remove two data sources that no longer exist

and delete the tools that depended on these sources
diff --git a/repository.yml b/repository.yml
index 9bf7683..d07bf3b 100644
--- a/repository.yml
+++ b/repository.yml
@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@
     url: private/foundation/officers/historic
-  prospects:
-    url: private/foundation/Fundraising/prospects
-    depth: files
     url: asf/infrastructure/site/trunk/content/foundation/board
     depth: files
@@ -66,10 +62,6 @@
     url: asf/infrastructure/site/trunk/content
     depth: files
-  sponsorship:
-    url: private/foundation/Fundraising/sponsorship
-    depth: files
     url: asf/steve/trunk
diff --git a/www/fundraising/prospects.cgi b/www/fundraising/prospects.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 6dbcfa6..0000000
--- a/www/fundraising/prospects.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'wunderbar'
-require 'whimsy/asf'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'date'
-user =$USER)
-unless user.asf_member? or ASF.pmc_chairs.include? user or $USER=='ea'
-  print "Status: 401 Unauthorized\r\n"
-  print "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ASF Members and Officers\"\r\n\r\n"
-  exit
-level= nil
-case ENV['PATH_INFO']
-when '/'
-  show = "ALL"
-  title = "All Prospect Actions"
-when "/today"
-  show = "ACTIVE"
-  title = "Prospect Actions due by Today"
-when "/this-week"
-  show = "THISWEEK"
-  title = "This week's Prospect Actions"
-  show = "ALL"
-  title = "All Prospect Actions"
-_html do
-  _head_ do
-    _title title
-    _style %{
-      th {border-bottom: solid black}
-      table {border-spacing: 1em 0.2em }
-      th span {float: right}
-      th span:after {padding-left: 0.5em; content: "\u2195"}
-      tr:hover {background-color: #FF8}
-      .headerSortUp span:after {content: " \u2198"}
-      .headerSortDown span:after {content: " \u2197"}
-      .remind {color: red}
-    }
-    _script src: '/jquery.min.js'
-    _script src: '/jquery.tablesorter.js'
-  end
-  _body? do
-    # common banner
-    _a href: '' do
-      _img alt: "ASF Logo", src: ""
-    end
-    _h1_ title
-    # parse prospect records
-    prospect_repo = 'private/foundation/Fundraising/prospects'
-    sponsorship_repo = 'private/foundation/Fundraising/sponsorship'
-    prospects = Dir["#{ASF::SVN[prospect_repo]}/*.yml"].map do |name| 
-      file =
-      file.gsub! /:\s*\?\s*\n/, ": '?'\n"    # make parseable
-      data = YAML.load(file)
-      next if String === data
-      basename = File.basename(name.untaint)
-      sponsor_file_path = "#{ASF::SVN[sponsorship_repo]}/#{basename}"
-      if File.exists?(sponsor_file_path)
-        sponsor_data = YAML.load(
-      else
-        sponsor_data = {"name"=>basename}
-      end
-      [basename, data, sponsor_data]
-    end
-    _p do
-      _a "all", href: "all"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "due by today", href: "today"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "this week", href: "this-week"
-    end
-   _table_ do
-      _thead_ do
-        _tr do
-          _th 'By'
-          _th 'Date'
-          _th 'Prospect'
-          _th 'Comment'
-        end
-      end
-      _tbody do
-        count=0
-        prospects.compact.each do |file, data, sponsor|
-          actions = data['action']
-          if actions
-            actions.each do |action|
-              date = Date.parse(action['by-date'])
-              today =
-              endofweek = (today + (5- today.cwday) %7)
-              next if show == "TODAY" and date > today
-              next if show == "THISWEEK" and date > endofweek
-              _tr_ do
-                _td action['by']
-                if date < today
-                  _td.remind action['by-date']
-                else
-                  _td action['by-date']
-                end
-                _td! do
-                  _div sponsor
-                  _a "#{sponsor['name']}", href: "{prospect_repo}/#{file}"
-                end
-                _td action['comment']
-              end
-              count=count+1
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    _script %{
-      $("table").tablesorter({sortList: [[0,1]]});
-      $('th').append('<span></span>');
-    }
