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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.wicket.request;
* Maps {@link IRequestHandler}(s) into {@link Url}(s) and {@link Request}(s) to
* {@link IRequestHandler}(s). For {@link IRequestHandler}s and {@link Request}s the implementation
* doesn't recognize, the {@link #mapHandler(IRequestHandler)} and {@link #mapRequest(Request)}
* methods must return {@code null}.
* The workflow is: the Application class collects a set of {@link IRequestMapper}s and for each
* request the {@link IRequestCycle request cycle} asks these mappers whether any of them knows how
* to handle the current {@link Request}’s {@link Url url}. Wicket pre-configures several mappers
* which are used for the basic application functionality like a mapper for the home page, a mapper
* for Wicket resources, for bookmarkable pages, etc. The user application can add additional
* mappers with the various WebApplication#mountXYZ() methods.
* The mapper has two main tasks:
* <ol>
* <li>To create {@link IRequestHandler} that will produce the response. When a request comes Wicket
* uses {@link #getCompatibilityScore(Request)} to decide which mapper should be asked first to
* process the request. If two mappers have the same score then the one added later is asked first.
* This way user’s mappers have precedence than the system ones. If a mapper knows how to handle the
* request’s url then it should return non-{@code null} {@link IRequestHandler}.</li>
* <li>
* The second task is to produce {@link Url} for an {@link IRequestHandler}. This is needed at
* markup rendering time to create the urls for links, forms' action attribute, etc.</li>
* </ol>
* @author Matej Knopp
public interface IRequestMapper
* Returns {@link IRequestHandler} for the request or <code>null</code> if the {@link Url} is
* not recognized.
* @param request
* provides access to request data (i.e. Url and Parameters)
* @return RequestHandler instance or <code>null</code>
IRequestHandler mapRequest(Request request);
* Returns the score representing how compatible this request mapper is to processing the given
* request. When a request comes in all mappers are scored and are tried in order from highest
* score to lowest.
* <p>
* A good criteria for calculating the score is the number of matched url segments. For example
* when there are two mappers for a mounted page, one mapped to <code>/foo</code> another to
* <code>/foo/bar</code> and the incoming request URL is </code>/foo/bar/baz</code>, the mapping
* to <code>/foo/bar</code> should probably handle the request first as it has matching segments
* count of 2 while the first one has only matching segments count of 1.
* <p>
* Note that the method can return value greater then zero even if the mapper does not recognize
* the request.
* @param request
* @return the compatibility score, e.g. count of matching segments
int getCompatibilityScore(Request request);
* Returns the {@link Url} for given {@link IRequestHandler} or <code>null</code> if the request
* handler is not recognized.
* @param requestHandler
* @return Url instance or <code>null</code>.
Url mapHandler(IRequestHandler requestHandler);