blob: 51917e3b60283e5d4305627fbc2035a5ff0e8d14 [file] [log] [blame]
This file contains all changes done in releases for Apache Wicket 8.x.
Release Notes - Wicket - Version 8.0.0-M3
** Bug
* [WICKET-6041] - Nested forms / parent FormComponents do not reflect updated model when nested form submitted
* [WICKET-6256] - 8.0.0-M1 <wicket:link> MarkupNotFoundException
* [WICKET-6257] - Page instance isn't mapped to an URL just after the 'cid' parameter is add
* [WICKET-6262] - IllegalArgumentException: Argument 'filterPrefix' may not be null or empty with WebSocketBehavior
* [WICKET-6267] - Native Websocket exception when the page is expired
* [WICKET-6270] - No upload is seen as empty upload after WICKET-6210
* [WICKET-6277] - Broadcasting ClosedMessage about the JSR 356 WebSocket connection after the container was turned off
* [WICKET-6279] - AttributeModifier.VALUELESS_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE does not work after deserialisation
* [WICKET-6283] - Page parameter equality should not depend on named parameters order
* [WICKET-6285] - NoRecordsToolbar should override onConfigure rather than isVisible
* [WICKET-6289] - Autolinking adds onclick attribute to <img> tags
* [WICKET-6290] - CssUrlReplacer doesn't understand data: urls and breaks them
* [WICKET-6292] - Button.onSubmit not called for multipart requests
* [WICKET-6296] - Not possible to add WebSocketBehavior in ajax request
* [WICKET-6298] - Markup not found for Component id =_header_ and WICKET-6231, regression ?
** Improvement
* [WICKET-5920] - roll a version of ListDataProvider implementing ISortableDetachable model
* [WICKET-6056] - Improvements to browser info gathering implementation
* [WICKET-6258] - Repeater example page show the back button with the enable link style when disabled
* [WICKET-6260] - Revert Ajax detection needed for character encoding to WebRequest.isAjax()
* [WICKET-6261] - CheckGroupSelector default selection state incorrect when the list of Checks is empty
* [WICKET-6263] - Fix JavaScript tests to pass with jQuery 2.x. and 3.x
* [WICKET-6264] - Form: improve error message for disabled/invisible IFormSubmittingComponent
* [WICKET-6269] - Use jdk-serializable-functional voor Serializable functional interfaces
* [WICKET-6271] - IRequestableComponent getPage() javaDoc and Component implementation mismatch
* [WICKET-6274] - Add origin header to ajax requests in BaseWicketTester
* [WICKET-6276] - Reduce memory footprint for LambdaModel
* [WICKET-6281] - Listener interfaces' methods should use empty default methods for friendlier extension
* [WICKET-6282] - Make native web socket message classes serializable
* [WICKET-6284] - Introduce lambda-enhanced factory method in ResourceReference
* [WICKET-6293] - Behavior#onTag() should pass the Component as well
* [WICKET-6297] - Add wicket:label tag in wicket.xsd
** New Feature
* [WICKET-6275] - Stream support for MarkupContainer
** Task
* [WICKET-6287] - Switch from to open-json
Release Notes - Wicket - Version 8.0.0-M1
** Bug
* [WICKET-5836] - Update the version of clirr-maven-plugin (current 2.6.1)
* [WICKET-5993] - AjaxButton - image is not shown even though type="image" is in html-template
* [WICKET-5994] - Mounted TemplateResourceReference throws org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when https is used
* [WICKET-5995] - "Range" header parsing is broken
* [WICKET-5996] - Mounted packages throw IllegalArgumentException when visiting base package url.
