blob: a43674d88a7487b3df16ffd0f5e39cd86f12166d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.axiom.core.Builder;
import org.apache.axiom.core.ClonePolicy;
import org.apache.axiom.core.CoreElement;
import org.apache.axiom.core.CoreNode;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.Iterator;
* <p>Element backed by an arbitrary data source. When necessary, this element will be expanded by
* creating a parser from the data source.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>Whenever methods are added to the base {@link OMElementImpl}
* class the corresponding methods must be added to this class (there's a unit test to verify that
* this has been done, just to make sure nothing gets accidentally broken). If the method only
* requires the element name and/or namespace information, the base class method can be called
* directly. Otherwise, the element must be expanded into a full OM tree (by calling the {@link
* #forceExpand()} method) before the base class method is called. This will typically involve a
* heavy overhead penalty, so should be avoided if possible.</p>
public aspect AxiomSourcedElementSupport {
/** Data source for element data. */
private OMDataSource AxiomSourcedElement.dataSource;
/** Namespace for element, needed in order to bypass base class handling. */
private OMNamespace AxiomSourcedElement.definedNamespace;
* Flag indicating whether the {@link #definedNamespace} attribute has been set. If this flag is
* <code>true</code> and {@link #definedNamespace} is <code>null</code> then the element has no
* namespace. If this flag is set to <code>false</code> (in which case {@link #definedNamespace}
* is always <code>null</code>) then the namespace is not known and needs to be determined
* lazily. The flag is used only if {@link #isExpanded} is <code>false</code>.
private boolean AxiomSourcedElement.definedNamespaceSet;
/** Flag for parser provided to base element class. */
private boolean AxiomSourcedElement.isExpanded = true;
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AxiomSourcedElementSupport.class);
private static final Log forceExpandLog = LogFactory.getLog(AxiomSourcedElementSupport.class.getName() + ".forceExpand");
private static OMNamespace getOMNamespace(QName qName) {
return qName.getNamespaceURI().length() == 0 ? null
: new OMNamespaceImpl(qName.getNamespaceURI(), qName.getPrefix());
public Class<? extends CoreNode> AxiomSourcedElement.coreGetNodeClass() {
return AxiomSourcedElement.class;
public void AxiomSourcedElement.init(OMDataSource source) {
dataSource = source;
isExpanded = false;
* Constructor.
* @param localName
* @param ns
* @param factory
* @param source
public void AxiomSourcedElement.init(String localName, OMNamespace ns, OMDataSource source) {
if (source == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("OMDataSource can't be null");
dataSource = source;
isExpanded = false;
// Normalize the namespace. Note that this also covers the case where the
// namespace URI is empty and the prefix is null (in which case we know that
// the actual prefix must be empty)
if (ns != null && ns.getNamespaceURI().length() == 0) {
ns = null;
if (ns == null || !(isLossyPrefix(dataSource) || ns.getPrefix() == null)) {
// Believe the prefix and create a normal OMNamespace
definedNamespace = ns;
} else {
// Create a deferred namespace that forces an expand to get the prefix
String uri = ns.getNamespaceURI();
definedNamespace = new DeferredNamespace(this, uri);
definedNamespaceSet = true;
* Constructor that takes a QName instead of the local name and the namespace seperately
* @param qName
* @param factory
* @param source
public void AxiomSourcedElement.init(QName qName, OMDataSource source) {
if (source == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("OMDataSource can't be null");
dataSource = source;
isExpanded = false;
if (!isLossyPrefix(dataSource)) {
// Believe the prefix and create a normal OMNamespace
definedNamespace = getOMNamespace(qName);
} else {
// Create a deferred namespace that forces an expand to get the prefix
String uri = qName.getNamespaceURI();
definedNamespace = uri.length() == 0 ? null : new DeferredNamespace(this, uri);
definedNamespaceSet = true;
* The namespace uri is immutable, but the OMDataSource may change
* the value of the prefix. This method queries the OMDataSource to
* see if the prefix is known.
* @param source
* @return true or false
private static boolean isLossyPrefix(OMDataSource source) {
Object lossyPrefix = null;
if (source instanceof OMDataSourceExt) {
lossyPrefix =
((OMDataSourceExt) source).getProperty(OMDataSourceExt.LOSSY_PREFIX);
return lossyPrefix == Boolean.TRUE;
* Generate element name for output.
