blob: 812a0901466ab7dcf7706ed1e62f4262f1463686 [file] [log] [blame]
Publish approved minutes on the public web site
- clean up site-board, minutes, foundation-board checkouts
- read calendar and update text
- add year index
- add summary
- remove ?
- commit minutes (public repo):
- create/add the yearly folder if necessary
- if the public minutes do not already exist:
- copy private minutes to the yearly folder
- svn add them
- commit the updated yearly folder
- check for leftover errors
- commit updated calendar:
- if text has changed:
- svn diff
- svn commit
- check for leftover errors
- clean up board directory (private repo)
- remove minutes if they exist
- archive agenda if it exists
- commit changes if any
require 'date'
require 'whimsy/asf/svn'
MINUTES = ASF::SVN['minutes']
BOARD_PRIVATE = ASF::SVN['foundation_board']
# update from svn
[MINUTES, BOARD_PRIVATE].each do |dir|
ASF::SVN.svn('cleanup', dir)
ASF::SVN.svn('update', dir) # TODO: does this need auth?
# clean up summary
@summary = @summary.gsub(/\r\n/,"\n").sub(/\s+\Z/,'') + "\n"
# extract date and year from minutes
@date.untaint if @date =~ /^\d+_\d+_\d+$/
date = Date.parse(@date.gsub('_', '-'))
year = date.year
fdate = date.strftime("%d %B %Y")
minutes = "board_minutes_#{@date}.txt"
#Commit the Minutes
ASF::SVN.update MINUTES, @message, env, _ do |tmpdir|
yeardir = File.join(tmpdir, year.to_s).untaint
ASF::SVN.svn_('update', yeardir, _) # TODO does this need auth?
unless Dir.exist? yeardir
_.system('mkdir', yeardir)
ASF::SVN.svn_('add', yeardir, _)
year_minutes = File.join(yeardir, minutes)
if not File.exist? year_minutes
_.system('cp', File.join(BOARD_PRIVATE, minutes), yeardir)
ASF::SVN.svn_('add', year_minutes, _)
# Update the Calendar from SVN
ASF::SVN.multiUpdate_ ASF::SVN.svnpath!('site-board', 'calendar.mdtext' ).untaint, @message, env, _ do |calendar|
# add year header
unless calendar.include? "##{year}"
calendar[/^()#.*Board meeting minutes #/,1] =
"# #{year} Board meeting minutes # {##{year}}\n\n"
# add summary
if calendar.include? "\n- [#{fdate}]"
calendar.sub! /\n-\s+\[#{fdate}\].*?(\n[-#])/m, "\n" + @summary + '\1'
calendar[/# #{year} Board meeting minutes #.*\n()/,1] = "\n" + @summary
# remove from calendar
calendar.sub! /^(\s*[*-]\s+#{fdate}\s*?\n)/, ''
# Clean up board directory
ASF::SVN.update BOARD_PRIVATE, @message, env, _ do |tmpdir|
minutes_path = File.join(tmpdir, minutes)
ASF::SVN.svn_('update', minutes_path, _)
if File.exist? minutes_path
ASF::SVN.svn_('rm', minutes_path, _)
agenda_path = File.join(tmpdir, "board_agenda_#{@date}.txt")
ASF::SVN.svn_('update', agenda_path, _)
if File.exist? agenda_path
agenda_archive = File.join(tmpdir, 'archived_agendas')
ASF::SVN.svn_('update', agenda_archive, _, {depth: empty})
ASF::SVN.svn_('mv', [agenda_path, agenda_archive], _)
Dir.chdir(BOARD_PRIVATE) {Dir['board_minutes_*.txt'].sort}