Sponsor is contacted and asked how they can help, the team says
+“we need bats”. VP Fundraising approves the batty request, Targeted Sponsor
+donates $100 to the same team with a target to use it to buy bats. $15 of the
+donation goes to general operations to handle accounting/bat counts/bat
+polish/bat storage/bat caves/etc., $85 goes to buy new bats and everyone is
+The goal of this policy is to allow the foundation and project committees more flexibility to
+work with sponsors to deliver additional services and improve our community.
+The value of in-kind services for the purpose of determining the sponsorship level,
+Targeted or otherwise, shall be determined by the VP Fundraising with input from the
+fundraising committee. It is intended that it be valued at 100% of the fair market value of
+the in-kind service. Please note, **the foundation will only accept in-kind services that
+are needed with a concrete purpose identified prior to the sponsorship**. This
+document supersedes all previous methods of calculating value.
+Targeted Sponsors will be split into the same levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum)
+with the same benefits as non-targeted sponsors.
+The Targeted sponsor level will be based on the closest match monetarily to the normal
+sponsor amounts and may be subject to the discretion of the VP Fundraising.
+A single sponsor can be both a Sponsor and a Targeted Sponsor as well as multiple
+levels of Targeted Sponsors in some cases. For example, Microsoft is a platinum
+sponsor and could be listed as a bronze targeted sponsor for Azure and a platinum
+targeted sponsor for Visual Studio donations.
+Targeted Sponsors can provide services or cash to fulfill needs as identified by the
+foundation, project or committees that are approved by the VP Fundraising and in
+meeting the Apache Way.
+Targeted Sponsors, the VP Fundraising and the specific committee in question (project
+PMC, Legal, Infrastructure, Travel Assistance, Conferences, etc.) to identify the goal for
+the services or funds prior to accepting the donation.
+All donations will be tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law.
+All targeted sponsorships must be pre-approved by the VP Fundraising and coordinated
+with the fundraising committee with the sole exception that Infrastructure shall continue
+to work to also handle sponsors on their own with all communication communicated to
+the fundraising or fundraising-private mailing lists either through cc, minutes or
+contemporaneous notes.
+**The ASF does not allow endorsements, official quotes, blogs, press releases, and
+similar public statements regarding sponsorship in any manner except as
+specified as official benefits of the sponsorship program**. Existing blogs and
+endorsements are hereby grandfathered as of August 2018. All statements for
+sponsorship shall continue to be vetted and approved by VP Press & Media before
+Targeted sponsorships with cash grants will be limited to 12 months. All funds should be
+intended for complete use within this period. Any remaining funds at end of 12 months
+MAY revert to use for ASF general operations at the ASF’s sole discretion.
+All Targeted sponsorships must be consistent with with the Apache Way as well as the
+ASF Policies and Practices. In the absence of clear policies, the approval of the VP
+Fundraising will be required.
+Any proposals must be consistent with and not jeopardize the ASF 501(c)(3) IRS
+determination status.
+Targeted cash-based sponsorships are not refundable even if a Project leaves the ASF,
+retires, or fails to use funds.
+A minimum of 15% of targeted, cash-based sponsorships will be used to provide general
+ASF services to support the agreed targeted sponsorship goal. If there is an additional
+demand on ASF services, this may be higher at the ASF’s sole discretion.
+It is the responsibility of the VP Fundraising, President and any applicable Committees to
+work together to ensure there is clarity about what is and is not possible for sponsors
+and seeking Board guidance as deemed necessary.
+## Examples of Targeted Sponsorships that can be Requested and Approved:
+- Google Summer of Code / Google Code-In
+- Subversion Project Hackathon
+- Donations of any services we are currently paying for already
+- Visual Studio for Committers
+- Microsoft Azure Credits
+- AWS Credits
+- Software and SaaS such as G Suite, Hopsie, Atlassian, Virtru & Microsoft.
+- DNS & Data Mirrors
+- Graphics Design
+- Media Support
+## Examples of Targeted Sponsorships that are Possible:
+These are examples that have been discussed and have merit to be discussed further. See the
+section below on discussion for these items:
+- Pluralsight free membership to members
+- Huawei Cloud Credits
+- Sponsorship of the ASF Annual Board / Officer Face to Face (F2F) with a dinner keynote
+- Bug bounties (making this different than coding will require discussion. Ideas like this
+have merit though to be recognized by the foundation if run completely outside our
+umbrella: [More details](
+- Promoting best practice in legal oversight of open source and related marks.
+- Technical Case Studies
+- Marketing and Publicity
+- Recording of training & videography
+- Certification of IT Talent in specific technologies
+- Writing Documentation
+- Legal & Trademarks Assistance
+- Specific project resources
+- Specific administrative help
+- Travel Assistance (w/additional human interest stories about who they sponsored)
+- Travel Assistance for Speakers
+- Paying for specific hardware rental from vendors such as Solaris for Apache QPID
+- Licensing the use of the ASF marks for events.
+- Help getting talent: Thoughts: Must be an ASF member or PMC member to ensure talent
+quality. 20% donation of 1st year salary as finder’s fee/sponsorship.Ross & Sander also
+mentioned that perhaps Sponsors might want more metrics and notification of new
+- Paying Release Managers
+- Continuous Integration
+- Infrastructure Contract Help
+- Videography for Events
+- Sponsoring Events, Speaker Dinners, Meetups, Booths
+## Examples of Targeted Sponsorships that are Highly Unlikely:
+- Developing code
+- Adding a donate button to a project page
+- Certification of products or companies
+## Key Differences from 2015 targeted sponsorship proposal:
+The original idea was proposed by Ross Gardler at
+- This is not a proof of concept.
+- We are aligning in-kind Infrastructure Sponsorship with Targeted Sponsorship. As such,
+the minimum of 50K will not be relevant.
+- Listing in Annual & Quarterly reports will be handled the same as the non-targeted
+sponsors based on their sponsorship level at the discretion of Media and Publicity.
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 Targeted Sponsorship provides the ASF with non-cash contributions aimed at specific activities, projects, or programs, such as donating cloud services, providing legal services, underwriting our flagship event attendees’ expenses, funding project hackathons, and contributing documentation resources.
-Targeted Sponsorships benefit the ASF in addition to funding our general operations. Targeted Sponsors receive the same benefits as Foundation Sponsors based on the equivalent value of the non-cash contribution. We invite you to [view our guidelines](/foundation/docs/Targeted-Sponsorship-Policy.pdf) to see if Targeted Sponsorship is right for you.
+Targeted Sponsorships benefit the ASF in addition to funding our general operations. Targeted Sponsors receive the same benefits as Foundation Sponsors based on the equivalent value of the non-cash contribution. We invite you to [view our guidelines](/foundation/docs/targeted-sponsorship-policy.html) to see if Targeted Sponsorship is right for you.
 ## Corporate Giving Programs