blob: 983a82729435e0b908f55cc56d6ad9dc52092d68 [file] [log] [blame]
This is the release of XMLSchema 1.4.6 of Apache WS-Commons.
XMLSchema is a lightweight schema object model that can be used to manipulate
and generate XML schema representations. It has few external dependencies
and can be easily integrated into an existing project.
You are welcome to kick the tires and get XMLSchema on the move. Any
contribution in the form of coding, testing, submitting improvements
to the documentation, and reporting bugs are always welcome.
Bugs fixed since XmlSchema 1.4.5:
NullPointerException processing schema
Runtime dependency on xmlunit in utility program ReadSchemaFromURL
SchemaBuilder does not parse all the 'key' and 'keyref' definitions when it uses namespace prefix
Bugs fixed since XmlSchema 1.4.4:
targetNamespace in schema without a prefixed namespace also defined can cause empty namespace to be overwritten.
Serializer requires a namespace context.
Serialization gets NPE with no namespace context.
Package XmlSchema as on OSGi bundle.
Thanks for your interest in XMLSchema!
- The XMLSchema Development Team (