blob: 0cde27e07886560339f7f72f8cce6ccf064c9959 [file] [log] [blame]
require_relative 'person/override-dates'
module ASF
# An instance of this class represents a person. Data comes from a variety
# of sources: LDAP, <tt>asf--authorization-template</tt>, <tt>iclas.txt</tt>,
# <tt>members.txt</tt>, <tt>nominated-members.txt</tt>, and
# <tt>potential-member-watch-list.txt</tt>.
class Person
# sort support
# Convert non-ASCII characters to equivalent ASCII
# optionally: replace any remaining non-word characters (e.g. '.' and space) with '-'
def self.asciize(name, nonWord = '-')
# Should agree with asciize.js.rb
if name.match %r{[^\x00-\x7F]} # at least one non-ASCII character present
# digraphs. May be culturally sensitive
# Note that the combining accents require matching two characters
name.gsub! %r{\u00df}, 'ss'
name.gsub! %r{\u00e4|a\u0308}, 'ae' # 308 = combining diaeresis
name.gsub! %r{\u00e5|a\u030a}, 'aa' # a with ring above: should this translate as 'a'?
name.gsub! %r{\u00c5|A\u030a}, 'AA' # A with ring above: should this translate as 'A'?
name.gsub! %r{\u00e6}, 'ae' # small letter ae
name.gsub! %r{\u00c6}, 'AE' # large letter AE
name.gsub! %r{\u00f1|n\u0303}, 'ny' # 303 = combining tilde
name.gsub! %r{\u00d1|N\u0303}, 'NY' # 303 = combining tilde
name.gsub! %r{\u00f6|o\u0308}, 'oe' # 308 = combining diaeresis
name.gsub! %r{\u00d6|O\u0308}, 'OE' # 308 = combining diaeresis
name.gsub! %r{\u00de}, 'TH' # thorn
name.gsub! %r{\u00fe}, 'th' # thorn
name.gsub! %r{\u00fc|u\u0308}, 'ue' # 308 = combining diaeresis
name.gsub! %r{\u00dc|U\u0308}, 'UE' # 308 = combining diaeresis
# latin 1
name.gsub! %r{[\u00e0-\u00e3]}, 'a' # a with various accents
name.gsub! %r{[\u00c0-\u00c3]}, 'A' # A with various accents
name.gsub! %r{\u00e7}, 'c' # c-cedilla
name.gsub! %r{\u00c7}, 'C' # C-cedilla
name.gsub! %r{\u00f0}, 'd' # eth
name.gsub! %r{\u00d0}, 'D' # eth
name.gsub! %r{[\u00e8-\u00eb]}, 'e'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00c8-\u00cb]}, 'E'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00ec-\u00ef]}, 'i'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00cc-\u00cf]}, 'I'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00f2-\u00f5\u00f8]}, 'o'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00d2-\u00d5\u00d8]}, 'O'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00f9-\u00fb]}, 'u'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00d9-\u00db]}, 'U'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00fd\u00ff]}, 'y'
name.gsub! %r{[\u00dd\u0178]}, 'Y'
# Latin Extended-A
name.gsub! %r{[\u0100\u0102\u0104]}, 'A'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0101\u0103\u0105]}, 'a'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0106\u0108\u010A\u010C]}, 'C'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0107\u0109\u010B\u010D]}, 'c'
name.gsub! %r{[\u010E\u0110]}, 'D'
name.gsub! %r{[\u010F\u0111]}, 'd'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0112\u0114\u0116\u0118\u011A]}, 'E'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0113\u0115\u0117\u0119\u011B]}, 'e'
name.gsub! %r{[\u014A]}, 'ENG'
name.gsub! %r{[\u014B]}, 'eng'
name.gsub! %r{[\u011C\u011E\u0120\u0122]}, 'G'
name.gsub! %r{[\u011D\u011F\u0121\u0123]}, 'g'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0124\u0126]}, 'H'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0125\u0127]}, 'h'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0128\u012A\u012C\u012E\u0130]}, 'I'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0129\u012B\u012D\u012F\u0131]}, 'i'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0132]}, 'IJ'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0133]}, 'ij'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0134]}, 'J'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0135]}, 'j'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0136]}, 'K'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0137]}, 'k'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0138]}, 'kra'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0139\u013B\u013D\u013F\u0141]}, 'L'
