blob: 096fa91c46a6dd06a772a5f485d19514f45df632 [file] [log] [blame]
This file contains all changes done on the 1.4 version.
Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M1
Bug WICKET-2021 "When a form is not valid, the textfields become with ""raw input"" and can't change its model on subsequent requests"
Bug WICKET-2298 Style and variant resolution is broken
Bug WICKET-825 web browser displays empty page when WebPage mounted with HybridUrlCodingStrategy
Bug WICKET-2372 Include component does not handle UTF-8 content correctly
Bug WICKET-1343 HybridUrlCodingStrategy and StatelessForm ( or StatelessLink ) results in invalid parameter encoding
Bug WICKET-2386 JavaDoc: Some JavDoc examples still refer to WicketServlet
Bug WICKET-2396 DateField.newDateTextField's parameters should be generified
Bug WICKET-2470 Building ThreadTest fails in trunk
Bug WICKET-2558 FilterToolbar fails to render in 1.5-SS
Bug WICKET-2544 Generified TabbedPanel constructor is too much inflexible
Bug WICKET-2499 "in wicket 1.5, rename 1.4-SNAPSHOT to 1.5-SNAPSHOT"
Bug WICKET-2569 Inheritance layout excludes XML header from output
Bug WICKET-713 AbstractAjaxBehavior can not be reused.
Bug WICKET-2839 ajax not working due to bugs in resource handling
Bug WICKET-2636 Wicket enclosure cannot find wicket container children when hidden and in an extended page
Bug WICKET-2812 Textarea ignores first line in case of blank line
Bug WICKET-2956 WebApplication.onSessionDestroyed no longer invoked by anybody
Bug WICKET-2426 """Couldn't resolve model type of Model"" for PasswordTextField"
Bug WICKET-1029 Get Invalid Content-Length header returned by TCP junction server
Bug WICKET-153 FormElement cookies not set when called using AJAX
Bug WICKET-1140 Adding WebPage.html after viewing it once requires restart of servlet container for updates in developer mode.
Improvement WICKET-96 Mechanism for extensible JS-contributing behaviors
Improvement WICKET-1591 let BrowserInfoPage be customizable / extendable
Improvement WICKET-2213 Remove FormComponent persistence
Improvement WICKET-2280 Remove IComponentBorder in favor of IBehavior
Improvement WICKET-2403 org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree.WicketTreeModel should have a constructor taking a TreeModel
Improvement WICKET-2571** Resource related classes don't take 'variation' into account
Improvement WICKET-2820 change the Checkbox's onSelectionChanged to have a Boolean as the new selection
Improvement WICKET-2924 Duplicated method implementation setDefaultFormProcessing for AbstarctSubmitLink and Button.
Improvement WICKET-1238 Improve markup localization to support ajax rendering of dynamically generated components
Improvement WICKET-1530 Mount resources by locale
Improvement WICKET-2535 Improve consistency of ParseException error messages
Improvement WICKET-2588 ExternalLink to take IModel<?> instead of IModel<String> for label
Improvement WICKET-2612 create abstraction for content types
Improvement WICKET-2398 AjaxFormSubmitBehavior cannot be applied to Form
Improvement WICKET-2356 component report more informative message on error loading model object
Improvement WICKET-2409 "Widen type-constraint on TextTemplate.interpolate(Map<String, Object> variables)"
Improvement WICKET-2408 AjaxEditableLabel: allow starting edit programmatically
Improvement WICKET-2450 Performance of ThumbnailImageResource
Improvement WICKET-2238 Keep auto-components after rendering
Improvement WICKET-2365 "Please support ""autowire-candidate"" attribute of a bean when injecting via @SpringBean"
Improvement WICKET-2319 Performance of ThumbnailImageResource
Improvement WICKET-2447 AjaxEditableLabel: newPanel - use Component instead of WebComponent for easier subclassing
Improvement WICKET-2421 DefaultCssAutocompleteTextField should be renamed
Improvement WICKET-2574 Fix some TODOs in 1.5-SNAPSHOT
Improvement WICKET-2009 Update Quickstart to use archetype:generate goal instead of archetype:create
New Feature WICKET-617 Optimize JavaScript and CSS downloads
New Feature WICKET-2953 Implement page versioning in Wicket 1.5
New Feature WICKET-1261 New validator: validating range boundaries
Sub-task WICKET-2494 "WICKET-1853 Outside form components problem"
Test WICKET-2758 Patches for tests in trunk
Wish WICKET-2543 AjaxRequestTarget#addComponent method using varargs
Wish WICKET-1511 Control BookmarkablePageLink Parameter's order
Wish WICKET-1937 Enclosure with fallback section