Tweak docs
diff --git a/www/members/mailing_lists.cgi b/www/members/mailing_lists.cgi
index 9fa9ba6..ac22140 100755
--- a/www/members/mailing_lists.cgi
+++ b/www/members/mailing_lists.cgi
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
 -Mu allow subscribers to post, reject all others (subonly)
 -MU allow anyone to post (open)
--mz moderate after checking sender is known
--Mz unmoderated, but requires sender to be known
+-mz reject if it is not from an address, then moderate
+-Mz reject if sender is not an address or in LDAP
 -s subscriptions are moderated (usually means the list is private)
 -x check mime-type, size etc
 -y send copy to
--z check that sender address is known (i.e. or in LDAP)
+-z sender/from address checking: see above
 #  announce@a.o: mUxYz