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<title>News archive</title>
<meta name="keyword" content="wicket, web, j2ee, java" />
<section name="News Archive">
Here is an overview of all Wicket related news items posted on our
<a href="">front page</a>
<subsection name="October 30, 2005 - Wicket 1.1 Available">
The Wicket team is proud to announce the availability of Wicket 1.1 for
download! Wicket is a Java component oriented web application framework
that takes simplicity, separation of concerns and easy of use to a whole
new level. Wicket web applications consist of HTML markup and Java
classes. No strange languages, no strange markup, no configuration files
, no specialized, expensive tools: just Java, HTML and you.
This Wicket version contains a lot of improvements from the 1.0 version.
New features include:
<li><b>Simplified feedback and validation</b> - enables custom feedback strategies</li>
<li><b>Live Component Reference</b> - the examples project contains a component reference showing how to use the components.</li>
<li><b>JavaScript and CSS support for components</b> - contribute JavaScript and CSS from your component to the using page</li>
<li><b>Markup Inheritance</b> - enables template pages and components</li>
<li><b>Inclusion of external markup</b></li>
<li><b>Simplified Choice component</b> - creating drop down, radio and list components was never this easy</li>
<li><b>Less dependencies</b> - we removed several library dependencies</li>
<li><b>Customizable Form handling</b> - easy for quick forms, easily enables full custom form processing</li>
<li><b>Improved resource handling</b></li>
<li><b>Date picker component</b> - will not get you dates, but a JavaScript and text field enabled localized calendar component.</li>
<li><b>Improved URL handling</b></li>
<li><b>AJAX request handling support</b> - support for two leading AJAX JavaScript libraries is available as separate downloads from our Wicket Stuff project: scriptaculous and DOJO toolkit</li>
The Wicket team wishes to extend their gratitude to the user and
developer community for their testing efforts and help, making this
release a reality!
The Wicket 1.1 distribution can be downloaded from the SourceForge servers by
<a href="">this link</a>.
The Wicket 1.1 release documentation can be found at:
<a href="/wicket-1.1"></a>
Thank you for downloading and using Wicket!
<p><i> - the Wicket Team</i></p>
<subsection name="October 4, 2005 - Wicket 1.1-rc2 Available">
The second release candidate for Wicket 1.1 is available for download and testing.
We expect this to be the last release candidate, but Murphy might think otherwise.
Most notable <a href="changes-report.html#1_1-rc2">changes</a> are:
<li>moved and dojo handlers to their own packages at <a href="">Wicket Stuff</a></li>
<li>added serialversionuid to all the serialized wicket classes</li>
<li>several fixes regarding resources (javascript)</li>
See the complete list <a href="changes-report.html#1_1-rc2">here</a>.
The release can be downloaded from the <a href=";package_id=130482">SourceForge download section</a>.
<subsection name="September 25, 2005 - Wicket On Tour">
If you're near the Netherlands around October 12th, you can see 'Component Based Web
Development Using Wicket' on the fall conference
<a href="">JFall 2005</a> organized
by the dutch Java User Group. Eelco Hillenius and Martijn Dashorst will be giving the
presentation, and we hope to see you there!
Wicket will also be featured at
<a href="">JavaPolis 2005</a>
in Antwerp. Again, Eelco and Martijn will be presenting
<a href="">Wicket</a> on December 14, between
18:00 and 19:00.
<subsection name="September 11, 2005 - Wicket 1.1-rc1 Available">
The first release candidate for Wicket 1.1 is available for download and testing.
We have started the countdown to Wicket 1.1 final, and expect to release 1.1 in
two to three weeks. This release fixes several bugs, a full listing can be found
<a href="changes-report.html#1_1-rc1">here</a>. Here is a list of most notable
changes and fixes:
<li>Moved resource reference classes from extensions into core</li>
<li>Infinite loop when adding attributemodifier twice</li>
<li>Buttons can have a model now, for the buttons value attribute</li>
<li>Odd behaviour when Wicket is the "root" (/*) servlet</li>
<li>Removed dependency on concurrent.jar</li>
<li>Now allow multiple ajax handler implementations to contribute to the page's header</li>
<a href=";package_id=130482&amp;release_id=355763">download this release</a>
and give us feedback.
