blob: 8e43fe5f15ce28100f9a3eff2df15e2e15bc3920 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Wookie Release Notes
See* (where * is the number of the issue below)
For more detailed information on significant changes, see NEW_AND_NOTEWORTHY
Version 0.9.1
Bugs Fixed
* WOOKIE-14 - juel.jar - java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving interface method
* WOOKIE-17 - Embedding Wookie Widget in Flex/Flash based Rich Internet Application
* WOOKIE-71 - No services listed on default install
* WOOKIE-80 - W3C Widgets conformance: check content type of icons
* WOOKIE-90 - JQuery document ready function not working
* WOOKIE-114 - Ant 1.8 build error on Windows
* WOOKIE-119 - Author info does not support bidirectional text
* WOOKIE-151 - Numeric keys for preferences result in Parse Error in Safari
* WOOKIE-152 - Problem building Wookie using Ant 1.8 (was: Build paths doubling up Windows XP SP3 & 7)
* WOOKIE-156 - API Test widget causes DB errors when opened in two browsers at the same time
* WOOKIE-169 - Request API Key Form Problem
* WOOKIE-175 - Version attribute is not BIDI-compliant
* WOOKIE-178 - Result of widget.getWidgetTitle() can sometimes contain html span tags which may upset javascript code in jsps
* WOOKIE-183 - JQuery Mobile doesn't work on IE workaround necessary
* WOOKIE-186 - Settings widget template not in build file
* WOOKIE-187 - Don't create local.*.properties files automatically
* WOOKIE-191 - Images missing from JQuery Mobile widgets
* WOOKIE-192 - web.xml violates schema contraints
* WOOKIE-193 - Eclipse .classpath file contains mac specific java settings
* WOOKIE-194 - shouldn't be able to add a widget if Shindig is not deployed
* WOOKIE-204 - Widget metadata values are being returned using styled i18n content rather than encoded
* WOOKIE-206 - SharedDataKey not kept unique internally
* WOOKIE-217 - HtmlCleaner appends rather than overrides charset and content-type information
* WOOKIE-221 - has two 'run.args="port=8080"' entries
* WOOKIE-222 - "Session Error" dialog for each widget appears in tomcat 7 (using the WAR build)
* WOOKIE-230 - Features are loaded from the wrong location
* WOOKIE-236 - HTMLCleaner removes doctype from pages which causes IE 9 problems
* WOOKIE-240 - Connector framework tests fail - wrong number of users
* WOOKIE-243 - Shared data/widget instances issue when migrating to 0.9.1
* WOOKIE-247 - Parser POM declares all dependencies as "optional"
* WOOKIE-252 - Freeder widget has bug in IE
* WOOKIE-254 - JQuery mobile lib ( throws errors in IE9 when widget is loaded into an iframe in wookies gallery
* WOOKIE-256 - Flatpack export fails on existing 0.9.0 widgets under tomcat once you have upgraded wookie from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1
* WOOKIE-259 - uploading a widget file causes java.lang.NullPointerException
* WOOKIE-8 - Categories for widgets
* WOOKIE-18 - Write Plugin developers guide
* WOOKIE-34 - Accept/reject REST API proposal for getting/creating widgets
* WOOKIE-52 - Improve integration with Shindig
* WOOKIE-65 - Refactored comet notifications with sibling-instance scope
* WOOKIE-67 - Implement localization of widgets on per-instance basis
* WOOKIE-93 - Implementing charset selection for start files
* WOOKIE-110 - Implement reset() method of Wave Gadget API
* WOOKIE-147 - Implement tests for text directionality
* WOOKIE-170 - Update Shindig integration to support Shindig 2.0.0
* WOOKIE-174 - Complete user thumbnail handling in connection framework
* WOOKIE-190 - Making required Ant version more apparent
* WOOKIE-208 - Add REST API for API Key management
* WOOKIE-209 - Add support for registering OpenSocial gadgets to the Widget admin API
* WOOKIE-210 - Refactor Feature loading and enable runtime inclusion
* WOOKIE-211 - Implement defaultlocale attribute
* WOOKIE-220 - Update JQueryMobile Feature to use latest patched version
* WOOKIE-225 - Refactor Widget API impl to separate standard W3C API and Wookie-specific extensions
* WOOKIE-233 - readme.txt and README files in the trunk
* WOOKIE-248 - Update HTMLCleaner to 2.2
* WOOKIE-250 - Improve license files
* WOOKIE-255 - Change file names to not include version numbers in features
* WOOKIE-257 - Remove JUnit dependency for binary releases
* WOOKIE-283 - Logging into admin interface inteferes with API calls
New Features
* WOOKIE-98 - Widget upload
* WOOKIE-111 - Enable support for virtual hosts
* WOOKIE-182 - Flatpack: Allow exporting of Widgets including instance information.
* WOOKIE-207 - Ensure all administrative tasks can be carried out using REST API
* WOOKIE-237 - Data migration script for 0.9.0 -> 0.9.1
* WOOKIE-215 - Deprecate "services"
Known Issues
* WOOKIE-222 - There is a known issue when using Tomcat 7.* with Wookie. Sometimes when a widget is actually
loaded, a browser alert box sometimes appears informing the user of a "Session Error".
This is caused by the DWR library used by Wookie for Comet-based widgets handling HTTP-only cookies incorrectly;
Tomcat 7 uses HTTP-only cookies as the default setting to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
A workaround is to add the following to the WEB-INF/web.xml file
Note that XSS prevention will still be in place in Tomcat 7; this just disables the additional mechanism
implemented in DWR that conflicts with it.
This is an issue for DWR 2.* with Tomcat 7.* (or earlier versions of Tomcat where useHttpOnly="true" is set.)