| Apache Wicket 1.4 |
| ================= |
| |
| This is the readme file for the Apache Wicket project. |
| |
| Apache Wicket is an open source, java, component based, web application |
| framework. With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a |
| refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and |
| enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for |
| powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML. |
| |
| Apache Wicket can be found at: http://wicket.apache.org and is licensed under |
| the Apache Software Foundation license, version 2.0. |
| |
| Contents |
| -------- |
| - License |
| - Java/Application server requirements |
| - What is in this package |
| - Getting started |
| - Dependencies |
| - Building Wicket from source |
| - Migrating from 1.3 |
| - Getting help |
| - Cryptographic Software Notice |
| |
| License |
| ------- |
| |
| Wicket is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software Foundation |
| license, version 2.0. The text is included in the file LICENSE in the root |
| of the project. |
| |
| Java/Application server requirements |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| Wicket requires at least Java 1.5. The application server for running your web |
| application should adhere to the servlet specification version 2.3 or newer. |
| |
| What is in this package |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| The archive you just downloaded and unpacked contains the source code and the |
| jars of the core projects of Wicket. If you are just starting out, you probably |
| only need to include wicket-x.jar, where x stands for the version. As a rule, |
| use just the jars you need. |
| |
| You will find the source code here: |
| |
| - src/ |
| - wicket |
| - wicket-extensions |
| - wicket-datetime |
| - wicket-ioc |
| - wicket-spring |
| - wicket-velocity |
| - wicket-quickstart |
| - wicket-examples |
| - wicket-auth-roles |
| - wicket-guice |
| - wicket-jmx |
| - wicket-objectssizeof-agent |
| |
| Here is a list of projects in this distribution and what they do. |
| |
| - wicket: the core project, includes the framework and basic components; |
| - wicket-extensions: contains utilities and more specialized components; |
| - wicket-auth-roles: a basic authorization package based on roles; |
| - wicket-datetime: contains date/ time specific components such as a date picker; |
| - wicket-jmx: registers JMX beans for managing things like your Wicket |
| configuration and markup cache; |
| - wicket-objectssizeof-agent: utility for making better estimates of object |
| sizes in the JVM - most people probably never need this; |
| - wicket-ioc: base project for IoC (aka DI) implementations such as |
| Spring and Guice; |
| - wicket-spring: support project for using Spring with Wicket and including |
| Spring managed dependencies through using @SpringBean annotations; |
| - wicket-guice: support project for using Google Guice with Wicket; |
| - wicket-velocity: contains special components for rendering Velocity templates |
| using Wicket components - most people probably don't need this, but it |
| can be neat when you want to do CMS-like things; |
| - wicket-examples: contains a basic component reference and many examples of |
| how to use Wicket and Wicket components, including examples for sub |
| projects such as wicket-spring, wicket-velocity and wicket-auth-roles. |
| |
| Getting started |
| --------------- |
| |
| The Wicket project has several projects where you can learn from, and get |
| started quickly: |
| |
| - wicket-examples: |
| |
| shows all components in short usage examples, also available live on: |
| http://www.wicketstuff.org/wicket14 |
| |
| - wicket-quickstart: |
| |
| provides a skeleton project for use in NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA |
| and other major IDE's, without having to configure anything yourself. You |
| can copy'n'paste the examples from the website into your pages and see |
| them running on your own box. |
| |
| - qwicket (http://www.antwerkz.com/qwicket): |
| |
| Qwicket is a quickstart application for the wicket framework. Its intent |
| is to provide a rapid method for creating a new wicket project with the |
| basic infrastructure in place so that you can quickly get to the meat of |
| your application rather than mucking with the plumbing of a wicket |
| application. Currently, the system only supports spring and hibernate |
| built with ant. |
| |
| - AppFuse light - Wicket edition (https://appfuse-light.dev.java.net/) |
| |
| AppFuse Light is a can all do it all quickstart setup for almost all |
| possible permutations for building Java web applications and ORM |
| technologies. It features over 60 downloads and combines each available |
| web application framework with Hibernate, iBatis, JDO (JPOX), OJB and |
| Spring JDBC. |
| |
| Dependencies |
| ------------ |
| |
| The easiest way of getting the dependencies of your Wicket based projects right |
| is to use Apache Maven (http://maven.apache.org) with your projects and include |
| the wicket dependencies you want is outlined in the wicket-quickstart. |
| Maven will then take care of including the appropriate dependencies. |
| |
| If you do not want to use maven, here is a break down of the dependencies you need. |
| |
| - wicket and wicket-extensions: |
| |
| You only need to include the Servlet API (2.3, just for compiling) and |
| the SLF4J logging implementation you want. You cannot use Wicket without |
| adding a SLF4J logging implementation to your classpath. Most people use |
| log4j. If you do, just include slf4j-log4j12.jar on your classpath to get |
| Wicket to use log4j too. If you want to use commons-logging or JDK14 |
| logging or something else, please see the SLF4J site (http://www.slf4j.org/) |
| for more information. |
| |
| As the following projects all depend on wicket, they inherit these dependencies. |
| |
| - wicket-datetime: |
| |
| Joda-Time 1.4 (http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/) |
| |
| - wicket-velocity: |
| |
| Apache Velocity 1.4 (http://velocity.apache.org/) and it's |
| dependencies (it ships a velocity-deps jar for convenience) |
| |
| - wicket-ioc: |
| |
| gclib nodep 2.1.3 (http://cglib.sourceforge.net/) and |
| asm 1.5.3 (http://asm.objectweb.org/) |
| |
| - wicket-spring: |
| |
| wicket-ioc and Spring (http://www.springframework.org/) and |
| it's dependencies |
| |
| - wicket-guice: |
| |
| Google Guice (http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/). |
| |
| - wicket-examples: |
| |
| All of the above. |
| |
| Building Wicket from source |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| The Wicket distribution contains the final Wicket jar. You can use this |
| directly in your applications. The Wicket project also uploads the source |
| and JavaDoc jars as well as the final jar to the Maven repository used by |
| the Maven build tool. So there is actually no specific need to build Wicket |
| yourself from the distribution. |
| |
| Building using maven 2, change the working directory to src and either do: |
| |
| - mvn package |
| |
| creates wicket-x.y.z.jar in target/ subdirectory. |
| |
| - mvn install |
| |
| creates wicket-x.y.z.jar in target/ subdirectory and installs the file |
| into your local Maven repository for use in other projects. |
| |
| Migrating from 1.3 |
| ------------------ |
| |
| This file is a copy of the migration guide from available on our Wiki: |
| |
| http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/migrate-14.html |
| |
| Getting help |
| ------------ |
| |
| - Read the online documentation available on our website |
| (http://wicket.apache.org) |
| |
| - Read the migration guide (migrate-14.html) |
| |
| - Read the mailing archives available on Nabble, GMane and Apache |
| |
| - Send a complete message containing your problem, stacktrace and problem |
| you're trying to solve to the user list (users@wicket.apache.org) |
| |
| - Ask a question on IRC at freenode.net, channel ##wicket |
| |
| |
| Cryptographic Software Notice |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may |
| have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption |
| software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and |
| policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to |
| see if this is permitted. See http://www.wassenaar.org for more information. |
| |
| The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified |
| this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security |
| software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner |
| of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception |
| ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, |
| Section 740.13) for both object code and source code. |
| |
| The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software: |
| |
| For encoding HTTP URL data (see org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.request.CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy) |
| Wicket requires the Java Cryptography extensions (http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/security/). Wicket |
| does not include these libraries itself, but is designed to use them. |
| |