name.gsub! %r{[\u013A\u013C\u013E\u0140\u0142]}, 'l'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0143\u0145\u0147]}, 'N'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0144\u0146\u0148\u0149]}, 'n'
name.gsub! %r{[\u014C\u014E\u0150]}, 'O'
name.gsub! %r{[\u014D\u014F\u0151\u01A1]}, 'o'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0152]}, 'OE'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0153]}, 'oe'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0154\u0156\u0158]}, 'R'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0155\u0157\u0159]}, 'r'
name.gsub! %r{[\u015A\u015C\u015E\u0160]}, 'S'
name.gsub! %r{[\u015B\u015D\u015F\u0161]}, 's'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0162\u0164\u0166]}, 'T'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0163\u0165\u0167]}, 't'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0168\u016A\u016C\u016E\u0170\u0172]}, 'U'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0169\u016B\u016D\u016F\u0171\u0173\u01B0]}, 'u'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0174]}, 'W'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0175]}, 'w'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0176\u0178]}, 'Y'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0177]}, 'y'
name.gsub! %r{[\u0179\u017B\u017D]}, 'Z'
name.gsub! %r{[\u017A\u017C\u017E]}, 'z'
# Latin Extended Additional
# N.B. Only ones seen in iclas.txt are included here
name.gsub! %r{\u1ea0}, 'A' # A with combining dot below
name.gsub! %r{\u1ea1}, 'a' # a with combining dot below
name.gsub! %r{\u1ec4}, 'E' # E with circumflex and tilde
name.gsub! %r{\u1ec5}, 'e' # e with circumflex and tilde
# remove unhandled combining diacritics (some combinations are handled above)
name.gsub! %r{[\u0300-\u036f]}, ''
if nonWord
# deal with any remaining non-word characters
name.strip.gsub %r{[^\w]+}, nonWord if nonWord
# generational suffixes
SUFFIXES = /^([Jj][Rr]\.?|I{2,3}|I?V|VI{1,3}|[A-Z]\.)$/
# rearrange line in an order suitable for sorting
def self.sortable_name(name)
name = name.split.reverse
suffix = (name.shift if name.first =~ SUFFIXES)
suffix += ' ' + name.shift if name.first =~ SUFFIXES
name << name.shift
# name << name.shift if name.first=='van'
name.last.sub! %r{^IJ}, 'Ij'
name.unshift(suffix) if suffix! {|word| asciize(word)}
name.reverse.join(' ').downcase
# surname prefixes
SINGLE_PFX = %w(von van Van de De del Del den le Le O Di Du dos St.)
DOUBLE_PFX = ['de la', 'van der', 'van de', 'van den', 'von der']
# parse a name into LDAP fields
def self.ldap_name(name)
words = name.gsub(',', '').split(' ')
result = {'cn' => name}
result['title'] = words.shift if words.first == 'Dr.' or words.first == 'Dr'
result['initials'] = []
while words.first =~ %r{^[A-Z]\.$}
result['initials'] << words.shift
if words.last =~ /^Ph\.D\.?/
title = words.pop # Always pop (||= short-circuits the pop)
result['title'] ||= title
result['generationQualifier'] = words.pop if words.last =~ SUFFIXES
result['givenName'] = words.shift if words.size > 1 # don't use remaining word as it must be sn
# TODO givenName can have multiple entries
# extract surnames like van Gogh etc
if words.size >= 3 and DOUBLE_PFX.include? words[-3..-2].join(' ')
result['sn'] = words[-3..-1].join(' ')
result['unused'] = words[0..-4]
elsif words.size >= 2 and SINGLE_PFX.include? words[-2]
result['sn'] = words[-2..-1].join(' ')
result['unused'] = words[0..-3]
