blob: 296b06818f6a8fbaa5f3506752903970c65dde12 [file] [log] [blame]
##Fault codes and fault strings according to the WS-Trust spec
InvalidRequest = The request was invalid or malformed
FailedAuthentication = Authentication failed
RequestFailed = The specified request failed
InvalidSecurityToken = Security token has been revoked
AuthenticationBadElements = Insufficient Digest Elements
BadRequest = The specified RequestSecurityToken is not understood
ExpiredData = The request data is out of date
InvaildTimeRange = The requested time range is invaild or unsupported
InvaildScope = The request scope is invaild or unsupported
RenewNeeded = A renewable security token has expired
UnableToRenew = The requested renewal failed
#Other additional fault information can be listed here
incorrectChildElement={\"{0}\"}\"{1}\" element cannot contain a {\"{3}\"}\"{4}\" element
expectedChildElement={\"{0}\"}\"{1}\" is expected within the {\"{3}\"}\"{4}\" element
childInValueElement={\"{0}\"}\"{1}\" element cannot contain any child elements. Found {\"{3}\"}\"{4}\"
textInCompositeElement={\"{0}\"}\"{1}\" composite element cannot contain a value. Found \"{3}\"