blob: edcc620937b6edc4a09660d462cf438a3f09c2da [file] [log] [blame]
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<meta name="keyword" content="wicket, web, j2ee, java, blogs" />
<section name="Blogs">
Any (open source) project exists solely because a community wants to support it. The
Wicket community consists of the users and developers. There are many who want to
share their experiences with Wicket and do so on the
<a href="/mail-lists.html">mailing lists</a>
, on several online media portals (for example
<a href="">The ServerSide</a>
<a href="">JavaLobby</a>
), and on their blogs.
Here is a list of regular Wicket bloggers, consisting of core contributers and
enthousiastic users.
<a href="">A Wicket Diary</a>
- Blog of Martijn Dashorst
<a href="">Eelco's blog</a>
- Blog of Eelco Hillenius
<a href="">Jonathan's blog</a>
- Blog of Jonathan Locke
<a href="">Geertjan's blog</a>
- Blog of Geertjan Wielenga
<subsection name="Adding your blog">
If you think your blog is missing, then please send a message to one of the core
contributors or the mailinglist. In the mean time you can add your blog to our
<a href="/wiki/index.php/Blogs">wiki's special blog page</a>