-  end
diff --git a/www/fundraising/sponsorship.cgi b/www/fundraising/sponsorship.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 815746a..0000000
--- a/www/fundraising/sponsorship.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'wunderbar'
-require 'whimsy/asf'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'date'
-user =$USER)
-unless user.asf_member? or ASF.pmc_chairs.include? user or $USER=='ea'
-  print "Status: 401 Unauthorized\r\n"
-  print "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ASF Members and Officers\"\r\n\r\n"
-  exit
-level= nil
-case ENV['PATH_INFO']
-when '/'
-  show = "ALL"
-  title = "All Sponsors"
-when "/overdue"
-  show = "OVERDUE"
-  title = "Overdue Sponsors"
-when "/active"
-  show = "ACTIVE"
-  title = "Active Sponsors"
-when "/unclear"
-  show = "UNCLEAR"
-  title = "Sponsors of Unknown Status"
-  show = "ALL"
-  level = ENV['PATH_INFO'][1,100]
-  title = "All Sponsors: #{level}"
-_html do
-  _head_ do
-    _title title
-    _style %{
-      th {border-bottom: solid black}
-      table {border-spacing: 1em 0.2em }
-      th span {float: right}
-      th span:after {padding-left: 0.5em; content: "\u2195"}
-      tr:hover {background-color: #FF8}
-      .headerSortUp span:after {content: " \u2198"}
-      .headerSortDown span:after {content: " \u2197"}
-      .remind {color: red}
-    }
-    _script src: '/jquery.min.js'
-    _script src: '/jquery.tablesorter.js'
-  end
-  _body? do
-    # common banner
-    _a href: '' do
-      _img alt: "Logo", src: ""
-    end
-    _h1_ title
-    # parse sponsorship records
-    sponsorship = 'private/foundation/Fundraising/sponsorship'
-    sponsors = Dir["#{ASF::SVN[sponsorship]}/*.yml"].map do |name| 
-      file =
-      file.gsub! /:\s*\?\s*\n/, ": '?'\n"    # make parseable
-      data = YAML.load(file)
-      next if String === data
-      data['date'] ||= data['invoice date']  # make uniform
-      [File.basename(name), data]
-    end
-    _p do
-      _a "all", href: "all"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "overdue", href: "overdue"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "active", href: "active"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "unclear", href: "unclear"
-    end
-    _p do
-      _a "platinum", href: "platinum"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "gold", href: "gold"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "silver", href: "silver"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "bronze", href: "bronze"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "service", href: "service"
-      _ "|"
-      _a "event", href: "event"
-    end
-    _table_ do
-      _thead_ do
-        _tr do
-          _th 'Sponsorship Date'
-          _th 'Renewal Date'
-          _th 'Sponsor'
-          _th 'Level'
-          _th 'Status'
-        end
-      end
-      count = 0
-      _tbody do
-        sponsors.compact.each do |file, data|
-          next if show == "ACTIVE" and data['status'] != 'active'
-          startdate = data['sponsorship-start']
-          if startdate
-            startdate = Date.parse(startdate)
-            enddate = startdate.next_year
-            isoverdue = enddate < ( + 62)
-          else
-            enddate = nil
-            isoverdue = false
-          end
-          next if show == "OVERDUE" and not isoverdue
-          next if show == "UNCLEAR" and (data['sponsorship-start']!=nil and data['status']!=nil)
-          next if not level.nil? and level != data['level']
-          _tr_ do
-            _td startdate
-            if data['level'] == "event"
-              _td "n/a"
-            elsif isoverdue and (data['status'] == "active" or data['status']=='')
-              _td.remind enddate
-            else
-              _td enddate
-            end
-            _td! do
-              _a data['name'], 
-                href: "{sponsorship}/#{file}"
-            end
-            _td data['level']
-            _td data['status']
-            count=count+1
-          end
-        end
-        if count == 0
-          _td "No sponsors found"
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    _script %{
-      $("table").tablesorter({sortList: [[0,1]]});
-      $('th').append('<span></span>');
-    }
-  end