<subsection name="September 6, 2005 - Site Adjustments">
A new example has been added to the examples section:
<a href="ExampleStockQuote.html">StockQuote Example</a>. This example is also available
in the examples download.
Due to unwarranted advertisements by our old page counter service, we have moved to another
ad-free statistics engine by <a href=""></a>.
<subsection name="August 30, 2005 - Wicket 1.1-beta 4 Available">
Wicket 1.1-beta 4 is available for download and testing. This is a beta release, so
you may expect some API changes. We are busy in the end game before we freeze the API,
and running behind on our published schedule for 1.1 final. In order to be able to ship
1.1 final soon, we need your testing support!
Most notable features in this release are:
<li>Removed the (optional) dependency on commons-fileupload, made the support internal for Wicket</li>
<li>Made the coupling of Wicket to the servlet spec more loose, enabling usage of Wicket on platforms outside a servlet container, such as portlets, or embedded servers</li>
<li>Stripping of markup in Wicket namespace (e.g. wicket:id, wicket:label) is almost complete with <code>setStripWicketTag(true)</code></li>
<li>Invisible components are not rendered any more</li>
<li>Added basic AJAX support: DOJO and libraries are now available for experimentation.</li>
See the complete <a href="changes-report.html#1_1-b4">list of changes here</a>.
Please download this release and give us feedback.
<subsection name="August 29, 2005 - Maintenance release Wicket 1.0.3 available">
A minor bugfix release has been issued for PageableListViewNavigation.
The 1.0.3 version doesn't have any other improvements or fixes.
If you are using Wicket 1.0 and use the <code>PageableListViewNavigation</code> or
the <code>PageableListViewNavigator</code>, then we advise you to upgrade to this
version. Note that when you upgrade from 1.0.1, you may experience some backwards
incompatibilities, as outlined in the 1.0.2 release notes.
<subsection name="August 22, 2005 - Wicket 1.1-beta 3 Available">
Wicket 1.1-beta 3 is available for download and testing. This is a beta release, so
you may expect some API changes. Most notable features in this release are:
<li>Component developers can now initialize resources when the app starts up</li>
<li>Added WebSession.getId() and WebRequestCycle.getWebSession()</li>
<li>Added AbstractReadOnlyModel Issue: 1250030. Thanks to Igor Vaynberg.</li>
<li>Fixed: AbstractDetachableModel doesn't propogate attach/detach, Thanks to Cameron Braid</li>
<li>Fixed: Can't have two FeedbackPanels, Thanks to Simon Berriman</li>
<li>Fixed: FeedbackPanel produces illegal HTML, Thanks to Gili Tzabari</li>
<li>Fixed: WicketServlet.doGet URI bug, Thanks to Jan Bares</li>
<li>Fixed: Classloading problems that caused problems loading markup/resources for components that were loaded by another classloader than the current one</li>
<li>Extended markup inheritance to support panels and borders</li>
<li>Made a significant reduction in the size of pages, especially big pages</li>
<li>Refactored feedback completely. The new code is smaller, more powerful and more elegant, but it will break clients.</li>
<li>Added automatic multiPart support to Form.</li>
See the complete <a href="changes-report.html#1_1-b3">list of changes here</a>.
<subsection name="August 22, 2005 - Maintenance release Wicket 1.0.2 Available">
The Wicket development team has released the second maintenance release of the
Wicket 1.0 branch. This release fixes some bugs, and with that introduces one
<strong>API breaking change</strong>:
<li>newChoiceItem does not use object parameter but selects directly from list Issue: 1263892. Thanks to Arjan Zwaan.</li>
<li>Backport: AbstractDetachableModel doesn't propogate attach/detach Issue: 1253113.</li>
<li>Backport: serialization bug in LocalizedImageResource</li>
<li>Backport: possible NullPointerException in DynamicImageResource.getResourceStream()</li>
<li>Backport: catch if session is saved to disk and reloaded again but locale is changed</li>
<li>fix for classloading problems that caused problems loading markup/resources for components that were loaded by another classloader than the current one.</li>
<li>Backport: closed FileOutputStream in wicket.util.file.Files in finally block</li>
The API change involves the <code>IResourceStreamLocator</code> interface, where the
<code>locate</code> method now takes a <code>ClassLoader</code> as an extra parameter.
