blob: 116e86c5df29f63049816379fd80211b408a67d5 [file] [log] [blame]
This directory contains widget sourcecode and build files.
Create a widget
To create a widget:
ant seed-widget
This is an interactive target that will ask you a number of questions
about the widget you wish to create. The first question asks for a
short name for your widget. This short name is used as the name of the
widget directory and other key widget. For the rest of this document
WIDGET_SHORTNAME will refer to your response to this question.
Once the target has completed your widget skeleton will be available in
a directory called WIDGET_SHORTNAME.
The default widget will provide a very basic widget with default style
resource and javascript files.
Build a Widget
ant build-widget
You will be asked for the name of the widget you wish to build. this name should be the
name of the folder containing the widget.
Your widget package will be created in the widgets/build directory.
Deploy a widget
To deploy a widget to a running widget server use:
ant deploy-widget
You will be asked for the name of the widget you wish to build. this name should be the
name of the folder containing the widget.