blob: 56cd74f689de44dbd8fb030d5a246d5dc3f0d1c5 [file] [log] [blame]
require 'whimsy/asf/rack'
require File.expand_path('../main.rb', __FILE__)
use ASF::Auth::MembersAndOfficers do |env|
# allow access to bootstrap related content
env['PATH_INFO'] =~ %r{^/(app|sw)\.js(\.map)?$} or
env['PATH_INFO'] =~ %r{\.js\.rb?$} or
env['PATH_INFO'] =~ %r{^/stylesheets/.*\.css\$} or
env['PATH_INFO'] =~ %r{^/[-\d]+/bootstrap.html$} or
env['PATH_INFO'] == '/manifest.json'
next true
# allow access to historical-comments and post for reporter tool.
# notes:
# - historical-comments and latest is filtered by routes.rb to only include
# the list of PMCs that the user is a member of for non-ASF-members and
# non-officers.
# - post is limited to ASF members, officers, and members of the PMC whose
# report is being posted.
# - reporter can be used with both HTTP GET and POST. GET is filtered
# like historical-commits, and POST is limited like post.
# - calendar is available to all committers
next true if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/json/historical-comments'
next true if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/json/post'
next true if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/json/reporter'
next true if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/latest.json'
next true if env['PATH_INFO'] == '/calendar.json'
# additionally authorize all invited guests
agenda = dir('board_agenda_*.txt').sort.last
if agenda
Agenda.parse(agenda, :full)
roll = Agenda[agenda][:parsed].find {|item| item['title'] == 'Roll Call'}
roll['people'].keys.include? env['REMOTE_USER']
use ASF::HTTPS_workarounds
use ASF::ETAG_Deflator_workaround
use ASF::DocumentRoot
run Sinatra::Application