blob: d860ea82135a646e561d7b44ef601dc3c0e8a9f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.axiom.util.stax.dialect;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* Detects StAX dialects and normalizes factories for a given StAX implementation.
* <p>
* Note that this class internally maintains a cache of detected dialects. The overhead caused by
* invocations of methods in this class is thus small.
public class StAXDialectDetector {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StAXDialectDetector.class);
private static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE =
new Attributes.Name("Implementation-Title");
private static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR =
new Attributes.Name("Implementation-Vendor");
private static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION =
new Attributes.Name("Implementation-Version");
private static final Attributes.Name BUNDLE_SYMBOLIC_NAME =
new Attributes.Name("Bundle-SymbolicName");
private static final Attributes.Name BUNDLE_VENDOR =
new Attributes.Name("Bundle-Vendor");
private static final Attributes.Name BUNDLE_VERSION =
new Attributes.Name("Bundle-Version");
private static final JBossFactoryUnwrapper jbossXMLInputFactoryUnwrapper = JBossFactoryUnwrapper.create(XMLInputFactory.class);
private static final JBossFactoryUnwrapper jbossXMLOutputFactoryUnwrapper = JBossFactoryUnwrapper.create(XMLOutputFactory.class);
* Map that stores detected dialects by location. The location is the URL corresponding to the
* root folder of the classpath entry from which the StAX implementation is loaded. Note that
* in the case of a JAR file, this is not the URL pointing to the JAR, but a {@code jar:}
* URL that points to the root folder of the archive.
private static final Map<URL,StAXDialect> dialectByUrl =
Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<URL,StAXDialect>());
private StAXDialectDetector() {}
* Get the URL corresponding to the root folder of the classpath entry from which a given
* resource is loaded. This URL can be used to load other resources from the same classpath
* entry (JAR file or directory).
* @return the root URL or <code>null</code> if the resource can't be found or if it is not
* possible to determine the root URL
private static URL getRootUrlForResource(ClassLoader classLoader, String resource) {
if (classLoader == null) {
// A null class loader means the bootstrap class loader. In this case we use the
// system class loader. This is safe since we can assume that the system class
// loader uses parent first as delegation policy.
classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
URL url = classLoader.getResource(resource);
if (url == null) {
return null;
String file = url.getFile();
if (file.endsWith(resource)) {
try {
return new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(),
file.substring(0, file.length()-resource.length()));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
return null;
} else {
return null;
private static URL getRootUrlForClass(Class<?> cls) {
return getRootUrlForResource(cls.getClassLoader(),
cls.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class");
* Detect the dialect of a given {@link XMLInputFactory} and normalize it.
* @param factory the factory to normalize
* @return the normalized factory
* @see StAXDialect#normalize(XMLInputFactory)
public static XMLInputFactory normalize(XMLInputFactory factory) {
return getDialect(factory).normalize(factory);
* Detect the dialect of a given {@link XMLOutputFactory} and normalize it.
* @param factory the factory to normalize
* @return the normalized factory
* @see StAXDialect#normalize(XMLOutputFactory)
* @deprecated
public static XMLOutputFactory normalize(XMLOutputFactory factory) {
return getDialect(factory).normalize(factory);
* Detect the dialect of a given StAX implementation.
* <p>
* Note that to detect the StAX dialect of a given {@link XMLInputFactory} or
* {@link XMLOutputFactory} instance, it is generally preferable to use
* {@link #getDialect(XMLInputFactory)} or {@link #getDialect(XMLOutputFactory)} instead of this
* method.
* @param implementationClass
* any class that is part of the StAX implementation; typically this should be a
* {@link XMLInputFactory}, {@link XMLOutputFactory},
* {@link} or
* {@link} implementation
* @return the detected dialect
public static StAXDialect getDialect(Class<?> implementationClass) {
URL rootUrl = getRootUrlForClass(implementationClass);
if (rootUrl == null) {
log.warn("Unable to determine location of StAX implementation containing class "
+ implementationClass.getName() + "; using default dialect");
return UnknownStAXDialect.INSTANCE;
return getDialect(implementationClass.getClassLoader(), rootUrl);
* Detect the StAX dialect of a given {@link XMLInputFactory} instance.
* @param factory
* the factory instance
* @return the detected dialect
public static StAXDialect getDialect(XMLInputFactory factory) {
if (jbossXMLInputFactoryUnwrapper != null) {
factory = (XMLInputFactory)jbossXMLInputFactoryUnwrapper.unwrap(factory);
return getDialect(factory.getClass());
* Detect the StAX dialect of a given {@link XMLOutputFactory} instance.
