retire per:
diff --git a/www/board/agenda/views/actions/post.json.rb b/www/board/agenda/views/actions/post.json.rb
index 9f7f47a..d325550 100644
--- a/www/board/agenda/views/actions/post.json.rb
+++ b/www/board/agenda/views/actions/post.json.rb
@@ -1,180 +1 @@
-# edit exiting / post new report
-# Note: this code validates that env.user is one of the following:
-#  1) an ASF member
-#  2) a PMC chair
-#  3) a member of the PMC for the report being posted
-# special case for new special orders
-if @attach == '7?'
-  @message = "Post Special Order 7X: #{@title}"
-elsif @attach == '8?'
-  @message = "Post Discussion Item 8X: #{@title}"
-attach = nil
-# Determine if user is authorized
-user = ASF::Person.find(env.user)
-member_or_officer = (user.asf_member? or ASF.pmc_chairs.include? user)
-real_web_server = env.password
-alternate_credentials = (real_web_server and not member_or_officer) ?
-  [['--username', 'whimsysvn']] : nil
-# prepend user id to message if whimsysvn role account is used
-@message = "#{env.user}: #{@message}" if env.user and alternate_credentials
-Agenda.update(@agenda, @message, auth: alternate_credentials) do |agenda|
-  # quick parse of agenda
-  parsed = ASF::Board::Agenda.parse(agenda, true)
-  # map @project to @attach to support posting from
-  if not @attach and @project
-    project = ASF::Committee.find(@project)
-    raise "project #{@project.inspect} not found" unless project
-    unless member_or_officer or project.owners.include? user
-      raise "not authorized to post to #{@project}"
-    end
-    projectName = project.display_name
-    parsed.each do |report|
-      if report['title'] == projectName
-        raise "report already posted" unless @digest or report['missing']
-        attach = @attach = report[:attach]
-        @digest ||= report['digest']
-      end
-    end
-  elsif not ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'test'
-    raise "not authorized to post to the board agenda" unless member_or_officer
-  end
-  # remove trailing whitespace
-  @report.sub! /\s*\Z/, ''
-  # convert unicode blank characters to an ASCII space
-  @report.gsub!(/[[:blank:]]/, ' ')
-  if @attach == '7?'
-    # new special order
-    # adjust indentation
-    indent = @report.scan(/^ +/).min
-    @report.gsub!(/^#{indent}/, '') if indent
-    @report.gsub!(/^(\S)/, '       \1')
-    # add order letter to title
-    order = 'A'
- {|section| section[:attach]}.
-      select {|attach| attach =~ /^7\w/}.length.times {order.succ!}
-    title = "    #{order}. #{@title}\n\n"
-    # update the commit message that will be used
-    @message.sub! "7X", "7#{order}"
-    # insert into agenda
-    agenda[/\n() 8\. Discussion Items/, 1] = "#{title}#{@report}\n\n"
-  elsif @attach == '8?'
-    # new discussion item
-    # adjust indentation
-    indent = @report.scan(/^ +/).min
-    @report.gsub!(/^#{indent}/, '') if indent
-    @report.gsub!(/^(\S)/, '       \1')
-    # add item letter to title
-    discussion = agenda[/ 8\. Discussion Items.*\n 9\./m]
-    items = discussion.scan(/^    ([A-Z]+)\./).flatten
-    item = items.empty? ? 'A' : items.sort.last.succ
-    title = "    #{item}. #{@title}\n\n"
-    # update the commit message that will be used
-    @message.sub! "8X", "8#{item}"
-    # insert into agenda
-    agenda[/\n() 9\. .*Action Items/, 1] = "#{title}#{@report}\n\n"
-  elsif @attach.start_with? '+'
-    pmc_reports = {|section| section[:attach] =~ /^[A-Z]/}
-    attach = pmc_reports.last[:attach].succ
-    pmc = ASF::Committee.find(@attach[1..-1])
-    unless pmc.dn
-      raise"#{@attach[1..-1].inspect} PMC not found")
-    end
-    # select shepherd
-    shepherds = {|section| section['shepherd']}.
-      select {|shepherd| not shepherd.include? ' '}.
