blob: 181d72b597702a5d58400922a825f9df946b9ac0 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Wookie Release Notes
See* (where * is the number of the issue below)
For more detailed information on significant changes, see NEW_AND_NOTEWORTHY
Version 0.12.0
Bugs Fixed
* WOOKIE-359 - Widget.preferences.setItem donยดt work if widget contains an iframe with a remote src
* WOOKIE-325 - Add a "validate package" feature to the Wookie rest API
* WOOKIE-357 - Improved documentation to get started with the released war
New Features
* WOOKIE-139 Implement the W3C XML Digital Signatures for Widgets specification in Wookie
* WOOKIE-362 Allow Wookie to broadcast update status once a new widget is imported
Known Issues
* WOOKIE-222 - There is a known issue when using Tomcat 7.* with Wookie. Sometimes when a widget is actually
loaded, a browser alert box sometimes appears informing the user of a "Session Error".
This is caused by the DWR library used by Wookie for Comet-based widgets handling HTTP-only cookies incorrectly;
Tomcat 7 uses HTTP-only cookies as the default setting to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
A workaround is to add the following to the WEB-INF/web.xml file
Note that XSS prevention will still be in place in Tomcat 7; this just disables the additional mechanism
implemented in DWR that conflicts with it.
This is an issue for DWR 2.* with Tomcat 7.* (or earlier versions of Tomcat where useHttpOnly="true" is set.)