* @param factory
* the factory instance
* @return the detected dialect
public static StAXDialect getDialect(XMLOutputFactory factory) {
if (jbossXMLOutputFactoryUnwrapper != null) {
factory = (XMLOutputFactory)jbossXMLOutputFactoryUnwrapper.unwrap(factory);
return getDialect(factory.getClass());
private static StAXDialect getDialect(ClassLoader classLoader, URL rootUrl) {
StAXDialect dialect = dialectByUrl.get(rootUrl);
if (dialect != null) {
return dialect;
} else {
dialect = detectDialect(classLoader, rootUrl);
dialectByUrl.put(rootUrl, dialect);
return dialect;
private static StAXDialect detectDialect(ClassLoader classLoader, URL rootUrl) {
StAXDialect dialect = detectDialectFromJarManifest(rootUrl);
if (dialect == null) {
// Note: We look for well defined classes instead of just checking the package name
// of the class passed to getDialect(Class) because in some parsers, the implementations
// of the StAX interfaces (factories, readers and writers) are not in the same package.
dialect = detectDialectFromClasses(classLoader, rootUrl);
if (dialect == null) {
log.warn("Unable to determine dialect of the StAX implementation at " + rootUrl);
return UnknownStAXDialect.INSTANCE;
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Detected StAX dialect: " + dialect.getName());
return dialect;
private static StAXDialect detectDialectFromJarManifest(URL rootUrl) {
if (rootUrl.getProtocol().equals("jrt")) {
// We get here for the StAX implementation in the JRE for Java 9 and above. There is no
// manifest for the runtime classes, so stop here.
return null;
Manifest manifest;
try {
URL metaInfUrl = new URL(rootUrl, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
InputStream is = metaInfUrl.openStream();
try {
manifest = new Manifest(is);
} finally {
} catch (IOException ex) {
log.warn("Unable to load manifest for StAX implementation at " + rootUrl);
return UnknownStAXDialect.INSTANCE;
Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
String title = attrs.getValue(IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE);
String symbolicName = attrs.getValue(BUNDLE_SYMBOLIC_NAME);
if (symbolicName != null) {
int i = symbolicName.indexOf(';');
if (i != -1) {
symbolicName = symbolicName.substring(0, i);
String vendor = attrs.getValue(IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR);
if (vendor == null) {
vendor = attrs.getValue(BUNDLE_VENDOR);
String versionString = attrs.getValue(IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION);
if (versionString == null) {
versionString = attrs.getValue(BUNDLE_VERSION);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("StAX implementation at " + rootUrl + " is:\n" +
" Title: " + title + "\n" +
" Symbolic name: " + symbolicName + "\n" +
" Vendor: " + vendor + "\n" +
" Version: " + versionString);
if (title != null && title.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("woodstox")) {
Version version = new Version(versionString);
switch (version.getComponent(0)) {
case 3:
return Woodstox3Dialect.INSTANCE;
case 4:
return new Woodstox4Dialect(version.getComponent(1) == 0 && version.getComponent(2) < 11
|| version.getComponent(1) == 1 && version.getComponent(2) < 3);
case 5:
case 6:
return new Woodstox4Dialect(false);
return null;
} else if (title != null && title.indexOf("SJSXP") != -1) {
return new SJSXPDialect(false);
} else if ("com.bea.core.weblogic.stax".equals(symbolicName)) {
// Weblogic's StAX implementation doesn't support CDATA section reporting and there are
// a couple of additional test cases (with respect to BEA's reference implementation)
// that fail.
log.warn("Weblogic's StAX implementation is unsupported and some Axiom features will not work " +
"as expected! Please use Woodstox instead.");
// This is the best match we can return in this case.
return BEADialect.INSTANCE;
} else if ("BEA".equals(vendor)) {
return BEADialect.INSTANCE;
} else if ("".equals(symbolicName)) {
return XLXP2Dialect.INSTANCE;
} else {
return null;
private static Class<?> loadClass(ClassLoader classLoader, URL rootUrl, String name) {
try {
if (classLoader == null) {
classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
Class<?> cls = classLoader.loadClass(name);
// Cross check if the class was loaded from the same location (JAR)
return rootUrl.equals(getRootUrlForClass(cls)) ? cls : null;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
return null;
private static StAXDialect detectDialectFromClasses(ClassLoader classLoader, URL rootUrl) {
Class<?> cls;
// Try Sun's implementation found in JREs
cls = loadClass(classLoader, rootUrl, "");
if (cls != null) {
// Some JREs (such as IBM Java 1.7) include
// for compatibility (in which case it extends the XMLOutputFactory implementation from
// another StAX implementation, e.g. XLXP). Detect this situation by checking the superclass.
Class<?> superClass = cls.getSuperclass();
if (superClass == XMLOutputFactory.class || superClass.getName().startsWith("com.sun.")) {
// Check if the implementation has the bug fixed here:
boolean isUnsafeStreamResult;
try {
isUnsafeStreamResult = true;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
isUnsafeStreamResult = false;
return new SJSXPDialect(isUnsafeStreamResult);
// Try IBM's XL XP-J
cls = loadClass(classLoader, rootUrl, "");
if (cls != null) {
return new XLXP1Dialect();
cls = loadClass(classLoader, rootUrl, "");
if (cls != null) {
return new XLXP2Dialect();
return null;