Add initial draft of download page checker
diff --git a/tools/download_check.rb b/tools/download_check.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ccfcb80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/download_check.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+Checks a download page URL for compliance with ASF guidelines.
+Note: the GUI interface is currently at www/members/download_check.cgi
+require 'wunderbar'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'nokogiri'
+require 'time'
+Checks performed: (F=fatal, E=error, W=warn)
+$SAFE = 1
+$CLI = false
+$VERBOSE = false
+$NO_CHECK_LINKS = false
+$NOFOLLOW = false # may be reset
+$VERSION = nil
+# match an artifact
+ARTIFACT_RE = %r{/([^/]+\.(tar|tar\.gz|zip|tgz|tar\.bz2|jar|war))$}
+def init
+  # build a list of validation errors
+  @tests = []
+  @fails = 0
+    $NOFOLLOW = true
+    I "Will not check links"
+  else
+      I "Will check links even if download page has errors"
+    else
+      I "Will check links if download page has no errors"
+    end      
+  end
+  I "Will %s links in checks" % ($ARCHIVE_CHECK ? 'include' : 'not include')
+# save the result of a test
+def test(severity, txt)
+  @tests << {severity => txt}
+  @fails +=1 unless severity == :I or severity == :W
+def F(txt)
+  test(:F, txt)
+def E(txt)
+  test(:E, txt)
+def W(txt)
+  test(:W, txt)
+def I(txt)
+  test(:I, txt)
+# extract test entries with key k
+def tests(k)
+{|t| t[k]}.compact
+# extract test entries with key k
+def testentries(k)
+{|t| t[k]}.compact
+def showList(list, header)
+  unless list.empty?
+    _h2_ header
+    _ul do
+      list.each { |item| _li item }
+    end
+  end
+def displayHTML
+  fatals = tests(:F)
+  errors = tests(:E)
+  warns = tests(:W)
+  if !fatals.empty?
+    _h2_.bg_danger "The page at #@url failed our checks:"
+  elsif !errors.empty?
+    _h2_.bg_warning "The page at #@url has some problems:"
+  elsif !warns.empty?
+    _h2_.bg_warning "The page at #@url has some minor issues"
+  else
+    _h2_.bg_success "The page at #@url looks OK, thanks for using this service"
+  end
+  if @fails > 0
+    showList(fatals, "Fatal errors:")
+    showList(errors, "Errors:")
+    # Cannot easily copy/paste URLs; use layout suitable for copy/paste into e.g. JIRA issue/e-mail
+    _p do
+      _ 'Please see the Apache download page configuration instructions [1] for further details on configuring your mirror server.'
+    end
+    _p do
+    _ '[1] '
+      _a 'TBA', href: 'TBA'
+    end
+  end
+  showList(warns, "Warnings:")
+  _h2_ 'Tests performed'
+  _ol do
+    @tests.each { |t|{|k,v| _li "#{k}: - #{v}"}}
+  end
+  _h4_ 'F: fatal, E: Error, W: warning, I: info (success)'
+# get an HTTP URL
+def HEAD(url)
+  puts ">> HEAD #{url}" if $VERBOSE
+  url.untaint
+  uri = URI.parse(url)
+  unless uri.scheme
+    W "No scheme for URL #{url}, assuming http"
+    uri = URI.parse("http:"+url)
+  end
+  http =, uri.port)
+  http.use_ssl = uri.scheme == 'https'
+  request =
+  http.request(request)
+# get an HTTP URL=> response
+def GET(url)
+  puts ">> GET #{url}" if $VERBOSE
+  url.untaint
+  uri = URI.parse(url).untaint
+  unless uri.scheme
+    W "No scheme for URL #{url}, assuming http"
+    uri = URI.parse("http:"+url).untaint
+  end
+  http =, uri.port)
+  http.use_ssl = uri.scheme == 'https'
+  request =
+  http.request(request.untaint)
+# Check page exists
+def check_head(path, severity = :E, expectedStatus = "200", log=true)
+  response = HEAD(path)
+  code = response.code ||  '?'