Passing in <code>null</code> will use the context classloader.
<subsection name="August 1, 2005 - Wicket 1.1-beta 2 Available">
Wicket 1.1-beta 2 is available for download and testing. This is a beta release, so
you may expect some API changes. Most notable features in this release are:
<li>JavaScript support</li>
<li>CSS support</li>
<li>Markup inheritence</li>
<li>Experimental AJAX support</li>
<li>Improved URL handling</li>
<li>Include of external markup</li>
<li>Simplified Choice component</li>
<li>Improved Feedback support</li>
<li>Thread safe validation (bug fix)</li>
<li>Immediate button support for Forms</li>
<li>Panel support for TreeView</li>
<li>Date picker component</li>
<li>Component reference examples</li>
<li>Upgrade of the log4j and concurrent dependencies to their latest releases</li>
Please download this release and give us feedback on how you like these new features. A final 1.1 release will be available around begin september, so we <em>need your feedback!</em>
<subsection name="July 24, 2005 - Wicket 1.1-beta 1 Avaliable">
Wicket 1.1-beta 1 is available for download and testing. This is a
beta release, which means that API's might change. Most notable features
in this release are:
<li>JavaScript support - components can now contribute their own JavaScript to a page, opening up possibilities for very rich Wicket components.</li>
<li>CSS support - alongside with the JavaScript support, Wicket allows components to contribute their CSS to a page</li>
<li>Markup inheritence - Wicket pages were already able to inherit on the Java side, but now it is possible to 'constrain' the markup of sub pages to a certain place in the markup. If you thought that borders were difficult, this will make your life very easy!</li>
<li>Date picker - as a demonstrator for what you can do with our new JavaScript support, we have included a Date picker component in the <em>wicket extensions</em> package.</li>
<li>Component reference examples - an ongoing concern: documentation and component reference. We have started building small component examples in the Wicket examples project.</li>
Please download this release and give us feedback on how you like these new features. A final 1.1 release will be available around begin september, so we <em>need your feedback!</em>
<subsection name="July 17, 2005 - NetBeans kickstart guide available">
Thanks to the writing talents of Geertjan Wielenga, the
<a href="">Wicket Kickstart</a>
project now hosts a guide for kickstarting you Wicket development using
<a href="">NetBeans</a>. The project has been updated
to incorporate the latests Wicket maintenance release.
<subsection name="July 17, 2005 - Maintenance release Wicket 1.0.1 available">
The Wicket development team has released the first (and probably last)
maintenance release of Wicket 1.0. This release fixes some bugs and adds
some missing functionality:
<li>Only validate components that are visible</li>
<li>FeedbackPanel: made some methods that were not meant for overriding final, and added methods that make extending feedbackpanel easier</li>
<li>fixed bug in AbstractPropertyModel which gave problems using custom converters (overriding getConverter for a component) with compound property models</li>
<li>ComponentStringResourceLoader: resources are now inherited from parent classes when components have been subclassed</li>
<subsection name="June 7, 2005 - Wicket 1.0 available for download">
The Wicket development team has made the 1.0 final release available for
immediate download. This release marks a huge milestone in the development
cycle of Wicket. Go to the <a href="Download.html">downloads page</a> to
download Wicket 1.0!
We are preparing a media campaign for Wicket 1.0. So you may find us in
the media soon. Keep an eye out for Wicket!
<subsection name="June 5, 2005 - Wicket 1.0 released">
The Wicket development team is proud to announce the launch of Wicket 1.0.
Wicket is a component based, Java web application framework which seeks to
ease and simplify web application development.
<subsection name="May 28, 2005 - Wicket on JavaOne 2005 / San Francisco">
Come see Wicket on JavaOne this summer. Wicket is featured in two events:
<li><a href=";ilocation_id=93-1&amp;ilanguage=english" title="TS-8617">TS-8617 POJO Web Development With Wicket</a> -
hosted by <a href="">Miko Matsumura</a> and
<a href="">Martijn Dashorst</a></li>
<li><a href=";ilocation_id=93-1&amp;ilanguage=english">TS-7642 Web Framework Smackdown</a> -
fought out by
<a href="">Ed Burns</a>,
<a href="">Howard Lewis Ship</a> and
<a href="">Eelco Hillenius</a></li>
We look forward to see you at JavaOne!
