blob: 812ea178b2241c4308ab8f9c2062df6a9ef08de2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import org.apache.axiom.ext.stax.BlobReader;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.DTDHandler;
import org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Captures the operations related to containment shared by both a document and an element.
* <p>
* Exposes the ability to add, find, and iterate over the children of a document or element.</p>
public interface OMContainer extends OMSerializable {
* Returns the builder object.
* @return Returns the builder object used to construct the underlying XML infoset on the fly.
OMXMLParserWrapper getBuilder();
* Adds the given node as the last child of this container.
* <p>
* The method may throw an {@link OMException} if the node is not allowed at this position of
* the document.
* @param omNode
* the node to be added to this container
// TODO: specify whether the node is removed from its original location
// TODO: specify what happens if the node has been created by a foreign OMFactory
void addChild(OMNode omNode);
* Returns an iterator for child nodes matching the given QName.
* @param elementQName The QName specifying namespace and local name to match.
* @return Returns an iterator of {@link OMElement} items that match the given QName
// TODO: specify whether a null elementQName is allowed; LLOM and DOOM seem to have different behavior
Iterator<OMElement> getChildrenWithName(QName elementQName);
* Returns an iterator for child nodes matching the local name.
* @param localName
* @return Returns an iterator of {@link OMElement} items that match the given localName
Iterator<OMElement> getChildrenWithLocalName(String localName);
* Returns an iterator for child nodes matching the namespace uri.
* @param uri
* @return Returns an iterator of {@link OMElement} items that match the given uri
Iterator<OMElement> getChildrenWithNamespaceURI(String uri);
* Returns the first child in document order that matches the given QName. The QName filter is
* applied in the same way as by the {@link #getChildrenWithName(QName)} method.
* @param qname
* The QName to use for matching.
* @return The first child element in document order that matches the <code>qname</code>
* criteria, or <code>null</code> if none is found.
* @throws OMException
* If an error occurs during deferred parsing.
* @see #getChildrenWithName(QName)
OMElement getFirstChildWithName(QName qname) throws OMException;
* Returns an iterator for the children of the container.
* @return Returns a {@link Iterator} of children, all of which implement {@link OMNode}.
* @see #getFirstChildWithName
* @see #getChildrenWithName
Iterator<OMNode> getChildren();
* Get an iterator over all descendants of the container. The items are returned in document
* order. Note that attributes and namespace declarations are not considered descendants.
* @param includeSelf
* <code>true</code> if the iterator should also return the container itself;
* <code>false</code> if the first item returned by the iterator should be the first
* child of the container
* @return an iterator over the descendants of this container
Iterator<? extends OMSerializable> getDescendants(boolean includeSelf);
* Gets the first child.
* @return Returns the first child. May return null if the container has no children.
OMNode getFirstOMChild();
* Remove all children from this container. This method has the same effect as the following
* code:
* <pre>
* for (Iterator it = container.getChildren(); it.hasNext(); ) {
* it.remove();
* }</pre>
* However, the implementation may do this in an optimized way. In particular, if the node is
* incomplete, it may choose not to instantiate child node that would become unreachable anyway.
void removeChildren();
* Serialize the node.
* <p>
* This method will always serialize the infoset as plain XML. In particular, any {@link OMText}
* containing optimized binary will be inlined using base64 encoding.
* @param output
* the byte stream to write the serialized infoset to
* @param cache
* indicates if caching should be enabled
* @throws IOException if the stream throws an {@link IOException}
// TODO: need to specify which charset encoding the method will use, in particular for OMDocument nodes
void serialize(OutputStream output, boolean cache) throws IOException;
* Serialize the node.
* <p>
* This method will always serialize the infoset as plain XML. In particular, any {@link OMText}
* containing optimized binary will be inlined using base64 encoding.
* @param writer
* the character stream to write the serialized infoset to
* @param cache
* indicates if caching should be enabled
* @throws IOException if the stream throws an {@link IOException}
void serialize(Writer writer, boolean cache) throws IOException;
* Serialize the node.
