blob: 340bb4f9ede46c393a29313ec03cf4d2634cfff2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
PAGETITLE = "Member Meeting Proxy Selection Form" # Wvisible:meeting
$LOAD_PATH.unshift '/srv/whimsy/lib'
require 'whimsy/asf'
require 'wunderbar'
require 'wunderbar/bootstrap'
require 'wunderbar/jquery'
require 'date'
require 'tmpdir'
require_relative 'meeting-util'
# Emit basic instructions and details on quorum
def emit_instructions(today, cur_mtg_dir, meeting)
if today > meeting
_p.text_warning %{
WARNING: Data for the next Member's Meeting is not yet available,
so this form will not work yet. Please wait until the Chairman
announces the opening of nominations for the board and new members,
and then check back to assign a new proxy for the meeting.
Data from the previous meeting on #{meeting} is shown below for debugging only.
_p %{
This form allows you to assign a proxy for the upcoming
Member's Meeting on #{meeting}. If there is any chance you might not be able
to attend the first part of the Member's Meeting on Tuesday in IRC, then
please assign a proxy, because that helps the meeting reach
quorum more quickly - the meeting can't formally continue without quorum at the start.
You can still attend the meeting if you want, and you can revoke a
proxy at any time.
_p %{
If you submit a proxy, you will still be sent board and new member ballots by email
during the meeting's 46 hour recess (between Tuesday and Thursday,
with two hours for vote counting), so you will still need to
cast your votes by checking your mail and clicking the links during the recess. If
you won't have internet access the week of the meeting, ask
for how to assign a proxy for your vote ballots as well.
_p do
_ 'Note while the legal proxy form below states your proxy may have your voting rights, in practice '
_strong 'you will still be emailed your ballots'
_ ' unless you explicitly mark a \'*\' in the appropriate place in the '
_code 'proxies'
_ ' file. The great majority of proxies assigned are for attendance only; not for voting.'
num_members, quorum_need, num_proxies, attend_irc = MeetingUtil.calculate_quorum(cur_mtg_dir)
if num_members
_p do
_ 'Currently, we must have '
_span.text_primary attend_irc
_ " Members attend the first half of the #{meeting} meeting and respond to Roll Call to reach quorum and continue the meeting."
_ " Calculation: Total voting members: #{num_members}, with one third for quorum: #{quorum_need}, minus previously submitted proxies: #{num_proxies}"
# Emit meeting data and form for user to select a proxy - GET
def emit_form(cur_mtg_dir, _meeting, volunteers)
help, copypasta = MeetingUtil.is_user_proxied(cur_mtg_dir, $USER)
user_is_proxy = help && copypasta
_whimsy_panel(user_is_proxy ? "You Are Proxying For Others" : "Select A Proxy For Upcoming Meeting", style: 'panel-success') do
_div do
if help
_p help
if copypasta
_ul.bg_success do
copypasta.each do |copyline|
_pre copyline
_p 'The following members have explicitly volunteered to serve as proxies; select any one of them, or select any other member that you know will proxy for you (or ask!):'
_ul do
volunteers.each do |vol|
_pre vol
if user_is_proxy
_p.text_warning %{
NOTE: you are proxying for other members, so you cannot assign
someone else to proxy for your attendance. If it turns out that
you will not be able to attend the first half of the IRC meeting
on Tuesday, you MUST work with the Chairman and your proxies
to update the proxy records, and get someone else to mark their presence!
_div.well.well_lg do
_form method: 'POST' do
_div.form_group do
_label 'Select proxy'
# Fetch LDAP
ldap_members = ASF.members
ASF::Person.preload('cn', ldap_members)
# Fetch members.txt
members_txt = ASF::Member.list
# get a list of members who have submitted proxies
exclude = Dir[File.join(cur_mtg_dir,'proxies-received', '*')].
map {|name| name[/(\w+)\.\w+$/, 1]}
_select.combobox.input_large.form_control name: 'proxy' do
_option 'Select an ASF Member', :selected, value: ''
ldap_members.sort_by(&:public_name).each do |member|
next if == $USER # No self proxies
next if exclude.include? # Not attending
next unless members_txt[] # Non-members
next if members_txt[]['status'] # Emeritus/Deceased
# Display the availid to users to match volunteers array above
_option "#{member.public_name} (#{})"
_div_.form_group do
_p do
_ "IMPORTANT! Be sure to tell the person that you select as proxy above that you've assigned them to mark your attendance! They simply need to mark your proxy attendance when the meeting starts."
_a 'Read full procedures for Member Meeting', href: ''
_div.button_group.text_center do
_button.btn.btn_primary 'Submit'
_pre, 'member_proxy.txt'))
## _script src: "js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"
## _script src: "js/bootstrap.min.js"
_script src: "js/bootstrap-combobox.js" # TODO do we need this still?