+  if code != expectedStatus
+    test(severity, "HEAD #{path} - HTTP status: #{code} expected: #{expectedStatus}") unless severity == nil
+    return nil
+  end
+  I "Checked HEAD #{path} - OK (#{code})" if log
+  response
+# check page can be read => body
+def check_page(path, severity=:E, expectedStatus="200", log=true)
+  response = GET(path)
+  code = response.code ||  '?'
+  if code != expectedStatus
+    test(severity, "Fetched #{path} - HTTP status: #{code} expected: #{expectedStatus}") unless severity == nil
+    return nil
+  end
+  I "Fetched #{path} - OK (#{code})" if log
+  puts "Fetched #{path} - OK (#{code})" if $CLI
+  if code == '200'
+    return response.body
+  else
+    return response
+  end
+# Check closer/download page
+def check_closer_down(url)
+  # N.B. HEAD does not work; it returns success
+  res = check_page(url, :E, "302", false)
+  loc = res['location']
+  res = check_head(loc, :E, "200", false)
+  return unless res
+  ct = res.content_type
+  cl = res.content_length
+  if ct and cl
+    I "Checked #{url} OK - ct=#{ct} cl=#{cl}"
+  elsif cl > 0
+    W "Possible issue with #{url} ct=#{ct} cl=#{cl}"
+  else
+    E "Problem with #{url} ct=#{ct} cl=#{cl}"
+  end
+# returns www|archive, stem and the hash extension
+def check_hash_loc(h,tlp)
+  if h =~ %r{^(https?)://(?:(archive|www)\.)?apache\.org/dist/(?:incubator/)?#{tlp}/.*([^/]+)(\.(\w{3,6}))$}
+    E "HTTPS! #{h}" unless $1 == 'https'
+    return $2,$3,$4
+  else
+    E "Unexpected hash location #{h} for #{tlp}"
+    nil
+  end
+# get the https? links as Array of [href,text]
+def get_links(body)
+  doc = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
+  nodeset = doc.css('a[href]')    # Get anchors w href attribute via css
+  links = {|node|
+    href = node.attribute("href").to_s
+    text = node.text.gsub(/[[:space:]]+/,' ')
+    [href,text]
+  }.select{|x,y| x =~ %r{^(https?:)?//} }
+ 'the integrity of the downloaded files',
+ 'verify the integrity', # commons has this as a link; perhaps try converting page to text only?
+ 'verify that checksums and signatures are correct',
+ '#verifying-signature',
+ 'check that the download has completed OK',
+ 'You should verify your download',
+ 'downloads can be verified',
+ '',
+ 'verify your mirrored downloads',
+ 'verify your downloads',
+ 'All downloads should be verified',
+    'sig' => 'asc',
+    'pgp' => 'asc',
+# Convert text reference to extension
+# e.g. SHA256 => sha256; [SIG] => asc
+def text2ext(txt)
+    if txt.size <= 10
+        tmp = txt.downcase.sub(%r{^\[(.+)\]$},'\1')
+        ALIASES[tmp] || tmp
+    else
+        txt
+    end
+# Suite: perform all the HTTP checks
+def checkDownloadPage(path, tlp, version)
+    begin
+        _checkDownloadPage(path.strip, tlp, version)
+    rescue Exception => e
+        F e
+        if $CLI
+          p e
+          puts e.backtrace 
+        end
+    end
+def _checkDownloadPage(path, tlp, version)
+  if version != ''
+    I "Checking #{path} [#{tlp}] for version #{version} only ..."
+  else
+    I "Checking #{path} [#{tlp}] ..."
+  end
+  # check the main body
+  if path.start_with? 'http'
+    body = check_page(path)
+  else
+    file = path
+    if file.start_with? '~'
+      file = ENV['HOME'] + file[1..-1]
+    end
+    body =
+  end
+  return unless body
+  if body.include? ''
+    E 'Page must not link to'
+  else
+    I 'Page does not reference'
+  end
+  if body.include? ''
+    E 'Page must not link to'
+  else
+    I 'Page does not reference'
+  end
+  deprecated = Time.parse('2018-01-01')
+  links = get_links(body)
+  # check KEYS link
+  # TODO: is location used by hc allowed, e.g.