-      group_by {|n| n}.map {|n, list| [n, list.length]}
-    min = {|name, count| count}.min
-    shepherd = {|name, count| count == min}.sample.first
-    # insert section into committee-reports
-    agenda[/\n() 7\. Special Orders/, 1] = 
-      "    #{attach}. Apache #{pmc.display_name} Project " +
-      "[#{pmc.chair.public_name} / #{shepherd}]\n\n" +
-      "       See Attachment #{attach}\n\n" +
-      "       [ #{pmc.display_name}.\n" +
-      "         approved:\n" +
-      "         comments:\n" +
-      "         ]\n\n"
-    # insert report text as an attachment
-    agenda[/^()-+\nEnd of agenda/, 1] = 
-      "-----------------------------------------\n" +
-      "Attachment #{attach}: Report from the Apache #{pmc.display_name} " +
-      "Project  [#{pmc.chair.public_name}]\n\n" +
-      "#{@report.strip}\n\n"
-  else
-    item = parsed.find {|item| item[:attach]==@attach}
-    if not item
-      raise"Attachment #{@attach.inspect} not found")
-    elsif @digest != item['digest']
-      raise"Merge conflict")
-    end
-    spacing = "\n\n"
-    if @attach =~ /^4\w/
-      pattern = /(\n\n    #{@attach[-1]}\. #{item['title']} \[.*?\]).*?\n\n(    [B-Z]\.| 5\.)/m
-      @report.gsub! /^(.)/, '       \1'
-    elsif @attach =~ /^[78]\w/
-      title = item['fulltitle'] || item['title']
-      pattern = /(^\s+#{@attach[-1]}\.\s+#{title})\n.*?\n( {1,6}\w\.)/m
-      @report.gsub! /^(.)/, '       \1'
-    elsif @attach == '8.'
-      title = 'Discussion Items'
-      pattern = /^(\s8\. #{title})\n.*\n( 9\.)/m
-      @report.gsub! /^(.)/, '    \1'
-    else
-      pattern = /(---\nAttachment #{@attach}:.*?\[.*?\])\n.*?\n(-{40})/m
-      spacing = "\n\n\n"
-    end
-    spacing = "" if @report.empty?
-    # President report has a custom footer - retain it
-    if item['title'] == 'President' and agenda[pattern]
-      footer = agenda[pattern][/\n\n(\s+Additionally.*?)\s+\w\.\Z/m, 1]
-      @report += "\n\n#{footer}" if footer
-    end
-    if not agenda.sub!(pattern) { "#{$1}\n\n#{@report}#{spacing}#{$2}" }
-      raise'report merge failed')
-    end
-  end
-  # return updated agenda
-  agenda
-# filter agenda if project is specified or the user is not authorized to see
-# the entire document
-if @project or alternate_credentials
-  agenda = _.delete 'agenda'
- _item agenda.find {|report| report[:attach] == attach}
diff --git a/www/committers/svn-info.cgi b/www/committers/svn-info.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 5ba4c40..0000000
--- a/www/committers/svn-info.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-PAGETITLE = "Subversion Info Helper" # Wvisible:tools svn
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift '/srv/whimsy/lib'
-require 'wunderbar'
-require 'wunderbar/bootstrap'
-require 'whimsy/asf'
-_html do
-  _body? do
-    _style :system
-    _whimsy_body(
-      title: PAGETITLE,
-      related: {
-        '' => "How To Use Apache's SVN and Git",
-        '' => 'View Public SVN Repositories',
-        '' => 'View Public Git Repositories'
-      },
-      helpblock: -> {
-        _ 'Enter the URL to a file in an Apache Subversion repository to see the results of the '
-        _code 'svn info'
-        _ "command on that file.  This is useful if you don't have a subversion client locally."
-      }
-    ) do
-      _form do
-        _div.form_group do
-          _label.control_label for: 'url' do
-            _ 'Enter a URL'
-          end
-          _input.form_control type: 'text', name: 'url', size: 120, placeholder: ''
-        end
-        _div.form_group do
-          _input.btn.btn_primary type: 'submit', value: 'Submit'
-        end
-      end
-      if @url
-        # output svn info
-        _div.well.well_lg do
-          _.system ['svn', 'info', @url,
-            ['--non-interactive', '--no-auth-cache'], # not needed in output
-            (['--username', $USER, '--password', $PASSWORD] if $PASSWORD) ] # must not be in output
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/www/index.html b/www/index.html
index 9526076..a59a7e7 100644
--- a/www/index.html
+++ b/www/index.html
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+    <p>update</p>
     <div class="header container-fluid">
       <div class="row">
         <div class="col-sm-4 hidden-xs">