blob: 632c2469165898a398a0e43f4d1427bbabe2cabc [file] [log] [blame]
"tools/collate_minutes.rb": {
"line": "230",
"symbol": "",
"description": "List of common prefix phrases in resolution titles"
"lib/whimsy/asf/board.rb": {
"line": "107",
"symbol": "DIRECTOR_MAP",
"description": "Map of all director id/initial/names"
"lib/whimsy/asf/committee.rb": {
"line": "64",
"symbol": "@@aliases.merge!",
"description": "Map of PMC display names to shortnames: 'community development' => 'comdev'"
"lib/whimsy/asf/mail.rb": {
"line": "86",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Lists of special cased mailing list names and access"
"lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Various hardcoded logic for details of how lists are archived; some special cases that are related to technical details"
"lib/whimsy/asf/person.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Various collation bits for people's names; generic to unicode or name prefixes"
"lib/whimsy/asf/podling.rb": {
"line": "260",
"symbol": "dev_mail_list",
"description": "Development mailing list name associated with a given podling"
"lib/whimsy/asf/site.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Various ASF groups and their website homepage URLs"
"lib/whimsy/asf/agenda/special.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Various hardcoded strings dealing with board agenda items (historical and current)"
"lib/whimsy/asd/agenda/summary.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "SKIP_AGENDAS",
"description": "defines map of F2F agendas (not traditionally parseable)"
"lib/whimsy/asf/person/override-dates.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "@@create_date",
"description": "Corrected creation dates for accounts created before May 2009"
"tools/check_auth.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "ROLE_NAMES",
"description": "hardcoded list of special non-LDAP names"
"tools/mboxhdr2csv.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Maps some tool-generated subject lines for different lists"
"tools/ponypoop.rb": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Mapping some tool-generated subject lines for different lists"
"www/incubator/graduated.cgi": {
"line": "9",
"symbol": "parents",
"description": "List of parent PMCs for some podlings"
"www/members/proxy.cgi": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "volunteers",
"description": "List of volunteers for current member's meeting; update annually per proxies file"
"www/members/subscriptions.cgi": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "ARCHIVERS",
"description": "List of email addresses for private lists"
"www/roster/models/nonpmc.rb": {
"line": "10",
"symbol": "mail_list",
"description": "Map of a few odd mailing list names"
"www/secretary/memapp_check.cgi": {
"line": "45",
"symbol": "",
"description": "List of Member names with special cases for IDs"
"www/test/dataflow.json": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "",
"description": "List of common /public datafiles and explanations"
"*board/scripts/README": {
"line": "",
"symbol": "",
"description": "Listing of some other private hardcoded mappings"