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<h1>Get help via email</h1>
<h2>The most convenient way of getting lots of help</h2>
<p>Getting help through email is the most convenient way to contact the larger community and will result in the quickest responses.
<section class="toc left default ">
<div id="toc" class="toc"><div id="toc-title"><h2>Table of Contents</h2></div><ul><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-1"><a href="#mailing-lists"><span class="toc-number">1</span> <span class="toc-text">Mailing lists</span></a></li><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-2"><a href="#user"><span class="toc-number">2</span> <span class="toc-text">The Users list</span></a></li><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-3"><a href="#dev"><span class="toc-number">3</span> <span class="toc-text">The Developers list</span></a></li><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-4"><a href="#announce"><span class="toc-number">4</span> <span class="toc-text">The Announcements list</span></a></li><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-5"><a href="#commit"><span class="toc-number">5</span> <span class="toc-text">The Commit list</span></a></li><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-6"><a href="#security"><span class="toc-number">6</span> <span class="toc-text">Report a security issue</span></a><ul><li class="toc--level-2 toc--section-7"><a href="#contact-the-wicket-pmc-privately"><span class="toc-number">6.1</span> <span class="toc-text">Contact the Wicket PMC privately</span></a></li><li class="toc--level-2 toc--section-8"><a href="#report-normal-bugs-in-jira"><span class="toc-number">6.2</span> <span class="toc-text">Report normal bugs in JIRA</span></a></li></ul></li></ul></div>
<h2 id="mailing-lists">Mailing lists</h2>
<p>For users of the Wicket community we run the following email lists:</p>
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<a class="button" href="#user"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i><br />Users</a>
<a class="button" href="#dev"><i class="fa fa-code-fork"></i><br />Developers</a>
<a class="button" href="#announce"><i class="fa fa-bullhorn"></i><br />Announcements</a>
<a class="button" href="#commit"><i class="fa fa-file-code-o"></i><br />Commits</a>
<a class="button" href="#security"><i class="fa fa-lock"></i><br />Security</a>
<p>Learn more about these lists below.</p>
<hr />
<h2 id="user">The Users list</h2>
<p>Ask your questions and answer questions of other users on the users
list. It is a medium traffic list with a couple of messages per day.
Community members ask and answer questions on this list. Announcements
and security updates are also sent to this list.</p>
<p>You have to subscribe to this list if you want to ask a question and
see the replies.</p>
<li>Traffic: medium</li>
<li><a href="">Browse</a> the archives</li>
<li><a href="">Search</a> the list</li>
<li><a href="">Subscribe</a> to the list</li>
<li><a href="">Unsubscribe</a> from the list</li>
<li><a href="">Help for subscriptions</a></li>
<p>Only subscribers can post to this list.</p>
<p>If you are only interested in updates about the Wicket project,
consider just subscribing to the announcements list.</p>
<hr />
<h2 id="dev">The Developers list</h2>
<p>Discuss internals of the framework. The traffic is low with just a couple of messages per week.</p>
<p>You have to subscribe to this list if you want to participate in discussions.</p>
<li>Traffic: low</li>
<li><a href="">Browse</a> the archives</li>
<li><a href="">Search</a> the list</li>
<li><a href="">Subscribe</a> to the list</li>
<li><a href="">Unsubscribe</a> from the list</li>
<li><a href="">Help for subscriptions</a></li>
<p>Only subscribers can post to this list.</p>
<hr />
<h2 id="announce">The Announcements list</h2>
<p>The announcements list is used for publishing news about releases and
security updates. It is a very low traffic list.</p>
<p>You should subscribe to this list if you only want to keep up to date
with Wicket concerning releases and security announcements.</p>
<li>Traffic: low</li>
<li><a href="">Browse</a> the archives</li>
<li><a href="">Search</a> the list</li>
<li><a href="">Subscribe</a> to the list</li>
<li><a href="">Unsubscribe</a> from the list</li>
<li><a href="">Help for subscriptions</a></li>
<p>Only Apache Wicket project members can post to this list.</p>
<hr />
<h2 id="commit">The Commit list</h2>
<p>The commit list is used for publishing commit messages, bug tracker
updates and other automatically generated messages.</p>
<p>You should subscribe to this list if you want to keep up to date with
Wicket development, like which commits happen, which issues are updated
and other things.</p>
<li>Traffic: high</li>
<li><a href="">Browse</a> the archives</li>
<li><a href="">Search</a> the list</li>
<li><a href="">Subscribe</a> to the list</li>
<li><a href="">Unsubscribe</a> from the list</li>
<li><a href="">Help for subscriptions</a></li>
<p>This list is read only, and only Apache build systems can publish to it.</p>
<hr />
<h2 id="security">Report a security issue</h2>
<p>The Apache Software Foundation takes a very active stance in
eliminating security problems against the Apache Wicket web framework.</p>
<p>For reporting and discussing a security issue you should contact the
Wicket PMC privately.</p>
<p>The issue tracker for Wicket is not the appropriate venue for reporting
security issues as the issue tracker is publicly accessible. Instead,
contact the Wicket PMC privately.</p>
<h3 id="contact-the-wicket-pmc-privately">Contact the Wicket PMC privately</h3>
<p>Send your security issue to <strong>private at</strong>. This list
is not publicly available so we can discuss and fix the issue in
private without leaking the info to any bad guys.</p>
<p><a class="button" href="" onclick="window.location.href='';return false;">
<i class="fa fa-shield"></i>
<p>We treat all security issues seriously and will try to fix them as soon
as possible in all affected versions that we still support.</p>
<h3 id="report-normal-bugs-in-jira">Report normal bugs in JIRA</h3>
<p>The Security Team cannot accept regular bug reports or other queries,
we ask that you use our <a href="/help/#reportbug">bug reporting page</a>
for normal, non-security bugs.</p>
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