+  #
+  expurl = "https://[www.][incubator/]#{tlp}/KEYS"
+  expurlre = %r{^https://(www\.)?apache\.org/dist/(incubator/)?#{tlp}/KEYS$}
+  keys ={|h,v| v.strip == 'KEYS' || v == 'KEYS file' || v == '[KEYS]'}
+  if keys.size >= 1
+    I 'Found KEYS link'
+    keyurl = keys.first.first
+    if keyurl =~ expurlre
+      I "KEYS links to #{expurl} as expected"
+    else
+      if keyurl =~ %r{^https://www\.apache\.org/dist/#{tlp}/[^/]+/KEYS$}
+        W "KEYS: expected: #{expurl}\n             actual: #{keyurl}"
+      else
+        E "KEYS: expected: #{expurl}\n             actual: #{keyurl}"
+      end
+    end
+  else
+    E 'Could not find KEYS link'
+  end
+  # check for verify instructions
+  bodytext = body.gsub(/\s+/,' ') # single line
+  if VERIFY_TEXT.any? {|text| bodytext.include? text}
+    I 'Found reference to download verification'
+  else
+    E 'Could not find statement of the need to verify downloads'
+  end
+  # Check if GPG verify has two parameters
+  body.scan(%r{^.+gpg --verify.+$}){|m|
+    unless m =~ %r{gpg --verify\s+\S+\.asc\s+\S+}
+      W "gpg verify without second param: #{m.strip}"
+    end
+  }
+  # check if page refers to md5sum
+  body.scan(%r{^.+md5sum.+$}){|m|
+    W "Found md5sum: #{m.strip}"
+  }
+  # Check archives have hash and sig
+  vercheck = # key = archive name, value = array of hash/sig
+  links.each do |h,t|
+    # Must occur before mirror check below
+    if h =~ %r{^https?://\.(asc|sha\d+|md5))$}
+        base = File.basename($1)
+        ext = $2
+        stem = base[0..-(2+ext.length)]
+        if vercheck[stem]
+          vercheck[stem] << ext
+        else
+          E "Bug: found hash for missing artifact #{stem}"
+        end
+        tmp = text2ext(t)
+        next if ext == tmp # i.e. link is just the type or [TYPE]
+        if not base == t
+            E "Mismatch: #{h} and #{t}"
+        end
+    # These might also be direct links to mirrors
+    elsif h =~ ARTIFACT_RE
+        base = File.basename($1)
+  #         puts "base: " + base
+        if vercheck[base]  # might be two links to same archive
+            W "Already seen link for #{base}"
+        else
+            vercheck[base] = []
+        end
+        # Text must include a '.' (So we don't check 'Source')
+        if t.include?('.') and not base == t
+          # text might be short version of link
+          tmp = t.strip.sub(%r{.*/},'') # 
+          if base == tmp
+            W "Mismatch?: #{h} and #{t}"
+          else
+            E "Mismatch: #{h} and '#{tmp}'"
+          end
+        end        
+    end
+  end
+  # did we find all required elements?
