blob: 14469cb59529c64b89dfb5b319b490cfcb0cba41 [file] [log] [blame]
started: 1424284440.0
Call to order: '10:34'
Roll Call: |
Directors Present:
Rich Bowen
Doug Cutting
Bertrand Delacretaz
Ross Gardler
Jim Jagielski
Brett Porter
Sam Ruby
Directors Absent:
Chris Mattmann
Greg Stein
Executive Officers Present:
Craig L Russell
Executive Officers Absent:
Andrea Pescetti
Chip Childers
Daniel Gruno
David Nalley
Hadrian Zbarcea
Henri Yandell
Jake Farrell
Kevin A. McGrail
Mark Radcliffe - joined at 10:55
Marvin Humphrey
Sean Kelly
Shane Curcuru
Tom Pappas
January 21, 2015: tabled
Treasurer: |-
Jim: Will the audit be able to start soon?
Tom: Can't start the audit until books are closed; looks like mid summer for the audit.
Executive Vice President: Rich needs help with ApacheCon planning; Sam volunteered
to help.
Vice Chairman: The goal for resolution of the contractor issue is to have a recommendation
for the incoming board.
Discussion Items: "Mark: Trademarks are a valuable asset for ASF. Trademark rules
vary \nby country. Virtually all countries protect rights only through registration.
\nMany unsavory people register other peoples' trademarks as a\nbusiness. Risks
are most often on ASF users, not ASF per se. \nAs a practical matter, projects need
to select brands that are available. \nOpen source has \"won the war\" and is now
ubiquitous. Now there are \nlawsuits based on GPL interpretation by people who are
just trying to \nmake money from the legal process, not community policing as we
\nhave seen in the past. \n\nJim: Need to balance the cost versus benefit of registration.\n\nShane:
Looks like the \"sweet spot\" of registration is somewhat more \nthan we are doing
now. But consider that a third party has registered \nour Hadoop trademark in China.
This will not hurt Apache but may \nvery well hurt our downstream users. And eventually
this may hurt Apache \nif projects lose support from these users.\n\nJim: Once a
trademark is registered, are we then required to police it?\n\nMark: ASF is required
to police brands regardless of registration (or not).\nIf ASF doesn't have the money,
users may well contribute to registration costs. \n\nRoss: Users are represented
by PMCs. We need to make sure that \nPMCs step up, with foundation support."
Axis: '@Sam: follow up with Axis PMC.'
BookKeeper: ''
Creadur: "@Jim: Clarify report"
DeltaSpike: "@Bertrand: Ask if the git CMS work could be documented for others to
Drill: "@Brett: Are hangouts documents so non-attendees can participate later?"
HttpComponents: "@Chris: pursue a report for HttpComponents"
jUDDI: "@Brett: pursue a report for jUDDI"
Logging: "@Brett: Any action on log4j?"
ManifoldCF: "@Doug: Is there still an issue with infra?"
Perl: "@Sam: Is anyone on the PMC looking at the reminders?"
SIS: "@Brett: What is the issue with infra?"
Change Geronimo Chair: unanimous
Change ServiceMix Chair: unanimous
Change Directory Chair: unanimous
Change OODT Chair: unanimous
Change OpenOffice Chair: unanimous
Change MINA Chair: unanimous
Announcements: "Jim: The corporate sponsor of Groovy have dropped support, so \nthe
Groovy project might be interested in moving to Apache."
Rich Bowen:
:id: _Rich_Bowen
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Bowen Rich
Chip Childers:
:id: _Chip_Childers
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Childers Chip
Shane Curcuru:
:id: _Shane_Curcuru
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Curcuru Shane
Doug Cutting:
:id: _Doug_Cutting
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Cutting Doug
Bertrand Delacretaz:
:id: _Bertrand_Delacretaz
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Delacretaz Bertrand
Jake Farrell:
:id: _Jake_Farrell
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Farrell Jake
Ross Gardler:
:id: _Ross_Gardler
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Gardler Ross
Daniel Gruno:
:id: _Daniel_Gruno
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Gruno Daniel
Niclas Hedhman:
:present: false
Marvin Humphrey:
:id: _Marvin_Humphrey
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Humphrey Marvin
Jim Jagielski:
:id: _Jim_Jagielski
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Jagielski Jim
Sean Kelly:
:id: _Sean_Kelly
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Kelly Sean
Chris Mattmann:
:present: false
Kevin A. McGrail:
:id: _Kevin_A__McGrail
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: McGrail Kevin A.
David Nalley:
:id: _David_Nalley
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Nalley David
Andrea Pescetti:
:id: _Andrea_Pescetti
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Pescetti Andrea
Brett Porter:
:id: _Brett_Porter
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Porter Brett
Sam Ruby:
:id: _Sam_Ruby
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Ruby Sam
Craig L Russell:
:id: _Craig_L_Russell
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Russell Craig L
Greg Stein:
:present: false
Henri Yandell:
:id: _Henri_Yandell
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Yandell Henri
Hadrian Zbarcea:
:id: _Hadrian_Zbarcea
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Zbarcea Hadrian
Tom Pappas:
:id: tpappas
:present: true
:member: false
:sortName: Pappas Tom
Mark Radcliffe:
:present: true
:notes: " - joined at 10:55"
:member: false
:sortName: Radcliffe Mark