blob: e5fdfe86a4df75a9bacccb6aaeb1a908046c3082 [file] [log] [blame]
I"ý<p>Severity: Important</p>
The Apache Software Foundation</p>
<p>Versions Affected:
Apache Wicket 1.5.x, 6.x and 7.x</p>
<p>CVE-2016-3092: A malicious client can send file upload requests that cause the HTTP server
using the Apache Commons Fileupload library to become unresponsive, preventing
the server from servicing other requests.</p>
<p>This flaw is not exploitable beyond causing the code to loop expending
CPU resources.</p>
The DiskFileItem class in Apache Commons FileUpload allows remote attackers to write to arbitrary files via a NULL byte in a file name in a serialized instance.</p>
<h2 id="the-application-developers-are-recommended-to-upgrade-to">The application developers are recommended to upgrade to:</h2>
<li><a href="/news/2016/08/05/wicket-1.5.16-released.html">Apache Wicket 1.5.16</a></li>
<li><a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 6.24.0</a></li>
<li><a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 7.4.0</a></li>
<p>Since version 7.0.0 Apache Wicket does not embed Apache Commons FileUpload but uses it as a Maven dependency so an application can just update the dependency to version 1.3.2.</p>
<p>Apache Wicket Team</p>