blob: 2be713000fad1d8713316abd131d122cf02965ba [file] [log] [blame]
# Receive and deliver mail
require 'digest'
require 'fileutils'
MAIL_ROOT = '/srv/mail'
# get the message ID
def self.getmid(hdrs)
mid = hdrs[/^Message-ID:.*/i]
if mid =~ /^Message-ID:\s*$/i # no mid on the first line
# capture the next line and join them together
# line may also start with tab; we don't use \s as this also matches EOL
# Rescue is in case we don't match properly - we want to return nil in that case
mid = hdrs[/^Message-ID:.*\r?\n[ \t].*/i].sub(/\r?\n/,'') rescue nil
mail =
# only search headers for MID and List-ID etc
hdrs = mail[/\A(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n/m, 1] || ''
# extract info
dest = hdrs[/^List-Id: <(.*)>/, 1] || hdrs[/^Delivered-To.* (\S+)\s*$/, 1] || 'unknown'
list = dest[/^[-\w]+/]
month ='%Y%m')
hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(getmid(hdrs) || mail)[0..9]
# build file name
filedir = File.join(MAIL_ROOT, list, month)
file = File.join(filedir, hash)
File.umask 0o002
FileUtils.mkdir_p filedir
File.write file, mail, encoding: Encoding::BINARY
File.chmod 0o644, file