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<h2>Latest Apache Wink News</h2>
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2013-04-12 - Apache Wink 1.3.0 released.</br>
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2012-12-19 - Apache Wink graduates as an Apache Top Level Project.
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2012-08-21 - Apache Wink 1.2.1 released.</br>
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2012-05-21 - Wink 1.2.0 released.</br>
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2011-05-09 - Apache Wink 1.1.3 released.</br>
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2010-11-15 - Apache Wink 1.1.2 released.</br>
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2010-07-07 - Apache Wink 1.1.1 released.</br>
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2010-05-14 - Apache Wink 1.1 released.</br>
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2009-11-09 - Apache Wink 1.0 released.</br>
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2009-08-26 - Apache Wink 0.1 released.</br>
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009-07-01 - Apache Wink is JAX-RS 1.0 compliant.
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2009-05-27 - Apache Wink enters incubation.
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