blob: 28ae8afd5db4bb1ebf2a8f81be9dc36ef8ab7d53 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Whirr Change Log
Release 0.2.0 - 2010-11-08
WHIRR-100. Create a binary distribution of Whirr. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-73. Add a list command to the CLI. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-89. Support maven 3 builds. (Adrian Cole via tomwhite)
WHIRR-90. Scripts should be versioned. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-66. Upgrade to jclouds 1.0-beta-7. (Adrian Cole via tomwhite)
WHIRR-103. Add more to .gitignore. (phunt via tomwhite)
WHIRR-105. Add version command to the CLI. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-109. Unit tests fail if there is no private key found at
~/.ssh/id_rsa. (Adrian Cole via tomwhite)
WHIRR-110. Create client-side Hadoop configuration file during cluster
launch. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-112. Expand documentation. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-52. Support all services on Rackspace Cloud Servers. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-93. Fail on checkstyle violation. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-97. Lucid is not stable on EC2. Default is now the Amazon Linux AMI
on EC2. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-102. unknown service NPEs cli, should print the bad service
to console (phunt)
WHIRR-104. print available services in cli help string (phunt)
WHIRR-108. Fix checkstyle and rat violations. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-101. Hadoop on EC2 does not use the /mnt partition. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-107. Test failing due to not matching Amazon Linux AMI on EC2.
WHIRR-106. Improve logging in whirr cli. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-113. Hadoop cluster instances should all start in the same location.
WHIRR-114. Support + character in version number. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-91. Add DISCLAIMER file to CLI JAR (phunt)
WHIRR-122. whirr site has two FAQ links (phunt)
WHIRR-126. Deployment process does not deploy required test JARs
Release 0.1.0 - 2010-09-02
WHIRR-33. Add a CLI. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-54. Implement service/cdh. To run CDH rather than Apache Hadoop, set
the property whirr.hadoop-install-runurl to cloudera/cdh/install (tomwhite)
WHIRR-2. Import initial Java source code. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-20. Generate RAT report. (phunt via tomwhite)
WHIRR-32. Update POM to point to Apache RAT 0.8-SNAPSHOT.
(Jeff Hammerbacher via tomwhite)
WHIRR-21. Enforce source code style. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-34. Open up ports 50010 (JobTracker) and 50070 (NameNode) for the
Hadoop Service. (Jeff Hammerbacher via tomwhite)
WHIRR-26. Allow script locations to be overridden.
(Jeff Hammerbacher via tomwhite)
WHIRR-22. Separate unit and integration (system) tests. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-37. Don't require manual installation of Apache RAT to compile.
WHIRR-38. Add core javadoc. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-47. Create a Service factory. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-51. Allow the Hadoop service to be run on Rackspace Cloud servers.
WHIRR-53. Adopt the standard Java SPI interface. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-23. Upgrade to jclouds 1.0-beta-6. (Adrian Cole via tomwhite)
WHIRR-64. Unify ClusterSpec and ServiceSpec. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-58. Introduce naming consistency for cloud service providers.
(Adrian Cole via tomwhite)
WHIRR-75. Use Commons Configuration to manage cluster specs. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-40. Fill in getting started documentation. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-77. Document and implement release process. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-70. decouple keypairs from the files that hold them.
(Adrian Cole via tomwhite)
WHIRR-80. Clean up POM dependencies. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-85. Publish Maven artifacts to
WHIRR-50. Cassandra POM should depend on top-level. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-48. Fix RAT warnings due to site files. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-65. Workaround bug 331 in jclouds (Some EC2ComputeService operations
fail for stopped instances). (tomwhite)
WHIRR-71. Only allow access to clusters from defined networks. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-79. Hadoop service is broken. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-82. Integration tests should not run on "mvn install". (tomwhite)
WHIRR-84. Log4j is missing from the CLI JAR. (tomwhite)
WHIRR-86. Update quick start documentation to work with release 0.1.0.