blob: f6949d30def004b386b6c19e5d2289262d26ced9 [file] [log] [blame][WebSockets] is a technology that provides full-duplex communications channels over a single TCP connection.
This means that once the browser establish a web socket connection to the server the server can push data back to the browser without the browser explicitly asking again and again whether there is something new for it.
Wicket Native WebSockets modules provide functionality to integrate with the non-standard APIs provided by different web containers (like[Apache Tomcat])
WARNING: Native WebSocket works only when both the browser and the web containers support WebSocket technology. There are no plans to add support to fallback to long-polling, streaming or any other technology that simulates two way communication. Use it only if you really know that you will run your application in an environment that supports WebSockets.
Currently supported web containers are Jetty 7.5+ , Tomcat 7.0.27+ and JBoss WildFly 8.0.0+.
Supported browsers can be found at[]