* [WICKET-5997] - Compatibility problem with Websphere liberty profile
* [WICKET-5999] - AjaxFormValidatingBehavior not updates initially hidden feedback component
* [WICKET-6001] - Exception raised while refreshing a page with queued components missing in the markup
* [WICKET-6002] - FileUploadField makes form-component models become null on submit
* [WICKET-6005] - WicketRuntimeException from AjaxPagingNavigator#onAjaxEvent
* [WICKET-6006] - ModalWindow.closeCurrent() causes 414 status error
* [WICKET-6007] - PageableListView constructor argument and set/getItemsPerPage are inconsistent
* [WICKET-6010] - Downloading filenames containing ',' or ';' gives problems
* [WICKET-6011] - NPE in case DebugBar is added to AjaxRequestTarget
* [WICKET-6013] - CLONE - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder wicketOrder[Up|Down|None] class missing in 7.1.0
* [WICKET-6014] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer breaks OnChangeAjaxBehavior for Select2
* [WICKET-6017] - Tests fail when executed with not expected locale
* [WICKET-6018] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer is not really "transparent"
* [WICKET-6020] - GuiceFieldValueFactory returns the NULL_SENTINEL from the cache
* [WICKET-6021] - ConcurrentModificationException in MarkupContainer#iterator#next
* [WICKET-6024] - Possible issue with Border and LoadableDetachableModel in 7.1.0
* [WICKET-6026] - Problem in detecting child id on nested <wicket:enclosure>
* [WICKET-6027] - Nested TransparentWebMarkupContainer, markup of inner component not found
* [WICKET-6028] - Detach called on enclosure component while it had a non-empty queue
* [WICKET-6031] - NPE in PackageResourceReference#getResource() when there is no request
* [WICKET-6032] - Wicket.Ajax.done() called twice on redirect
* [WICKET-6036] - Failure to process markup with nested tags inside a Label
* [WICKET-6037] - ModalWindow vulnerable to Javascript injection through title model
* [WICKET-6041] - Nested forms / parent FormComponents do not reflect updated model when nested form submitted
* [WICKET-6043] - Cannot set wicket:enclosure on queued component in ListView
* [WICKET-6044] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior: Duplicate input values according to WICKET-5948
* [WICKET-6045] - ListView NullPointerException when viewSize is set explicitly
* [WICKET-6048] - German Translation for EqualInputValidator wrong
* [WICKET-6050] - Wicket Ajax (Wicket.From.serializeElement) causes 400 bad request
* [WICKET-6052] - CSS header contribution overlap
* [WICKET-6058] - Error in calculation of byte ranges
* [WICKET-6059] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer can not resolve autocomponents in its parent
* [WICKET-6062] - MockHttpSession should renew its id after invalidation
* [WICKET-6063] - Add support for WebSocketRequest#getUrl() and other properties which are available in the handshake request
* [WICKET-6064] - WebSocketResponse.sendRedirect could be supported with <ajax-response><redirect>...</></>
* [WICKET-6065] - Calling generate Internal error
* [WICKET-6068] - The key RangeValidator.exact is not mapped in
* [WICKET-6069] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior does not work if the url contains a request parameter with same name as wicket id
* [WICKET-6076] - Problem with queued components and enclosure
* [WICKET-6078] - Problem with queued components and auto linking
* [WICKET-6079] - Problem with queued components and label
* [WICKET-6080] - Encapsulation of 3 enclosures leads to WicketRuntimeException
* [WICKET-6084] - ajax request failure handler receives incorrect arguments
* [WICKET-6085] - AjaxTimerBehavior with failure handler cause memory leak in browser
* [WICKET-6087] - Invalid AbstractRequestWrapperFactory.needsWrapper method scope: package - cannot create a custom implementation
* [WICKET-6088] - Problem with queued components and setting the model
* [WICKET-6091] - NPE in RequestLoggerRequestCycleListener when using native-websockets
* [WICKET-6094] - Find adequate ResourceReference with mount parameters
* [WICKET-6097] - JsonRequestLogger --> JsonMappingException --> StackOverflowError Infinite recursion
* [WICKET-6102] - StackoverflowError related to enclosures
* [WICKET-6108] - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors
* [WICKET-6109] - Enclosure - "IllegalArgumentException: Argument 'markup' may not be null" after app restart
* [WICKET-6111] - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown
* [WICKET-6116] - Exception 'A child already exists' when backing to a page with some markups in a Border
* [WICKET-6129] - IRequestCycleListener not notified of all executed handlers
* [WICKET-6131] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl
* [WICKET-6133] - Failing test SpringBeanWithGenericsTest in SNAPSHOT
* [WICKET-6134] - NPE when using ListView with missing markup
* [WICKET-6135] - There is no good way to get POST body content
* [WICKET-6139] - AjaxButton forces rendering type="button"
* [WICKET-6141] - Runtime Exception rendering ComponentTag with RelativePathPrefixHandler
* [WICKET-6151] - DebugBar/PageSizeDebugPanel throws NullPointerException (need wrapper exception with more detail)
* [WICKET-6154] - Performance bottleneck when using KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory
* [WICKET-6155] - Newline in ModalWindow title
* [WICKET-6157] - WicketTester and application servers are destroying app differently
* [WICKET-6160] - Missing type for MediaComponent causing iOS devices not to be able to play videos
* [WICKET-6161] - SecuritySettings.setEnforceMounts() should be applicable for all kind of pages
* [WICKET-6162] - Reload leads to unexpected RuntimeException 'Unable to find component with id'
* [WICKET-6169] - NullPointerException accessing AbstractRequestLogger.getLiveSessions