* <p>
* The format of the output is controlled by the provided {@link OMOutputFormat} object. In
* particular, {@link OMOutputFormat#setDoOptimize(boolean)} can be used to instruct this method
* to produce an XOP/MTOM encoded MIME message.
* @param output
* the byte stream to write the serialized infoset to
* @param format
* the output format to use
* @param cache
* indicates if caching should be enabled
* @throws IOException if the stream throws an {@link IOException}
void serialize(OutputStream output, OMOutputFormat format, boolean cache) throws IOException;
* Serialize the node.
* @param writer
* the character stream to write the serialized infoset to
* @param format
* the output format to use
* @param cache
* indicates if caching should be enabled
* @throws IOException if the stream throws an {@link IOException}
// TODO: need to clarify what OMOutputFormat settings are actually taken into account
// (obviously the method can't produce XOP/MTOM and the charset encoding is ignored)
void serialize(Writer writer, OMOutputFormat format, boolean cache) throws IOException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #serialize(OutputStream, boolean)} instead.
void serialize(OutputStream output) throws XMLStreamException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #serialize(Writer, boolean)} instead.
void serialize(Writer writer) throws XMLStreamException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #serialize(OutputStream, OMOutputFormat, boolean)} instead.
void serialize(OutputStream output, OMOutputFormat format) throws XMLStreamException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #serialize(Writer, OMOutputFormat, boolean)} instead.
void serialize(Writer writer, OMOutputFormat format) throws XMLStreamException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #serialize(OutputStream, boolean)} instead.
void serializeAndConsume(OutputStream output)
throws XMLStreamException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #serialize(Writer, boolean)} instead.
void serializeAndConsume(Writer writer) throws XMLStreamException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #serialize(OutputStream, OMOutputFormat, boolean)} instead.
void serializeAndConsume(OutputStream output, OMOutputFormat format)
throws XMLStreamException;
* @deprecated Use {@link #serialize(Writer, OMOutputFormat, boolean)} instead.
void serializeAndConsume(Writer writer, OMOutputFormat format)
throws XMLStreamException;
* Get a pull parser representation of this element with caching enabled. This method has the
* same effect as {@link #getXMLStreamReader(boolean)} with <code>cache</code> set to
* <code>true</code>.
* @return an {@link XMLStreamReader} representation of this element
XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader();
* Get a pull parser representation of this element with caching disabled. This method has the
* same effect as {@link #getXMLStreamReader(boolean)} with <code>cache</code> set to
* <code>false</code>.
* @return an {@link XMLStreamReader} representation of this element
XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReaderWithoutCaching();
* Get a pull parser representation of this information item. This methods creates an
* {@link XMLStreamReader} instance that produces a sequence of StAX events for this container and
* its content. The sequence of events is independent of the state of this element and the value
* of the <code>cache</code> parameter, but the side effects of calling this method and
* consuming the reader are different:
* <p>
* <table border="1">
* <caption>Side effects of consuming events from the reader returned by
* {@link #getXMLStreamReader(boolean)}</caption>
* <tr>
* <th>State</th>
* <th><code>cache</code></th>
* <th>Side effects</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="2">The element is fully built (or was created programmatically).</td>
* <td><code>true</code></td>
* <td rowspan="2">No side effects. The reader will synthesize StAX events from the object
* model.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>false</code></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td rowspan="2">The element is partially built, i.e. deferred parsing is taking place.</td>
* <td><code>true</code></td>
* <td>When a StAX event is requested from the reader, it will built the information item (if
* necessary) and synthesize the StAX event. If the caller completely consumes the reader, the
* element will be completely built. Otherwise it will be partially built.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><code>false</code></td>
* <td>The reader will delegate to the underlying parser starting from the event corresponding
* to the last information item that has been built. In other words, after synthesizing a number
* of events, the reader will switch to delegation mode (also called "pull through" mode).
* This will consume the part of the object model from which the reader was requested.
* An attempt to access that part of the object model afterwards will result in a
* {@link NodeUnavailableException}. Other parts of the object model can be accessed in a normal
* way once the reader has been completely consumed or closed.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <p>
* To free any resources associated with the returned reader, the caller MUST invoke the
* {@link XMLStreamReader#close()} method.