* @return name
private String AxiomSourcedElement.getPrintableName() {
if (isExpanded || (definedNamespaceSet && internalGetLocalName() != null)) {
String uri = null;
if (getNamespace() != null) {
uri = getNamespace().getNamespaceURI();
if (uri == null || uri.length() == 0) {
return getLocalName();
} else {
return "{" + uri + '}' + getLocalName();
} else {
return "<unknown>";
* Set parser for OM, if not previously set. Since the builder is what actually constructs the
* tree on demand, this first creates a builder
public void AxiomSourcedElement.forceExpand() {
// The dataSource != null is required because this method may be called indirectly
// by the constructor before the data source is set. After the constructor has completed,
// isExpanded is always true if dataSource is null.
if (!isExpanded && dataSource != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("forceExpand: expanding element " +
// When using an OMSourcedElement, it can be particularly difficult to
// determine why an expand occurs... a stack trace should help debugging this
Exception e = new Exception("Debug Stack Trace");
forceExpandLog.debug("forceExpand stack", e);
Builder builder;
if (OMDataSourceUtil.isPushDataSource(dataSource)) {
// Disable namespace repairing because the OMDataSource is required to produce well formed
// XML with respect to namespaces.
builder = new PushBuilder(new PushOMDataSourceInput(this, dataSource), coreGetNodeFactory(), PlainXMLModel.INSTANCE, this, false);
} else {
// Get the XMLStreamReader
XMLStreamReader readerFromDS;
try {
readerFromDS = dataSource.getReader();
} catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
throw new OMException("Error obtaining parser from data source for element " + getPrintableName(), ex);
builder = new StAXOMBuilder(coreGetNodeFactory(), readerFromDS, this);
isExpanded = true;
do {;
} while (getState() == ATTRIBUTES_PENDING);
* Validates that the actual name of the element obtained from StAX matches the information
* specified when the sourced element was constructed or retrieved through the
* {@link QNameAwareOMDataSource} interface. Also updates the local name if necessary. Note that
* the namespace information is not updated; this is the responsibility of the builder (and is
* done at the same time as namespace repairing).
* @param staxPrefix
* @param staxLocalName
* @param staxNamespaceURI
public void AxiomSourcedElement.validateName(String staxPrefix, String staxLocalName, String staxNamespaceURI) {
if (internalGetLocalName() == null) {
// The local name was not known in advance; initialize it from the reader
} else {
// Make sure element local name and namespace matches what was expected
if (!staxLocalName.equals(internalGetLocalName())) {
throw new OMException("Element name from data source is " +
staxLocalName + ", not the expected " + internalGetLocalName());
if (definedNamespaceSet) {
if (staxNamespaceURI == null) {
staxNamespaceURI = "";
String namespaceURI = definedNamespace == null ? "" : definedNamespace.getNamespaceURI();
if (!staxNamespaceURI.equals(namespaceURI)) {
throw new OMException("Element namespace from data source is " +
staxNamespaceURI + ", not the expected " + namespaceURI);
if (!(definedNamespace instanceof DeferredNamespace)) {
if (staxPrefix == null) {
staxPrefix = "";
String prefix = definedNamespace == null ? "" : definedNamespace.getPrefix();
if (!staxPrefix.equals(prefix)) {
throw new OMException("Element prefix from data source is '" +
staxPrefix + "', not the expected '" + prefix + "'");
* Check if element has been expanded into tree.
* @return <code>true</code> if expanded, <code>false</code> if not
public boolean AxiomSourcedElement.isExpanded() {
return isExpanded;
public XMLStreamReader AxiomSourcedElement.getXMLStreamReader(boolean cache, OMXMLStreamReaderConfiguration configuration) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("getting XMLStreamReader for " + getPrintableName()
+ " with cache=" + cache);
if (isExpanded) {
return defaultGetXMLStreamReader(cache, configuration);
} else {
if ((cache && OMDataSourceUtil.isDestructiveRead(dataSource)) || OMDataSourceUtil.isPushDataSource(dataSource)) {
return defaultGetXMLStreamReader(true, configuration);
} else {
try {
return dataSource.getReader();
} catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
throw new OMException("Error obtaining parser from data source for element " + getPrintableName(), ex);
public final void AxiomSourcedElement.updateLocalName() {
if (dataSource instanceof QNameAwareOMDataSource) {
if (internalGetLocalName() == null) {
public OMNamespace AxiomSourcedElement.getNamespace() throws OMException {
if (isExpanded()) {
return defaultGetNamespace();
} else if (definedNamespaceSet) {
return definedNamespace;
} else {
if (dataSource instanceof QNameAwareOMDataSource) {
String namespaceURI = ((QNameAwareOMDataSource)dataSource).getNamespaceURI();
if (namespaceURI != null) {
if (namespaceURI.length() == 0) {
// No namespace case. definedNamespace is already null, so we only need
// to set definedNamespaceSet to true. Note that we don't need to retrieve
// the namespace prefix because a prefix can't be bound to the empty
// namespace URI.
