blob: a70e17f90913d9be9946d061005c9fa230e6a635 [file] [log] [blame]
You can contribute to this guide by following these steps:
* The guide uses AsciiDoctor to generate the final HTML/PDF so you should consult with its[syntax]
* Fork Apache Wicket's GIT[repository] to your own github account
* Clone your forked copy of Apache Wicket's repository into your machine
git clone<<your github username>>/wicket.git
* Edit the _.adoc_ files in `wicket/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoctor` folder
* To preview your changes run _mvn clean package -P guide_ in the `wicket/wicket-user-guide` folder (You may use a run configuration in your IDE)
* Navigate to _wicket/wicket-user-guide/target/generated-docs_ and open one of the following files in a browser / pdf viewer:
** _single.html_ (single page version)
** _single.pdf_ (single page pdf version)
* Create a ticket in Apache Wicket's[JIRA]
* *Commit and push the changes* to your forked Apache Wicket's GIT repository and *create a pull request* on github (Enter the created JIRA ticket id into your pull request's title)
*Thank you!*