blob: 4ba42b2c4610fc00591c1a07fbcdfd14223e4063 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import java.util.Hashtable;
* @author Ruchith
* @version 1.0
public class KeyDerivator {
private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(KeyDerivator.class.getName());
public byte[] generateKey(Hashtable sessionTable, String identifier) throws
WSSecurityException, ConversationException, WSSecurityException {
log.debug("KeyDerivator: Inside generate key");
String[] uuidAndDerivedKeyTokenId = ConversationUtil.
//Get the session from teh session table
ConversationSession convSession = (ConversationSession) sessionTable.get(uuidAndDerivedKeyTokenId[0]);
log.debug("KeyDerivator: session found: " + uuidAndDerivedKeyTokenId[0]);
if (convSession != null) {
int freq = convSession.getContextInfo().getFrequency(); //Key generation frequency
if (freq == 0) { //If the frequency is zero then no need for key derivation
return convSession.getContextInfo().getSharedSecret();
} else { //Derived keys are required
return deriveKey(convSession, uuidAndDerivedKeyTokenId[1]);
} else {
/** @todo Check the list of expired sessions and figureout whether the session is expired or not */
throw new ConversationException("Conversation Session not found");
private byte[] deriveKey(ConversationSession convSession,
String derivedKeyTokenId) throws
WSSecurityException, ConversationException {
//The derived key info object of the current derived key
DerivedKeyInfo dkInfo = (DerivedKeyInfo) convSession.getDerivedKeys().get(derivedKeyTokenId);
SecurityTokenReference secTokRef = dkInfo.getSecurityTokenReference();
log.debug("KeyDerivator: deriveKey: security token reference: " + secTokRef);
// if (secTokRef != null) {
// if (secTokRef.toString().equals("<wsse:SecurityTokenReference/>")) {//No security token reference
// log.debug("KeyDerivator: deriveKey: No security token refernece available");
// return deriveTokenFromContext(convSession, dkInfo);
// } else {
// String contextIdentifier = convSession.getContextInfo().getIdentifier();
// String wsuId = secTokRef.getReference().getURI();
// Element sctEle = WSSecurityUtil.getElementByWsuId(WSSConfig.getDefaultWSConfig(), secTokRef.getElement().getOwnerDocument(), wsuId);
// try {
// SecurityContextToken sct = new SecurityContextToken(sctEle);
// if (contextIdentifier.equals(sct.getIdentifier()))
// return deriveTokenFromContext(convSession, dkInfo);
// else
// throw new ConversationException("Derivation source cannot be determined");
// } catch (WSSecurityException secEx) {
// /** @todo Supporting other tokens other than SCT as the derivation source */
// //Here we should check whether it is some other type of a token
// //E.g. DerivedKeyToken
// }
// if (secTokRef.getReference().getURI().equals(contextIdentifier)) { //If the reference is to the SecurityContextToken
// return deriveTokenFromContext(convSession, dkInfo);
// } else {
// //Derive from some other security token other than the relevent security context
// /** @todo Derive from some other security token other than the relevent security context
// * For example this can be another DerivedKeyToken
// * */
// throw new ConversationException("KeyDerivator: Deriving from some " +
// "other security token other than the " +
// "relevent security context: Not implemented :-(");
// }
// }
// } else { //There is no SecurityTokenRefernece
log.debug("KeyDerivator: deriveKey: No security token refernece available");
return deriveTokenFromContext(convSession, dkInfo);
// }
* Derive the key from the related security context information
* @param convSession
* @param dkInfo
* @return
* @throws ConversationException
private byte[] deriveTokenFromContext(ConversationSession convSession,
DerivedKeyInfo dkInfo) throws
ConversationException {
log.debug("KeyDerivator: deriving key from contecxt :" + convSession.getContextInfo().getIdentifier() + " for dkt: " + dkInfo.getId());
byte[] secret = convSession.getContextInfo().getSharedSecret(); //Shared secret
String labelAndNonce = getLabelAndNonce(convSession, dkInfo); //Label and nonce
long keyLength = getKeyLength(convSession, dkInfo); //Length of the key to generated
int offset = getOffset(convSession, dkInfo);
DerivationAlgorithm derivationAlgo = AlgoFactory.getInstance(dkInfo.
getAlgorithm()); //Derivation algorithm
return derivationAlgo.createKey(secret, labelAndNonce, offset, keyLength);
* The label+nonce value used for the seed in calculating the derived key
* @param convSession
* @param dkInfo
* @return relevan label+nonce
private String getLabelAndNonce(ConversationSession convSession,
DerivedKeyInfo dkInfo) throws
ConversationException {
String label, nonce;
if ((label = dkInfo.getLabel()) != null || (label = convSession.getLabel()) != null) {
if ((nonce = dkInfo.getNonce()) != null) {
log.debug("KeyDerivator: Inside get label and nocne : " + label + nonce);
return label + nonce;
} else {
throw new ConversationException("Nonce value not available");
} else {
throw new ConversationException("Label cannot be found");
* This return teh key length of the derived key to be generated
* @param convSession
* @param dkInfo
* @return length of the key to be returned
* @throws ConversationException
private long getKeyLength(ConversationSession convSession,
DerivedKeyInfo dkInfo) throws ConversationException {
long length;
if ((length = dkInfo.getLength()) != -1) { //If the length info is there in the token return it
log.debug("KeyDerivator: Inside get length: " + length);
return length;
} else if ((length = convSession.getKeyLength()) != -1) { //Get length info from the session
log.debug("KeyDerivator: Inside get length: " + length);
return length;
} else {
throw new ConversationException("Length information not available");
* @param convSession
* @param dkInfo
* @return
* @throws ConversationException
private int getOffset(ConversationSession convSession, DerivedKeyInfo dkInfo) throws
ConversationException {
int offset = dkInfo.getOffset();
int generation = dkInfo.getGeneration();
long lengthFromDkInfo = dkInfo.getLength();
if (generation != -1 && offset != -1) { //If both generation and offset values are set
throw new ConversationException("Generation and Offset both cannot be used simultaneously: " +
"Generation : " + generation +
"Offset : " + offset);
} else if (convSession.getKeyLength() != -1) { //Session is configured to use fixed size keys
if (generation == -1){
log.debug("Generation set to zero");
generation = 0;
return (int)convSession.getKeyLength() * generation;
// throw new ConversationException("Generation value is not avaliable (fixed size keys are used: " +
// "Key size : " + convSession.getKeyLength() + ")");
return (int) convSession.getKeyLength() * generation;
} else if (offset != -1) { //Fixed size keys are NOT used: The length and offset values should be available in the DKT
return offset;
} else if (generation != -1) { //Here length should be specified in the DKT
if (dkInfo.getLength() != -1)
return generation * (int) dkInfo.getLength();
throw new ConversationException("Length information not available");
} else {
return 0; //If generation and offset info are not available offset will be 0