definedNamespaceSet = true;
} else {
String prefix = ((QNameAwareOMDataSource)dataSource).getPrefix();
if (prefix == null) {
// Prefix is unknown
definedNamespace = new DeferredNamespace(this, namespaceURI);
} else {
definedNamespace = new OMNamespaceImpl(namespaceURI, prefix);
definedNamespaceSet = true;
if (definedNamespaceSet) {
return definedNamespace;
} else {
// We have no information about the namespace of the element. Need to expand
// the element to get it.
return defaultGetNamespace();
public QName AxiomSourcedElement.getQName() {
if (isExpanded()) {
return defaultGetQName();
} else if (getNamespace() != null) {
// always ignore prefix on name from sourced element
return new QName(getNamespace().getNamespaceURI(), getLocalName());
} else {
return new QName(getLocalName());
public <T> void AxiomSourcedElement.initSource(ClonePolicy<T> policy, T options, CoreElement other) {
AxiomSourcedElement o = (AxiomSourcedElement)other;
// If already expanded or this is not an OMDataSourceExt, then
// create a copy of the OM Tree
OMDataSource ds = o.getDataSource();
if (!(options instanceof OMCloneOptions) || !((OMCloneOptions)options).isCopyOMDataSources() ||
ds == null ||
o.isExpanded() ||
!(ds instanceof OMDataSourceExt)) {
// If copying is destructive, then copy the OM tree
OMDataSourceExt sourceDS = (OMDataSourceExt) ds;
if (sourceDS.isDestructiveRead() ||
sourceDS.isDestructiveWrite()) {
OMDataSourceExt targetDS = ((OMDataSourceExt) ds).copy();
if (targetDS == null) {
// Otherwise create a target OMSE with the copied DataSource
definedNamespaceSet = o.definedNamespaceSet;
if (o.definedNamespace instanceof DeferredNamespace) {
definedNamespace = new DeferredNamespace(this, o.definedNamespace.getNamespaceURI());
} else {
definedNamespace = o.definedNamespace;
public final XmlInput AxiomSourcedElement.getXmlInput(boolean cache, boolean incremental) throws StreamException {
if (isExpanded()) {
return null;
boolean pull;
if (OMDataSourceUtil.isPullDataSource(dataSource)) {
pull = true;
} else if (OMDataSourceUtil.isPushDataSource(dataSource)) {
if (incremental) {
return null;
pull = false;
} else {
pull = incremental;
if (cache && (pull && OMDataSourceUtil.isDestructiveRead(dataSource) || !pull && OMDataSourceUtil.isDestructiveWrite(dataSource))) {
return null;
if (pull) {
try {
return new StAXPullInput(dataSource.getReader());
} catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
throw new StreamException(ex);
} else {
return new PushOMDataSourceInput(this, dataSource);
* Provide access to the data source encapsulated in OMSourcedElement.
* This is usesful when we want to access the raw data in the data source.
* @return the internal datasource
public OMDataSource AxiomSourcedElement.getDataSource() {
return dataSource;
* setOMDataSource
public OMDataSource AxiomSourcedElement.setDataSource(OMDataSource dataSource) {
if (!isExpanded()) {
OMDataSource oldDS = this.dataSource;
this.dataSource = dataSource;
return oldDS; // Caller is responsible for closing the data source
} else {
// Remove the entire subtree and replace with
// new datasource. There maybe a more performant way to do this.
OMDataSource oldDS = this.dataSource;
for (Iterator<OMNode> it = getChildren(); it.hasNext(); ) {;
this.dataSource = dataSource;
isExpanded = false;
if (isLossyPrefix(dataSource)) {
// Create a deferred namespace that forces an expand to get the prefix
definedNamespace = new DeferredNamespace(this, definedNamespace.getNamespaceURI());
return oldDS;
* setComplete override The OMSourcedElement has its own isolated builder/reader during the
* expansion process. Thus calls to setCompete should stop here and not propogate up to the
* parent (which may have a different builder or no builder).
public void AxiomSourcedElement.setComplete(boolean complete) {
coreSetState(complete ? COMPLETE : INCOMPLETE);
if (complete && dataSource != null) {
if (dataSource instanceof OMDataSourceExt) {
dataSource = null;
public Object AxiomSourcedElement.getObject(Class<? extends OMDataSourceExt> dataSourceClass) {
if (dataSource == null || isExpanded || !dataSourceClass.isInstance(dataSource)) {
return null;
} else {
return ((OMDataSourceExt)dataSource).getObject();