<subsection name="May 21, 2005 - 1.0 RC3 is out!">
Finally, after a month of some silence, we have produced our last release
candidate before we deploy 1.0. If all goes well, you will see the final
release within a week or two. The bug list now only contains an issue
relating to clustering. As such we advise you currently to not deploy your
application on a cluster, until the issues are resolved, or to be very thorough
in your clustering tests.
In this release you won't see major API changes, however the internals have
improved significantly. The request cycle has now correct semantics, we have
improved the redirect after post pattern, which now performs significantly
better than before, and allows you to do your request handling and rendering
in one pass, and then redirect to the rendered page. CompoundModel support has
improved and works with more components than before. We added support for
redirecting to external url's (e.g. Google) directly by introducing RedirectPage.
For the complete list of fixes, updates and changes please see the
<a href="/changes-report.html" title="Release History">release history</a>.
<subsection name="May 4, 2005 - Eclipse Live Demo available">
Using <a href="" title="Wink">Wink</a> we have
put together a live
<a href="" target="_new">Eclipse Demo</a>
showing how to get started developing your first
<a href="/">Wicket</a> application.
<subsection name="April 22, 2005 - Last Call for Wicket 1.0!">
<p>Wicket needs your input!</p>
The Wicket team is preparing the final Wicket 1.0 release candidate. Therefore
we need your help. If you have things that are hard for you to accomplish using
Wicket, if there is something you posted to the mailinglist and it didn't get
resolved, if you have a killer idea that absolutely must be in 1.0 or else...
<p>Send it to the mailinglist or create a bug report!</p>
The Wicket team want the RC3 to be the final release for Wicket 1.0. After this,
development will focus on creating 1.1 with full support for AJAX, JavaScript,
CSS and more.
<p>This is the final call for changes to Wicket 1.0.</p>
<p>With regards,</p>
<p>The Wicket Team</p>
<subsection name="April 17, 2005 - Kick Start Your Wicket Development!">
The <a href="">Kick Start</a>
project gives you a head start when you want to begin your own
<a href="">Wicket</a> web application. We currently only kick start you
in Eclipse, but NetBeans and IntelliJ support will arrive in the near future.
<subsection name="April 16, 2005 - 1.0 RC2 is out!">
We are getting close to a final 1.0 release in the near future. This RC2 release
marks the next milestone on the journey to the first production ready release of
Wicket. Many of the problems found by RC1 users have been solved and this release
should be a much smoother ride for all.
See the <a href="changes-report.html#1_0_0-RC2">changes report</a> for more
information on the solved bugs in this release.
<subsection name="April 3, 2005 - 1.0 RC1 is released!">
The Wicket team is proud to release the first 1.0 release candidate. This is
probably the most important milestone in our history. From now on the feature
list has been frozen, and the bug list will shrink. Please take a look at the
<a href="">
for this release.
<p>A list of the most note worthy changes:</p>
Addition of Wicket namespace for identifying components: instead of
we now use
<li>Support for clustering</li>
<a href="/apidocs/wicket/model/CompoundPropertyModel.html"><code>CompoundPropertyModel</code></a>
makes development of forms much easier and less verbose
Added factories for creating your own Session, RequestCycle, etc. objects. Many things are configurable in Wicket using factories.
Moved non-core stuff to the <a href="">Wicket Stuff</a> project.
<subsection name="April 3, 2005 - Live Examples">
Juergen Donnerstag has created a
<a href="">live examples</a>
website for everyone to see what can be done with Wicket without having to
deploy the examples yourself!
<a href="">live examples</a>
are hosted on the
<a href="">Wicket Library</a>
, which will be
marketplace for (third party) Wicket components.