+  vercheck.each do |k,v|
+    unless v.include? "asc" and v.any? {|e| e =~ /^sha\d+$/ or e == 'md5'}
+      E "#{k} missing sig/hash: #{v.inspect}"
+    end
+  end
+  if @fails > 0 and not $ALWAYS_CHECK_LINKS
+    W "** Not checking links **"
+    $NOFOLLOW = true
+  end
+  links.each do |h,t|
+    if h =~ %r{\.(asc|sha256|sha512)$}
+      host, stem, ext = check_hash_loc(h,tlp)
+      if host == 'archive'
+        I "Ignoring archive hash #{h}"
+      elsif host
+        if $NOFOLLOW
+          I "Skipping archive hash #{h}"
+        else
+          check_head(h, :E, "200", true)
+        end
+      else
+        # will have been reported by check_hash_loc
+      end
+    # mirror downloads need to be treated differently
+    elsif h =~ %r{^https?://*action=download}
+      if $NOFOLLOW
+          I "Skipping download artifact #{h}"
+      else
+          check_closer_down(h)
+      end
+    elsif h =~ ARTIFACT_RE
+      if $NOFOLLOW
+        I "Skipping archive artifact #{h}"
+        next
+      end
+      name = $1
+      ext = $2
+      if h =~ %r{https?://archive\.apache\.org/}
+        I "Ignoring archive artifact #{h}"
+        next
+      end
+      if h =~ %r{https?://(www\.)?apache\.org/dist}
+        E "Must use mirror system #{h}"
+        next
+      end
+      res = check_head(h, :E, "200", false)
+      next unless res
+      # if HEAD returns content_type and length it's probably a direct link
+      ct = res.content_type
+      cl = res.content_length
+      if ct and cl
+        I "#{h} OK: #{ct} #{cl}"
+      else # need to try to download the mirror page
+        path = nil
+        bdy = check_page(h, :E, "200", false)
+        if bdy
+          lks = get_links(bdy)
+          lks.each do |l,t|
+             if l.end_with? name
+                path = l
+                break
+             end
+          end
+        end
+        if path
+          res = check_head(path, :E, "200", false)
+          next unless res
+          ct = res.content_type
+          cl = res.content_length
+          if ct and cl
+            I "OK: #{ct} #{cl} #{path}"
+          else
+            E "NAK: #{ct} #{cl} #{path}"
+          end
+        else
+          E "Could not find link for #{name} in #{h}"
+        end
+      end
+    elsif h =~ %r{\.(md5|sha.*)$}
+      host,_,_ = check_hash_loc(h,tlp)
+      if $NOFOLLOW
+        I "Skipping deprecated hash #{h}"
+        next
+      end
+      if host == 'www' or host == ''
+        res = check_head(h,:E, "200", false)
+        next unless res
+        lastmod = res['last-modified']
+        date = Time.parse(lastmod)
+        # Check if older than 2018?
+        if date < deprecated
+          I "Deprecated hash found #{h} #{t}; however #{lastmod} is older than #{deprecated}"
+          # OK
+        else
+          E "Deprecated hash found #{h} #{t} - do not use for current releases #{lastmod}"
+        end
+      end
+    elsif h =~ %r{/KEYS$} or t == 'KEYS'
+      # already handled
+    elsif h =~ %r{^https?://www\.apache\.org/?(licenses/.*|foundation/.*|events/.*)?$}
+      # standard links
+    elsif h =~ %r{https?://}
+    elsif h.start_with? ''
+      # Wiki
+    elsif h.start_with? ''
+      # Wiki
+    elsif h.start_with? ''
+      #        E "Public download pages should not link to unreleased code: #{h}" # could be a sidebar/header link
+    elsif h =~ %r{^https?://(archive|www)\.apache\.org/dist/}
+      W "Not yet handled #{h} #{t}" unless h =~ /RELEASE[-_]NOTES/ or h =~ %r{^https?://{tlp}/}
+    else
+      # Ignore everything else?
+    end
+  end
+def getTLP(url)
+  if url =~ %r{^https?://([^.]+)(\.incubator)?\.apache\.org/}
+     tlp = $1
+     tlp = 'httpcomponents' if tlp == 'hc'
+  elsif url =~ %r{^https?://([^.]+)\.openoffice\.org/}
+     tlp = 'openoffice'
+  else
+     tlp = nil
+     F "Unknown TLP for URL #{url}"
+  end
+  tlp
+# Called by GUI when POST is pushed
+def doPost(options)
+  $ALWAYS_CHECK_LINKS = options[:checklinks]
+  $NO_CHECK_LINKS = options[:nochecklinks]
+  $ARCHIVE_CHECK = options[:archivecheck]
+  init
+  url = options[:url]
+  tlp = getTLP(url)
+  if tlp
+    checkDownloadPage(url, tlp, options[:version])
+  end
+  displayHTML
+if __FILE__ == $0
+  $CLI = true
+  $SAFE = 0
+  $VERBOSE =true
+  $ALWAYS_CHECK_LINKS = ARGV.delete '--always'
+  $NO_CHECK_LINKS = ARGV.delete '--nolinks'
+  $ARCHIVE_CHECK = ARGV.delete '--archivecheck'
+  version = ''
+  if ARGV.size == 1
+    url = ARGV[0]
+    tlp = getTLP(url)
+  else
+    url = ARGV[0]
+    tlp = ARGV[1]
