blob: ac6508f5ea225e44c0fb15355994d8556a76ba2b [file] [log] [blame]
require 'active_support/time'
# read template for the reminders
@reminder.untaint if @reminder =~ /^reminder\d$/
@reminder.untaint if @reminder =~ /^non-responsive$/
template ="#{FOUNDATION_BOARD}/templates/#@reminder.mustache")
# find the latest agenda
agenda = Dir["#{FOUNDATION_BOARD}/board_agenda_*.txt"].sort.last.untaint
# determine meeting time
meeting = ASF::Board.nextMeeting
dueDate = meeting - 7.days
# substitutable variables
view = {
project: '{{{project}}}',
link: '{{{link}}}',
meetingDate: meeting.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y at %H:%M %Z"),
month: meeting.strftime("%B"),
year: meeting.year.to_s,
timeZoneInfo:[/Other Time Zones: (.*)/, 1],
dueDate: dueDate.strftime("%a %b #{}"),
agenda: meeting.strftime("")
# perform the substitution
template = Mustache.render(template.untaint, view)
# extract subject
subject = template[/Subject: (.*)/, 1]
template[/Subject: .*\s+/] = ''
# return results
{subject: subject, body: template}