blob: 25dbd2027774997726f9b295f11b11a79304d6ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.wicket.protocol.https;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.wicket.Session;
import org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.IPageClassRequestHandler;
import org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestCycle;
import org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestHandler;
import org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestMapper;
import org.apache.wicket.request.Request;
import org.apache.wicket.request.Url;
import org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage;
import org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle;
import org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse;
import org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.IRequestMapperDelegate;
import org.apache.wicket.util.collections.ClassMetaCache;
import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Args;
* A {@link IRequestMapper} that will issue a redirect to secured communication (over https) if the
* page resolved by {@linkplain #delegate} is annotated with @{@link RequireHttps}
* <p>
* To setup it:
* <pre>
* public class MyApplication extends WebApplication
* {
* public void init()
* {
* super.init();
* getRootRequestMapperAsCompound().add(new MountedMapper(&quot;secured&quot;, HttpsPage.class));
* mountPage(SomeOtherPage.class);
* // notice that in most cases this should be done as the
* // last mounting-related operation because it replaces the root mapper
* setRootRequestMapper(new HttpsMapper(getRootRequestMapper(), new HttpsConfig(80, 443)));
* }
* }
* </pre>
* any request to <em>http://hostname:httpPort/secured</em> will be redirected to
* <em>https://hostname:httpsPort/secured</em>
* @author igor
public class HttpsMapper implements IRequestMapperDelegate
private final HttpsConfig config;
private final IRequestMapper delegate;
private final ClassMetaCache<Scheme> cache = new ClassMetaCache<Scheme>();
* Constructor
* @param delegate
* @param config
public HttpsMapper(IRequestMapper delegate, HttpsConfig config)
this.delegate = Args.notNull(delegate, "delegate");
this.config = config;
* {@inheritDoc}
public IRequestMapper getDelegateMapper()
return delegate;
public final int getCompatibilityScore(Request request)
return delegate.getCompatibilityScore(request);
public final IRequestHandler mapRequest(Request request)
IRequestHandler handler = delegate.mapRequest(request);
Scheme desired = getDesiredSchemeFor(handler);
if (Scheme.ANY.equals(desired))
return handler;
Scheme current = getSchemeOf(request);
if (!desired.isCompatibleWith(current))
// we are currently on the wrong scheme for this handler
// construct a url for the handler on the correct scheme
String url = createRedirectUrl(handler, request, desired);
// replace handler with one that will redirect to the created url
handler = createRedirectHandler(url);
return handler;
public final Url mapHandler(IRequestHandler handler)
return mapHandler(handler, RequestCycle.get().getRequest());
* Creates the {@link IRequestHandler} that will be responsible for the redirect
* @param url
* @return request handler
protected IRequestHandler createRedirectHandler(String url)
return new RedirectHandler(url, config);
* Constructs a redirect url that should switch the user to the specified {@code scheme}
* @param handler
* request handler being accessed
* @param request
* current request
* @param scheme
* desired scheme for the redirect url
* @return url
protected String createRedirectUrl(IRequestHandler handler, Request request, Scheme scheme)
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)request.getContainerRequest();
String url = scheme.urlName() + "://";
url += req.getServerName();
if (!scheme.usesStandardPort(config))
url += ":" + scheme.getPort(config);
url += req.getRequestURI();
if (req.getQueryString() != null)
url += "?" + req.getQueryString();
return url;
* Creates a url for the handler. Modifies it with the correct {@link Scheme} if necessary.
* @param handler
* @param request
* @return url
final Url mapHandler(IRequestHandler handler, Request request)
Url url = delegate.mapHandler(handler);
Scheme desired = getDesiredSchemeFor(handler);
if (Scheme.ANY.equals(desired))
return url;
Scheme current = getSchemeOf(request);
if (!desired.isCompatibleWith(current))
// the generated url does not have the correct scheme, set it (which in turn will cause
// the url to be rendered in its full representation)
return url;
* Figures out which {@link Scheme} should be used to access the request handler
* @param handler
* request handler
* @return {@link Scheme}
protected Scheme getDesiredSchemeFor(IRequestHandler handler)
if (handler instanceof IPageClassRequestHandler)
return getDesiredSchemeFor(((IPageClassRequestHandler)handler).getPageClass());
return Scheme.ANY;
* Determines the {@link Scheme} of the request
* @param request
* @return {@link Scheme#HTTPS} or {@link Scheme#HTTP}
protected Scheme getSchemeOf(Request request)
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request.getContainerRequest();
if ("https".equalsIgnoreCase(req.getScheme()))
return Scheme.HTTPS;
else if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(req.getScheme()))
return Scheme.HTTP;
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not resolve protocol for request: " + req);
* Determines which {@link Scheme} should be used to access the page
* @param pageClass
* type of page
* @return {@link Scheme}
protected Scheme getDesiredSchemeFor(Class<? extends IRequestablePage> pageClass)
if (pageClass == null)
return Scheme.ANY;
Scheme SCHEME = cache.get(pageClass);
if (SCHEME == null)
if (hasSecureAnnotation(pageClass))
cache.put(pageClass, SCHEME);
return SCHEME;
* @return config with which this mapper was created
public final HttpsConfig getConfig()
return config;
* Checks if the specified {@code type} has the {@link RequireHttps} annotation
* @param type
* @return {@code true} iff {@code type} has the {@link RequireHttps} annotation
private boolean hasSecureAnnotation(Class<?> type)
if (type.getAnnotation(RequireHttps.class) != null)
return true;
for (Class<?> iface : type.getInterfaces())
if (hasSecureAnnotation(iface))
return true;
if (type.getSuperclass() != null)
return hasSecureAnnotation(type.getSuperclass());
return false;
* Handler that takes care of redirecting
* @author igor
public static class RedirectHandler implements IRequestHandler
private final String url;
private final HttpsConfig config;
* Constructor
* @param config
* https config
* @param url
* redirect location
public RedirectHandler(String url, HttpsConfig config)
this.url = Args.notNull(url, "url");
this.config = Args.notNull(config, "config");
* @return redirect location
public String getUrl()
return url;
public void respond(IRequestCycle requestCycle)
String location = url;
if (location.startsWith("/"))
// context-absolute url
location = requestCycle.getUrlRenderer().renderContextRelativeUrl(location);
if (config.isPreferStateful())
// we need to persist the session before a redirect to https so the session lasts
// across both http and https calls.
WebResponse response = (WebResponse)requestCycle.getResponse();