<subsection name="March 30, 2005 - Two articles on the wiki">
<p>Jonathan Locke has written two articles on using Wicket:</p>
<a href="/wiki/doku.php?id=models">Working with Wicket Models</a>
<a href="/wiki/doku.php?id=lifecycle">
The Lifecycle of a Wicket Application
<subsection name="March 19, 2005 - A new Wicket project is born: Wicket Stuff">
We have registered a
<a href="">seperate project</a>
for hosting non-core components:
<a href="">Wicket Stuff</a>
. If your component has a dependency other than the
<a href="Dependencies.html">Wicket dependencies</a>
, for example a
<a href="">Hibernate</a>
component, then
<a href="">Wicket Stuff</a>
is the place to find it.
<p>The initial list of components hosted there is:</p>
<a href="">
Velocity Panel
<li>Hibernate components and helpers</li>
<li>Groovy integration</li>
<li>Spring Framework integration</li>
<li>fValidate integration</li>
<p>Releases of these projects will come available as Wicket 1.0 RC1 ships.</p>
<subsection name="March, 4, 2005 - 0.9.19-beta released">
The releases are getting smaller, so it is nearly that special time for RC1.
The current release marks the work done between 0.9.18-beta and now. An issue
regarding dependencies of Wicket has been resolved. Wicket doesn't depend any more
on difficult to distribute libraries.
<subsection name="Februari 20, 2005 - 0.9.18-beta released">
The Wicket team has worked really hard to make this beta release possible.
The march to the big 1.0 is on, and the first release candidate will surface
in the next few weeks.
A lot has changed in this release, so you will receive some compile time errors if you are
coming from a previous release. Among the changes are the following:
<li>Added a <a href="faqs.html" title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</a> section to our site</li>
<li>Renamed handleX() methods and other events to conform to the onX() pattern.</li>
<li>Added Button class and Form buttons support. When it has two or more buttons, the onSubmit() handler is called on the button which submitted the Form.</li>
<li>Changed HtmlPage to WebPage, HtmlContainer to WebContainer and HtmlComponent to WebComponent</li>
<li>Reorganized components and examples for final 1.0 structure.</li>
<a href="changes-report.html">Check out</a> all modifications on our <a href="changes-report.html">release history page</a>.
<subsection name="January 25, 2005 - 0.9.17-beta released">
The Wicket team is proud to present yet another release of the Wicket core
framework and its examples. This release contains major refactoring work
and interface changes, including:
<li>The Java API</li>
Wicket component markup:
<li>Changes to web.xml configuration</li>
<li>Major updates of the javadoc</li>
Please see the
<a href="ExampleHelloWorld.html">Hello World</a>
example for an update on the web.xml configuration. Also please check the
examples project for more information regarding the Wicket component markup
<section name="Archive 2004">
<subsection name="December 26, 2004 - 0.9.16-beta released">
The Wicket team is proud to present yet another release of the Wicket core
framework and it's examples. This release contains among a number of bug fixes
also new support for dynamic languages, (see the
project for more information) and for
<a href="">Spring framework</a>
<subsection name="December 19, 2004 - 0.9.15-beta released">
The Wicket team is proud to present yet another release of the Wicket core
framework. This release encompasses a
big restructuring
of the package structure: the
package prefix has been dropped. All Wicket classes are now in the top level
package named
<subsection name="December 19, 2004 - Going into beta">
Finally the Wicket development team is starting the march to the big 1.0
release. This sunday the last release of 2004 is done. After this the release
candidate circus will be part of our daily Wicket development.
<subsection name="December 9, 2004 - New style for the website">
Our new layout, design and logo were kindly provided by
<a href="" target="_blank">Topicus</a>
by providing precious time of their designer Wouter de Jong.
<subsection name="December 5, 2004 - 0.9.14-alpha released">
<p>The current status of CVS was released under version 0.9.14-alpha.</p>
<subsection name="November 7, 2004 - Clover license obtained">
We have obtained a
<a href="">Clover</a>
license for use in our project. This allows us to obtain even higher quality
code than before. Thanks to Cenqua for providing us with the open source
<subsection name="October 25, 2004 - 0.9.13-alpha released">
<p>The current status of CVS was released under version 0.9.13-alpha.</p>
<subsection name="September 22, 2004 - Moved to">
Wicket moved from
<a href="">codehaus</a>
<a href="">SourceForge</a>