blob: 04951e1476e2f9cdb9a3addcca491dad83ce1d74 [file] [log] [blame]
title: Introduction
title: How to use the example code
title: Why should I learn Wicket?
whyLearn_1: We all like spaghetti :-) ...
whyLearn_2: Component oriented frameworks - an overview
whyLearn_3: Benefits of component oriented frameworks for web development
whyLearn_4: Wicket vs the other component oriented frameworks
title: Wicket says “Hello world!”
helloWorld_1: Wicket distribution and modules
helloWorld_2: Configuration of Wicket applications
helloWorld_3: The HomePage class
helloWorld_4: Wicket Links
helloWorld_5: Summary
title: Wicket as page layout manager
layout_1: Header, footer, left menu, content, etc...
layout_2: Here comes the inheritance!
layout_3: Divide et impera!
layout_4: Markup inheritance with the wicket:extend tag
layout_5: Summary
title: Keeping control over HTML
keepControl_1: Hiding or disabling a component
keepControl_2: Modifing tag attributes
keepControl_3: Generating tag attribute 'id'
keepControl_4: Creating in-line panels with WebMarkupContainer
keepControl_5: Working with markup fragments
keepControl_6: Adding header contents to the final page
keepControl_7: Using stub markup in our pages/panels
keepControl_8: How to render component body only
keepControl_9: Hiding decorating elements with the wicket:enclosure tag
keepControl_10: Surrounding existing markup with Border
keepControl_11: Summary
title: Components lifecycle
componentLifecycle_1: Lifecycle stages of a component
componentLifecycle_2: Hook methods for component lifecycle
componentLifecycle_3: Initialization stage
componentLifecycle_4: Rendering stage
componentLifecycle_5: Removing stage
componentLifecycle_6: Summary
title: Page versioning and caching
versioningCaching_1: Stateful pages vs stateless
versioningCaching_2: Stateful pages
versioningCaching_3: Stateless pages
versioningCaching_4: Summary
title: Under the hood of the request processing
requestProcessing_1: Class Application and request processing
requestProcessing_2: Request and Response classes
requestProcessing_3: The “director” of request processing - RequestCycle
requestProcessing_4: Session Class
requestProcessing_5: Exception handling
requestProcessing_6: Summary
title: Wicket Links and URL generation
urls_1: PageParameters
urls_2: Bookmarkable links
urls_3: Automatically creating bookmarkable links with tag wicket:link
urls_4: External links
urls_5: Stateless links
urls_6: Generating structured and clear URLs
urls_7: Summary
title: Wicket models and forms
modelsforms_1: What is a model?
modelsforms_2: IModel and Lambda
modelsforms_3: Models and JavaBeans
modelsforms_4: Wicket forms
modelsforms_5: Component DropDownChoice
modelsforms_6: Model chaining
modelsforms_7: Detachable models
modelsforms_8: Using more than one model in a component
modelsforms_9: Use models!
modelsforms_10: Summary
title: Wicket forms in detail
forms2_1: Default form processing
forms2_2: Form validation and feedback messages
forms2_3: Input value conversion
forms2_4: Validation with JSR 303
forms2_5: Submit form with an IFormSubmittingComponent
forms2_6: Nested forms
forms2_7: Multi-line text input
forms2_8: File upload
forms2_9: Creating complex form components with FormComponentPanel
forms2_10: Stateless form
forms2_11: Working with radio buttons and checkboxes
forms2_12: Selecting multiple values with ListMultipleChoices and Palette
forms2_13: Summary
title: Displaying multiple items with repeaters
repeaters_1: The RepeatingView Component
repeaters_2: The ListView Component
repeaters_3: The RefreshingView Component
repeaters_4: Pageable repeaters
repeaters_5: Summary
title: Component queueing
componentQueueing_1: Markup hierarchy and code
componentQueueing_2: Improved auto components
componentQueueing_3: When are components dequeued?
