blob: bca3941a39b3d44026c24c0f39cb9d43a3111476 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Wookie Release Notes
See* (where * is the number of the issue below)
Version 0.9.0
Bugs Fixed
* [WOOKIE-9] - Return Widget types in all Widget representations
* [WOOKIE-10] - Add methods to API for getting list of widgets by type
* [WOOKIE-37] - Make wookie to conform to W3C Widgets API
* [WOOKIE-92] - Add Locale parameter for requesting a widget instance
* [WOOKIE-94] - Add filter to enable folder-based localization
* [WOOKIE-95] - Update documentation on use of Locale parameters
* [WOOKIE-96] - Ensure all start files have JS injected
* [WOOKIE-97] - Recode default widgets to use W3C localization model, and remove old localization shared JS
* [WOOKIE-122] - Create an admin user interface to review, grant and revoke widget access requests
* [WOOKIE-13] - java.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!
* [WOOKIE-21] - Website sync script
* [WOOKIE-23] - Invalid web.xml files
* [WOOKIE-25] - Reporting failed API request as success
* [WOOKIE-40] - Website Sync not working
* [WOOKIE-42] - Wookie rewrites HTML start file incorrectly when injecting JavaScript, where there are self-closing script tags
* [WOOKIE-43] - SQL script incorrectly configures server features
* [WOOKIE-45] - Wookie does not seem to support .html as start files?
* [WOOKIE-47] - add required properties to and add docs to readme
* [WOOKIE-48] - W3C Widgets conformance: incorrect processing of height/width attributes
* [WOOKIE-49] - Error in algorithm for determining the start page for a widget
* [WOOKIE-53] - Eclipse .classpath configuration uses hardcoded local user path for ivysettings.xml and is missing classpath references to a few additionally required jars
* [WOOKIE-54] - W3C Widgets conformance: incorrect processing of whitespace and localized elements
* [WOOKIE-55] - W3C Widgets conformance: does not support Short name attribute
* [WOOKIE-56] - W3C Widgets conformance: does not correctly handle language-localized elements
* [WOOKIE-58] - W3C Widgets conformance: problems processing icons
* [WOOKIE-59] - W3C Widgets conformance: problems processing preferences
* [WOOKIE-60] - W3C Widgets conformance: need to fix default identifiers to support valid IRIs
* [WOOKIE-61] - W3C Widgets conformance: problems processing content elements with inner tags
* [WOOKIE-62] - W3C Widgets conformance: treat widget as invalid if it requires an unsupported feature
* [WOOKIE-63] - HibernateException: flush is not valid without active transaction
* [WOOKIE-64] - Wookie rewrites HTML start file incorrectly when injecting JavaScript: incorrectly encodes inline scripts
* [WOOKIE-77] - W3C Widgets conformance: feature name must be a valid IRI
* [WOOKIE-78] - W3C Widgets conformance: author href must be a valid URL
* [WOOKIE-79] - W3C Widgets conformance: language tags should be verified
* [WOOKIE-82] - WARN C3P0ConnectionProvider messages at server runtim
* [WOOKIE-83] - Improvements to widget template
* [WOOKIE-84] - Remove injected script tags from widget source
* [WOOKIE-101] - Binary files are filtered when seeding a widget
* [WOOKIE-102] - Javascript can be broken on reformatting
* [WOOKIE-105] - Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
* [WOOKIE-106] - Buildbot gives warnings when running 'ant'
* [WOOKIE-107] - warnings when running 'ant compile test'
* [WOOKIE-108] - incorrectly named jar when running 'ant jar'
* [WOOKIE-109] - Build Failure for 'ant publish-local'
* [WOOKIE-113] - Wookie reordering script tags
* [WOOKIE-118] - GET and POST request broken (jQuery + Widget.proxify)
* [WOOKIE-120] - Testinstallation jetty fails on start on case sensitve Operationg systems
* [WOOKIE-123] - DELETE {wookie}/properties creates property with NULL value
* [WOOKIE-124] - Error when starting development server: cannot run due to initialisation problem
* [WOOKIE-129] - Ant task 'stopserver' does not stop the server
* [WOOKIE-136] - Demo of any widget returns 401
* [WOOKIE-145] - JPA error when Widget sets preference values
* [WOOKIE-148] - Posting XML in the body of a text/xml HTTP request through the proxy fails
* [WOOKIE-157] - Redirected error page has bad links
* [WOOKIE-158] - Butterfly widget causes javascript error alert in IE8
* [WOOKIE-159] - Old 'basic chat widget' not updating online users when user navigates away from page
* [WOOKIE-160] - Forum widget lists user who posted message as 'No matching key found'
* [WOOKIE-161] - Missing icon in natter widget for user
* [WOOKIE-162] - Sharedraw widget has JS errors in IE8
* [WOOKIE-163] - Simple chat - typed in messages are being lost
* [WOOKIE-164] - Original 'Vote' widget not working
* [WOOKIE-165] - Camera widget causes js errors in IE8
* [WOOKIE-166] - Geolocation widget causes JS errors in IE8
* [WOOKIE-168] - Cannot remove widget from wookie after it has become an instance.