+    version = ARGV[2] || ''
+  end
+  init
+  checkDownloadPage(url, tlp, version)
+  # display the test results as text
+  puts ""
+  puts "================="
+  puts ""
+  @tests.each { |t|{|k, v| puts "#{k}: - #{v}"}}
+  puts ""
+  testentries(:W).each { |t|{|k, v| puts "#{k}: - #{v}"}}
+  testentries(:E).each { |t|{|k, v| puts "#{k}: - #{v}"}}
+  testentries(:F).each { |t|{|k, v| puts "#{k}: - #{v}"}}
+  puts ""
+  if @fails > 0
+    puts "NAK: #{url} had #{@fails} errors"
+  else
+    puts "OK: #{url} passed all the tests"
+  end
+  puts ""
diff --git a/www/members/download_check.cgi b/www/members/download_check.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d57939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/members/download_check.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+PAGETITLE = "ASF Download Page Checker - BETA"
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift '/srv/whimsy/lib'
+require 'wunderbar'
+require 'wunderbar/bootstrap'
+require 'whimsy/asf'
+require "../../tools/download_check.rb"
+_html do
+  _body? do
+    _whimsy_body(
+      title: PAGETITLE,
+      related: {
+        '' => 'Release announcements',
+        '' => 'Download links and cryptographic files',
+        '' => 'KEYS file and download verification',
+        '' => 'MD5 and SHA1 are deprecated',
+      },
+      helpblock: -> {
+        _p do
+          _b '*** BETA ***'
+        end
+        _p 'This page can be used to check that an Apache download page has been set up correctly.'
+        _p do
+          _'The download page is checked for the following:'
+          _ul do
+            _li 'Does not link to'
+            _li 'Page does not reference'
+            _li 'Has link to KEYS file'
+            _li 'References need to verify downloads'
+            _li 'If gpg verify example is given, should include second parameter'
+            _li 'Each artifact has a signature and a hash, which should not be MD5 or SHA1'
+#            _li 'If a version is specified, there must be an artifact link with that version'
+          end
+          _p 'If any errors are found, no further checks are made unless "Always check links" is enabled'
+          _p 'Links are checked by using HTTP HEAD requests; however links to the archive server are not checked unless "Check archive server links" is selected'
+        end
+      }
+    ) do
+      _whimsy_panel('Check Download page', style: 'panel-success') do
+        _form.form_horizontal method: 'post' do
+          _div.form_group do
+            _label.control_label.col_sm_2 'Page URL', for: 'url'
+            _div.col_sm_10 do
+     name: 'url', required: true,
+                value: ENV['QUERY_STRING'],
+                placeholder: 'download URL',
+                size: 50
+            end
+          end
+#          _div.form_group do
+#            _label.control_label.col_sm_2 'Version to check', for: 'version'
+#            _div.col_sm_10 do
+#     name: 'version', required: false,
+#                placeholder: 'optional version to check',
+#                size: 50
+#            end
+#          end
+          _div.form_group do
+            _label.control_label.col_sm_2 'Always check links', for: 'checklinks'
+            _div.col_sm_10 do
+              _input name: 'checklinks', type: 'checkbox', value: 'true', checked: false
+            end
+          end
+          _div.form_group do
+            _label.control_label.col_sm_2 'Never check links', for: 'nochecklinks'
+            _div.col_sm_10 do
+              _input name: 'nochecklinks', type: 'checkbox', value: 'true', checked: false
+            end
+          end
+          _div.form_group do
+            _label.control_label.col_sm_2 'Check links to archive server', for: 'archivecheck'
+            _div.col_sm_10 do
+              _input name: 'archivecheck', type: 'checkbox', value: 'true', checked: false
+            end
+          end
+          _div.form_group do
+            _div.col_sm_offset_2.col_sm_10 do
+              _input.btn.btn_default type: 'submit', value: 'Check Page'
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      _div.well.well_lg do
+        if
+          doPost(
+            {
+              url: @url,
+              version: '', # TODO @version when implemented
+              checklinks: @checklinks == 'true',
+              nochecklinks: @nochecklinks == 'true',
+              archivecheck: @archivecheck == 'true'
+            })
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end