blob: b7c750b016003c6cadab322af4ca483300efb87e [file] [log] [blame]
Wicket is available as a binary package on the main site[] . Inside this archive we can find the distribution jars of the framework. Each jar corresponds to a sub-module of the framework. The following table reports these modules along with a short description of their purpose and with the related dependencies:
| *Module's name* | *Description* | *Dependencies*
| wicket-core | Contains the main classes of the framework, like class _Component_ and _Application_. | wicket-request, wicket-util
| wicket-request | This module contains the classes involved into web request processing. | wicket-util
| wicket-util | Contains general-purpose utility classes for functional areas such as I/O, lang, string manipulation, security, etc... | None
| wicket-bean-validation | Provides support for JSR 303 standard validation. | wicket-core
| wicket-devutils | Contains utility classes and components to help developers with tasks such as debugging, class inspection and so on. | wicket-core, wicket-extensions
|wicket-extensions | Contains a vast set of built-in components to build a rich UI for our web application (Ajax support is part of this module). | wicket-core
|wicket-auth-roles | Provides support for role-based authorization. | wicket-core
|wicket-ioc | This module provides common classes to support Inversion Of Control. It's used by both Spring and Guice integration module. | wicket-core
|wicket-guice | This module provides integration with the dependency injection framework developed by Google. | wicket-core, wicket-ioc
|wicket-spring | This module provides integration with Spring framework. | wicket-core, wicket-ioc
|wicket-velocity | This module provides panels and utility class to integrate Wicket with Velocity template engine. | wicket-core
|wicket-jmx| This module provides panels and utility class to integrate Wicket with Java Management Extensions. | wicket-core
|wicket-objectsizeof-agent | Provides integration with Java agent libraries and instrumentation tools. | wicket-core
Please note that the core module depends on the utility and request modules, hence it cannot be used without them.