* [WOOKIE-171] - There is a suspected problem with the way the id handler of the manifest parser is managing odd characters
* [WOOKIE-195] - Source and Binary distribution need a few more disclaimers and notices
* [WOOKIE-196] - initDB = True in distribution files
* [WOOKIE-197] - readme for WAR is incomplete
* [WOOKIE-198] - Standalone binary distribution does not mention 3rd party license library licenses
* [WOOKIE-199] - Unnecessary build directories being created
* [WOOKIE-200] - Source distribution is missing MIT license for JQuery
* [WOOKIE-202] - Release candidate includes snapshot Jars
* [WOOKIE-24] - Javadocs still refer to old package names
* [WOOKIE-26] - Standalone version of Wookie for development
* [WOOKIE-28] - Preview widgets within server application
* [WOOKIE-39] - Allow deployment specific properties
* [WOOKIE-41] - Enable local configuration of the email server
* [WOOKIE-50] - Creation and management of widgets
* [WOOKIE-51] - Remove binary widget packages from core server source
* [WOOKIE-57] - Use commons-io to replace file util methods
* [WOOKIE-69] - deploy-webbapp creates unnecessary interim lib directory
* [WOOKIE-70] - Inform the user when an a widget fails to be deployed using hot-deploy
* [WOOKIE-72] - Don't silently swallow exceptions
* [WOOKIE-73] - localisation messages are meaningless
* [WOOKIE-86] - Configure standalone port
* [WOOKIE-87] - Widget template improvements
* [WOOKIE-88] - "Friendly" error message to recommend clean-db?
* [WOOKIE-91] - Deploy a widget to a running server
* [WOOKIE-116] - POST and Basic Auth through proxy
* [WOOKIE-125] - Updated PHP framework
* [WOOKIE-128] - PHP framework patch
* [WOOKIE-130] - Run diagnostic tests on server when starting up
* [WOOKIE-135] - Wigets locale changing
* [WOOKIE-137] - In CSharp connector all reference to maximize should be removed.
* [WOOKIE-138] - Widgets are not ordered when viewing widget gallery
* [WOOKIE-144] - Pluggable Persistence Component
* [WOOKIE-153] - Minimal chat widget
New Features
* [WOOKIE-33] - testing issues for review subscription
* [WOOKIE-85] - Implement W3C Widget Access Request Policy (WARP) specification
* [WOOKIE-99] - Dynamic deployment of Features
* [WOOKIE-121] - PHP Connector framework
* [WOOKIE-126] - C# Inital framework
* [WOOKIE-127] - Python inital framework
* [WOOKIE-143] - ActionScript 3.0 / Flex Connector
Known Issues
* [WOOKIE-152] - There is a known issue when using Ant version 1.8.x to build and run Wookie;
you should instead use version 1.7.1. To check which version of ant you are using,
type ant -version.
* [WOOKIE-222] - There is a known issue when using Tomcat 7.* with Wookie. Sometimes when a widget is actually
loaded, a browser alert box sometimes appears informing the user of a "Session Error".
A workaround for this is to add the following to the WEB-INF/web.xml file
This is an issue for Tomcat 7.* only. Previous versions do not appear to have this issue.