* [WICKET-6170] - Wrong requestmapper used for cache decorated resources
* [WICKET-6171] - Problem with nested dialog with multipart form
* [WICKET-6172] - Inconsistent results from getTag[s]ByWicketId
* [WICKET-6173] - WICKET-6172 makes TagTester.createTagsByAttribute stop working
* [WICKET-6174] - Browser/Client info navigatorJavaEnabled property returns undefined
* [WICKET-6175] - Aautocomplete suggestion window is not closing in IE11
* [WICKET-6180] - JMX Initializer's usage of CGLIB makes it impossible to upgrade to CGLIB 3.2.3
* [WICKET-6185] - Border body not reachable for visitors
* [WICKET-6187] - Enclosures rendered twice in derived component
* [WICKET-6191] - AjaxTimerBehavior will stop after ajax update of component it is attached to
** Improvement
* [WICKET-5866] - Reconsider generics of IConverterLocator#getConverter()
* [WICKET-5920] - roll a version of ListDataProvider implementing ISortableDetachable model
* [WICKET-5950] - Model and GenericBaseModel could both implement IObjectClassAwareModel
* [WICKET-5969] - Please give us access to PageTable.index pageId queue
* [WICKET-5986] - NumberTextField<N> should use Models for minimum, maximum and step
* [WICKET-6015] - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder/Link should support updateAjaxAttributes() idiom
* [WICKET-6019] - Remove 'final' modifier for Localizer#getStringIgnoreSettings() methods
* [WICKET-6023] - small tweak for component queuing for the AbstractRepeater
* [WICKET-6029] - Make Border's methods consistent with commit f14e03f
* [WICKET-6046] - Wicket Quickstart Example Application shows deployment memory leak in Tomcat
* [WICKET-6051] - Improve performance of CssUrlReplacer
* [WICKET-6053] - Allow to reuse the same application instance in several tests
* [WICKET-6054] - Provide a factory method for the WebSocketResponse & WebSocketRequest
* [WICKET-6060] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IProvider
* [WICKET-6061] - Improved PackageResource#getCacheKey
* [WICKET-6070] - Provide factory methods for WizardButtonBar buttons
* [WICKET-6072] - Improve the quickstart to make it easier to use JSR-356 web sockets
* [WICKET-6081] - Add "assertNotRequired" to the WicketTester
* [WICKET-6098] - Add logging to HttpSessionDataStore
* [WICKET-6100] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12.3/2.2.3
* [WICKET-6103] - Synchronization on JSR 356 connection
* [WICKET-6104] - Rework AjaxFallback** components to use java.util.Optional for their #onEvent methods
* [WICKET-6106] - Propagate JSR 356 WebSocket connection error to a page
* [WICKET-6107] - Broadcast onClose event regardless of the JSR 356 WebSocket connection closed state
* [WICKET-6110] - Add a message to StalePageException for better debugging
* [WICKET-6113] - Improve ResourceStreamResource API by passing Attributes to #getResourceStream()
* [WICKET-6114] - FormComponentPanel#clearInput() should delegate to its FormComponent children
* [WICKET-6115] - Provide default implementation of IDetachable#detach() in IModel
* [WICKET-6117] - Make IGenericComponent a mixin/trait so it could be easily reused in custom components
* [WICKET-6118] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IContextProvider
* [WICKET-6122] - Add .map to the list of allowed file extensions in SecurePackageResourceGuard
* [WICKET-6123] - Remove 'abstract' from ChainingModel
* [WICKET-6127] - Add metrics for request duration
* [WICKET-6128] - Add metrics for currently active sessions
* [WICKET-6130] - Make it easier to override parts of SystemMapper
* [WICKET-6132] - AbstractChoice#getChoices() should be final
* [WICKET-6137] - ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler simplification
* [WICKET-6140] - Ajax should prevent updating components which are not on page
* [WICKET-6144] - Wicket-ajax parameter / header may be used to bypass proper exception handling
* [WICKET-6145] - Enable DeltaManager to replicate PageTable in Sessions
* [WICKET-6146] - Provide default implementation of IRequestHandler#detach()
* [WICKET-6152] - Allow to add more than one WebSocketBehavior in the component tree
* [WICKET-6153] - WicketTester's MockHttpServletRequest doesn't expose setLocale(aLocale) method
* [WICKET-6178] - MetaDataHeaderItem # generateString() should return specials characters escaped like StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(s) does
* [WICKET-6182] - Remove recreateBookmarkablePagesAfterExpiry check in Component#createRequestHandler
* [WICKET-6183] - Improve stateless support for AJAX
* [WICKET-6184] - Remove form argument from AjaxButton and AjaxLink callbacks
* [WICKET-6188] - Use DynamicJQueryResourceReference by default
* [WICKET-6189] - Return Optional<T> from RequestCycle.find(Class<T>)
** New Feature
* [WICKET-5991] - Introduce models which use Java 8 supplier/consumer
* [WICKET-6025] - Read resource files with Java's NIO API
* [WICKET-6042] - Implementation of ExternalImage component
* [WICKET-6112] - Microservices support (decoupled component usage)
* [WICKET-6120] - Wicket Metrics
* [WICKET-6121] - use lambdas for columns
* [WICKET-6193] - NestedStringResourceLoader - replaces nested keys within property files
* [WICKET-6194] - PushBuilder API integration
** Task
* [WICKET-5990] - Upgrade Jetty usage in Wicket tests/quickstart to Jetty 9.3.x
* [WICKET-6004] - Wicket 8 cleanup - TODOs and deprecated methods
* [WICKET-6057] - Upgrade commons-collections to 4.1
* [WICKET-6071] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12 / 2.2.0
* [WICKET-6119] - Deprecate HtmlDocumentValidator
* [WICKET-6147] - Remove the support for the deprecated / and /META-INF/wicket/**.properties
* [WICKET-6150] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.crypt.Base64 and use java.util.Base64
** Wish
* [WICKET-6067] - Provide an Ajax Behavior that prevents form submit on ENTER
* [WICKET-6095] - Multiline headers in DataTable