componentQueueing_4: Restrictions of queueing
componentQueueing_5: Summary
title: Internationalization with Wicket
i18n_1: Localization
i18n_2: Localization in Wicket
i18n_3: Bundles lookup algorithm
i18n_4: Localization of component's choices
i18n_5: Internationalization and Models
i18n_6: Summary
title: Resource management with Wicket
resources_1: Static vs dynamic resources
resources_2: Resource references
resources_3: Package resources
resources_4: Adding resources to page header section
resources_5: Context-relative resources
resources_6: Resource dependencies
resources_7: Aggregate multiple resources with resource bundles
resources_8: Put JavaScript inside page body
resources_9: Header contributors positioning
resources_10: Custom resources
resources_11: Mounting resources
resources_12: Shared resources
resources_13: Customizing resource loading
resources_14: CssHeaderItem and JavaScriptHeaderItem compression
resources_15: NIO resources
resources_16: Resourcen derived through models
resources_17: Summary
title: An example of integration with JavaScript
jsintegration_1: What we want to do...
jsintegration_2: ...and how we will do it
jsintegration_3: Summary
title: Wicket advanced topics
advanced_1: Enriching components with behaviors
advanced_2: Generating callback URLs with IRequestListener
advanced_3: Initializers
advanced_4: Using JMX with Wicket
advanced_5: Generating HTML markup from code
advanced_6: Summary
title: Working with AJAX
ajax_1: How to use AJAX components and behaviors
ajax_2: Build-in AJAX components
ajax_3: Built-in AJAX behaviors
ajax_4: Using an activity indicator
ajax_5: AJAX request attributes and call listeners
ajax_6: Creating custom AJAX call listener
ajax_7: Stateless AJAX components/behaviors
ajax_8: Summary
title: Integration with enterprise containers
jee_1: Integrating Wicket with EJB
jee_2: Integrating Wicket with Spring
jee_3: JSR-330 annotations
jee_4: Summary
title: Native WebSockets
nativewebsockets_1: How does it work ?
nativewebsockets_2: How to use
nativewebsockets_3: Client-side APIs
nativewebsockets_4: Testing
nativewebsockets_5: Differences with Wicket-Atmosphere module.
nativewebsockets_6: FAQ
title: Security with Wicket
security_1: Authentication
security_2: Authorizations
security_3: Using HTTPS protocol
security_4: URLs encryption in detail
security_5: Package Resource Guard
security_6: Summary
title: Test Driven Development with Wicket
testing_1: Utility class WicketTester
testing_2: Testing Wicket forms
testing_3: Testing markup with TagTester
testing_4: Summary
title: Test Driven Development with Wicket and Spring
testingspring_1: Configuration of the runtime environment
testingspring_2: Configuration of the JUnit based integration test environment
testingspring_3: Summary
title: Wicket Best Practices
bestpractices_1: Encapsulate components correctly
bestpractices_2: Put models and page data in fields
bestpractices_3: Correct naming for Wicket IDs
bestpractices_4: Avoid changes at the component tree
bestpractices_5: Implement visibilities of components correctly
bestpractices_6: Always use models
bestpractices_7: Do not unwrap models within the constructor hierarchy
bestpractices_8: Pass models extended components
bestpractices_9: Validators must not change any data or models
bestpractices_10: Do not pass components to constructors
bestpractices_11: Use the Wicket session only for global data
bestpractices_12: Do not use factories for components
bestpractices_13: Every page and component must be tested
bestpractices_14: Avoid interactions with other servlet filters
bestpractices_15: Cut small classes and methods
bestpractices_16: The argument "Bad documentation"
bestpractices_17: Summary
title: Wicket Internals
pagestoring: Page storing
autocomponents: Markup parsing and Autocomponents
title: Lambda Expressions
title: Wicket HTTP/2 Support (Experimental)
http2push_1: Example Usage
http2push_2: Create server specific http/2 push support
title: Wicket Metrics Monitoring (Experimental)
monitoring_1: Example setup
monitoring_2: Visualization with Graphite
monitoring_3: Measured data
monitoring_4: Write own measurements
title: Working with Maven (Appendix)
maven_1: Switching Wicket to DEPLOYMENT mode
maven_2: Creating a Wicket project from scratch and importing it into our favourite IDE
title: Project WicketStuff (Appendix)
wicketstuff_1: What is project WicketStuff
wicketstuff_2: Module tinymce
wicketstuff_3: Module wicketstuff-gmap3
wicketstuff_4: Module wicketstuff-googlecharts
wicketstuff_5: Module wicketstuff-inmethod-grid
wicketstuff_6: Module wicketstuff-rest-annotations
wicketstuff_7: Module stateless
title: Lost In Redirection With Apache Wicket (Appendix)
title: Contributing to this guide (Appendix)