_script_ %{
// convert select into combobox
// initially disable submit
$('.btn').prop('disabled', true);
// enable submit when proxy is chosen
$('*[name="proxy"]').change(function() {
$('.btn').prop('disabled', false);
# Emit a record of a user's submission - POST
def emit_post(cur_mtg_dir, meeting, _)
_h3_ 'Proxy Assignment - Session Transcript'
# collect data
proxy =, 'member_proxy.txt'))
user = ASF::Person.find($USER)
date ="%B %-d, %Y")
# update proxy form (match as many _ as possible up to the name length)
proxy[/authorize _(_{,#{@proxy.length}})/, 1] = @proxy.gsub(' ', '_')
proxy[/signature: _(_#{'_' *user.public_name.length}_)/, 1] =
"/#{user.public_name.gsub(' ', '_')}/"
proxy[/name: _(#{'_' *user.public_name.length})/, 1] =
user.public_name.gsub(' ', '_')
proxy[/availid: _(#{'_' *})/, 1] =' ', '_')
proxy[/Date: _(#{'_' *date.length})/, 1] = date.gsub(' ', '_')
proxyform = proxy
# report on commit
_div.transcript do
Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir|
svn = ASF::SVN.getInfoItem(File.join(MEETINGS,meeting),'url')
ASF::SVN.svn_('checkout',[svn, tmpdir], _,
{quiet: true, user: $USER, password: $PASSWORD})
Dir.chdir(tmpdir) do
# write proxy form
filename = "proxies-received/#$USER.txt"
File.write(filename, proxyform)
ASF::SVN.svn_('add', filename, _)
ASF::SVN.svn_('propset', ['svn:mime-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', filename], _)
# get a list of proxies
list = Dir['proxies-received/*.txt'].map do |file|
form =
id = file[/([-A-Za-z0-9]+)\.\w+$/, 1]
proxy = form[/hereby authorize ([\S].*) to act/, 1].
gsub('_', ' ').strip
# Ensure availid is not included in proxy name here
proxy = proxy[/([^(]+)/, 1].strip
name = form[/signature: ([\S].*)/, 1].gsub(/[\/_]/, ' ').strip
" #{proxy.ljust(24)} #{name} (#{id})"
# gather a list of all non-text proxies (TODO unused)
nontext = Dir['proxies-received/*'].
reject {|file| file.end_with? '.txt'}.
map {|file| file[/([-A-Za-z0-9]+)\.\w+$/, 1]}
# update proxies file
proxies ='proxies')
# look for lines containing '(id)' which start with 3 spaces
# TODO this assumes that the volunteer lines start with 2 spaces
existing = proxies.scan(/ \S.*\(\S+\).*$/)
# extract the ids
existing_ids = {|line| line[/\((\S+)\)/, 1] }
# keep only new ids
added = list.
reject {|line| existing_ids.include? line[/\((\S+)\)$/, 1]}
list = added + existing
# look for the last '-' at the end of a line.
# This should be under the 'For:' column heading just before the proxies
# TODO it would be safer to look for <name>
proxies[/.*-\n(.*)/m, 1] = list.flatten.sort.join("\n") + "\n"
IO.write('proxies', proxies)
# commit
ASF::SVN.svn_('commit',[filename, 'proxies'], _,
{msg: "assign #{@proxy} as my proxy", user: $USER, password: $PASSWORD})
# TODO: send email to @proxy per WHIMSY-78
# Report on contents now that they're checked in
_h3! do
_span "Contents of "
_code "foundation/Meetings/#{meeting}/#{$USER}.txt"
_span " as now checked in to svn:"
_pre proxyform
# produce HTML
_html do
_style :system
_style %{
.transcript {margin: 0 16px}
.transcript pre {border: none; line-height: 0}
_body? do
# Find latest meeting and check if it's in the future yet
MEETINGS = ASF::SVN['Meetings']
cur_mtg_dir = MeetingUtil.get_latest(MEETINGS)
meeting = File.basename(cur_mtg_dir)
today ='%Y%m%d')
subtitle: today > meeting ? "ERROR: Next Meeting Data Not Available" : "How To Assign A Proxy For Upcoming Meeting",
related: {
'/members/meeting' => 'How-To / FAQ for Member Meetings',
'/members/attendance-xcheck' => 'Members Meeting Attendance Crosscheck',
'/members/inactive' => 'Inactive Member Feedback Form',
'/members/subscriptions' => 'Members@ Mailing List Crosscheck'
helpblock: -> {
emit_instructions(today, cur_mtg_dir, meeting)
) do
if _.get?
emit_form(cur_mtg_dir, meeting, MeetingUtil::getVolunteers(cur_mtg_dir))
else # POST
emit_post(cur_mtg_dir, meeting, _)