* <p>
* The returned reader MAY implement the extension defined by
* {@link BlobReader} and any binary content will
* be reported using this extension. More precisely, if the object model contains an
* {@link OMText} instance with {@link OMText#isBinary()} returning <code>true</code> (or
* would contain such an instance after it has been fully built), then its data will always be
* exposed through this extension.
* <p>
* The caller MUST NOT make any other assumption about the returned reader, in particular about
* its runtime type.
* @param cache
* indicates if caching should be enabled
* @return an {@link XMLStreamReader} representation of this information item
XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader(boolean cache);
* Get a pull parser representation of this information item. This method is similar to
* {@link #getXMLStreamReader(boolean)}, but accepts an {@link OMXMLStreamReaderConfiguration}
* object that allows to specify additional options and to customize the behavior of the
* returned reader.
* @param cache
* indicates if caching should be enabled
* @param configuration
* additional configuration options; see the Javadoc of
* {@link OMXMLStreamReaderConfiguration} for more information about the available
* options
* @return an {@link XMLStreamReader} representation of this information item
XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader(boolean cache, OMXMLStreamReaderConfiguration configuration);
* Get a {@link SAXSource} representation for this node. This method can be used to integrate
* Axiom with APIs and third party libraries that don't support StAX. In particular it can be
* used with the {@link Transformer} API.
* <p>
* The returned object supports all events defined by {@link ContentHandler} and
* {@link LexicalHandler}. {@link DTDHandler} and {@link DeclHandler} are not supported.
* <p>
* If the node is an element and has a parent which is not a document, care is taken to properly
* generate {@link ContentHandler#startPrefixMapping(String, String)} and
* {@link ContentHandler#endPrefixMapping(String)} events also for namespace mappings declared
* on the ancestors of the element. To understand why this is important, consider the following
* example:
* <pre>&lt;root xmlns:ns="urn:ns"&gt;&lt;element attr="ns:someThing"/&gt;&lt;root&gt;</pre>
* <p>
* In that case, to correctly interpret the attribute value, the SAX content handler must be
* aware of the namespace mapping for the {@code ns} prefix, even if the serialization starts
* only at the child element.
* <p>
* No other form of namespace repairing is performed.
* @param cache
* Indicates if caching should be enabled. If set to <code>false</code>, the returned
* {@link SAXSource} may only be used once, and using it may have the side effect of
* consuming the original content of this node.
* @return a {@link SAXSource} representation of this element
SAXSource getSAXSource(boolean cache);
* Get a {@link SAXResult} object that can be used to append child nodes to this container. Note
* that existing child nodes will not be removed. In order to replace the content of the
* container, call {@link #removeChildren()} first.
* <p>
* The SAX content handler linked to the returned {@link SAXResult} supports
* {@link ContentHandler}, {@link LexicalHandler}, {@link DeclHandler} and {@link DTDHandler}.
* DTD related events are processed in the following way:
* <ul>
* <li>A {@link LexicalHandler#startDTD(String, String, String)} events will create an
* {@link OMDocType} if the container is an {@link OMDocument}. If the container is an
* {@link OMElement}, the event will be ignored silently.
* <li>Entity references are always replaced, i.e. no {@link OMEntityReference} objects are
* created for {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)} events.
* </ul>
* <p>
* Nodes created by the {@link ContentHandler} linked to the returned {@link SAXResult} will
* have the same characteristics as programmatically created nodes; in particular they will have
* no associated builder.
* @return the {@link SAXResult} object
* @see OMXMLBuilderFactory#createOMBuilder(SAXSource, boolean)
* @see OMXMLBuilderFactory#createOMBuilder(OMFactory, SAXSource, boolean)
SAXResult getSAXResult();
* Get an XOP encoded pull parser representation of this information item.
* @param cache
* indicates if caching should be enabled
* @return an XOP encoded representation of this information item
XOPEncoded<XMLStreamReader> getXOPEncodedStreamReader(boolean cache);