result['sn'] = words.pop
result['unused'] = words
# extract sn and givenName from cn (needed for LDAP entries)
# returns sn, [givenName,...]
# Note that givenName is returned as an array (may be empty).
# This is because givenName is an optional attribute which may appear multiple times.
# It remains to be seen whether we want to create multiple attributes,
# or whether it is more appropriate to add at most one attribute
# containing all the givenName values. [The array can be joined to produce a single value].
# DRAFT version: not for general use yet
# Does not handle multi-word family names or honorifics etc
def self.ldap_parse_cn_DRAFT(cn, familyFirst)
words = cn.split(' ')
if familyFirst
sn = words.shift
sn = words.pop
return sn, words
# Name equivalences
names = [
%w(Alex Alexander Alexandru),
%w(Andrew Andy),
%w(William Bill),
%w(Chris Christopher Christoph),
%w(Joe Joey),
%w(Dan Daniel),
%w(David Dave),
%w(Don Donald),
%w(Greg Gregory),
%w(Jim James),
%w(Matt Matthew),
%w(Mike Michael Mick),
%w(Nikoloai Nickolay),
%w(Phil Philip),
%w(Rob Robbie Robert),
%w(Stephen Steve Steven),
%w(Tom Thomas),
%w(Tomek Tomasz),
%w(Zach Zachary),
names.each_with_index do |list, index|
list.each do |name|
NAMEHASH[name] = index
def self.names_equivalent?(one, two)
# index cannot be -1, cannot match if missing entries are set to -1 or nil
return one == two ||
(NAMEHASH[one] || -1) == NAMEHASH[two] ||
one.start_with?("#{two} ") || two.start_with?("#{one} ") ||
(NAMEHASH[one.split(' ').first] || -1) == NAMEHASH[two.split(' ').first]
# return name suitable for a filename stem
# Should normally be applied to the legal name
def self.stem_DRAFT(name)
# need to split before
name = name.gsub(',', ' ').split(/ +/).map {|n| n.gsub(%r{^(Dr|Jr|Sr|[A-Z])\.$}, '\1')}
# return public name in a sortable order (last name first)
def sortable_name
# determine account creation date. Notes:
# * LDAP info is not accurate for dates prior to 2009. See
# person/override-dates.rb
# * createTimestamp isn't loaded by default (but can either be preloaded
# or fetched explicitly)
def createTimestamp
result = @@create_date[name]
result ||= attrs['createTimestamp'][0] rescue nil # in case not loaded
result ||= ASF.search_one(base, "uid=#{name}", 'createTimestamp')[0][0]
def createDate
# return person's public name, searching a variety of sources, starting
# with iclas.txt, then LDAP, and finally the archives.
def public_name
return if icla
cn = [attrs['cn']].flatten.first
cn.force_encoding('utf-8') if cn.respond_to? :force_encoding
return cn if cn
# Returns <tt>true</tt> if this person is listed as an ASF member in
# _either_ LDAP or <tt>members.txt</tt>. Note: LDAP includes
# infrastructure staff members that may not be ASF Members.
def asf_member?
ASF::Member.status[name] or ASF.members.include? self
# Returns <tt>true</tt> if this person is listed as an ASF member in
# _either_ LDAP or <tt>members.txt</tt> or this person is listed as
# an PMC chair in LDAP.
def asf_chair_or_member?
asf_member? or ASF.pmc_chairs.include? self
# Returns ASF membership status according to members.txt:
# <tt>:current</tt> if this person is listed as an ASF member
# <tt>:emeritus</tt> if this person is listed as an Emeritus ASF member
# <tt>:deceased</tt> if this person is listed as a Deceased ASF member
# <tt>nil</tt> otherwise (i.e. does not appear in members.txt)
def asf_member_status
ASF::Member.member_status name
# Is this person in the secretary team?
def secretary?
ASF::Service.find('asf-secretary').members.include? self
# Is this person in the treasurer team?
def treasurer?
ASF::AuthGroup.find('treasurer').members.include? self