blob: 3cef310720892bc3b2c6123cab27dc8bc6d99bd7 [file] [log] [blame]
"": {
"description": "List of other public JSON and other data sources and underlying code models.",
"maintainer": "whimsy"
"": {
"description": "Committee (PMC) names and membership",
"format": "hash of hashes['committees']['accumulo']['display_name'] = 'Accumulo'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_committee_info.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Names of people who have submitted ICLAs who have uids (committer accounts)",
"format": "hash of hash['committers']['curcuru'] = 'Shane Curcuru'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_icla_info.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Names of people who have submitted ICLAs who don't (yet) have uids (commiter accounts)",
"format": "hash of array['non_committers'][0] = 'NonCommitter Name'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_icla_info.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "ASF Member name listing",
"format": "hash of arrays['members'][0] = 'aadamchik' and hash['ex_members']['dion'] = 'Deceased Member (RIP)'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_member_info.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Membership of LDAP auth groups. Membership of an LDAP auth group is used to grant commit karma for sub-project and other resources",
"format": "hash of hashes['auth']['apachecon']['roster'][11] = 'rbowen'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_ldap_authgroups.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Membership of LDAP committee groups. Note: Membership of an LDAP committee group != membership of the PMC. (Will eventually be replaced by public_ldap_projects.json)",
"format": "hash of hashes['committees']['accumulo']['roster'][0] = 'acordova'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_ldap_committees.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Membership of LDAP unix groups. Membership of an LDAP unix group is used to grant commit karma for a whole project. (Will eventually be replaced by public_ldap_projects.json)",
"format": "hash of hashes['groups']['accumulo']['roster'][0] = 'acordova'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_ldap_groups.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Basic details of LDAP personal entries. Shows the public name and whether the login is currently disabled",
"format": "hash of hashes['people']['curcuru']['name'] = 'Shane Curcuru'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_ldap_people.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Details of PMCs and Podlings. The 'owners' list holds the ids with (P)PMC karma, and the 'members' list holds the ids with (P)PMC committer karma. (Currently being introduced; will eventually replace public_ldap_groups and public_ldap_committees)",
"format": "hash of hashes['projects']...",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_ldap_projects.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Membership of LDAP service groups. For example pmc_chairs shows the list of people with PMC chair karma",
"format": "hash of hashes['services']['board']['roster'][1] = 'brett'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_ldap_services.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Membership of auth groups not defined in LDAP. For example, Incubator podlings. (Podlings are being moved to public_ldap_projects.json, this file is likely to become obsolete)",
"format": "hash of hashes['groups']['blur']['roster'][0] = 'dblevins'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_nonldap_groups.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Current Incubation status of each podling",
"format": "hash of hashes['podling']['abdera'] = 'graduated'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_podlings.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Listings of podling data TODO?",
"format": "hash of hashes['podling']['abdera']['name'] = 'Abdera'",
"maintainer": "/www/roster/public_podlings.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Current status of project websites relating to required navigation links",
"format": "hash of hashes['accumulo']['display_name'] = 'Accumulo'",
"maintainer": "/tools/site-scan.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Current status of Incubator podling websites relating to required navigation links",
"format": "hash of hashes['airflow']['display_name'] = 'Airflow'",
"maintainer": "/tools/site-scan.rb",
"sources": [
"": {
"description": "Policy for display of Apache PMC websites",
"maintainer": "vp-brand"
"/lib/whimsy/asf/auth.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Authorization: Models LDAP and other authorizations based on; See also ASF::Person",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/committee.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Committee: model both PMCs and other committees; See also ASF::Person",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/icla.rb": {
"description": "ASF::ICLA: Tracks ICLAs and names; See also ASF::Person",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/ldap.rb": {
"description": "ASF::LDAP: See also ASF::Config, Person, Member, Group",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/mail.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Mail: Associate email addresses with Persons; See also ASF::Config, Person, Committee, Podling",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/member.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Member: Data and auth about ASF Members; See also ASF::Person",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/nominees.rb": {
"description": "Extends ASF::Person to add data about nominees around meetings",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/person.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Person: Data about an ICLA signer, committer, etc.; Extensive integration with ASF::LDAP for auth",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/podlings.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Podlings: Committee analogue for Incubator podlings",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/rack.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Rack: add functionality to ASF::Auth, ASF::Committers, ASF::MembersAndOfficers",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy"
"/lib/whimsy/asf/site.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Site: Utility methods added to ASF::Committee",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"/lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb": {
"description": "ASF::SVN: Utility for SVN repo and file access; See also ASF::Config(reads .whimsy)",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy"
"/lib/whimsy/asf/git.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Git: Utility for Git repo and file access; See also ASF::Config(reads .whimsy)",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy"
"/lib/whimsy/asf/agenda.rb": {
"description": "ASF::Board::Agenda: Utility for approved and posted board minutes; many touchpoints: roster tool, board minutes",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy",
"sources": [
"private/committers/board/committee-info.txt": {
"description": "Official record of PMC and committee membership",
"maintainer": "secretary"
"infrastructure-puppet/modules/subversion_server/files/authorization/": {
"description": "Authorization records for source control repos",
"maintainer": "infra-staff"
"private/foundation/officers/iclas.txt": {
"description": "Official record of signed ICLAs",
"maintainer": "secretary"
"*reserved-ids.yml": {
"description": "ID names reserved from use by committers",
"maintainer": "infra-staff"
"*historic/committers.json": {
"description": "Historical data about past committer date changes",
"maintainer": "vp-whimsy"
"apache/infrastructure-puppet/deployment/data/common.yaml": {
"description": "Core infrastructure data locations",
"maintainer": "infra-staff"
"infra/infrastructure/apmail/trunk/bin/.archives": {
"description": "Records about mail archives and emails",
"maintainer": "infra-staff"
"private/foundation/members.txt": {
"description": "Official record of ASF corporate Membership",
"maintainer": "secretary"
"special/nominated-members.txt": {
"description": "Temporary listing of Member nominees before a Member's Meeting",
"maintainer": "secretary"
"asf/incubator/public/trunk/content/podlings.xml": {
"description": "Listing of active podlings and incubation status details",
"maintainer": "vp-incubator"
"asf/infrastructure/site/trunk/content/index.html": {
"description": "Listing of active podling websites",
"maintainer": "vp-incubator"
"": {
"description": "Official records and calendar of ASF Board of Directors",
"maintainer": "secretary"