blob: 6138e8003611a9c182a82e4b6f9a5645ad22574d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* <p>CollectionTool allows a user to sort a collection (or array, iterator, etc)
* on any arbitrary set of properties exposed by the objects contained
* within the collection, and to generate arrays by splitting strings.
* </p>
* <p>The sort functionality is specifically designed to use within a #foreach
* but you may find other uses for it.</p>
* <p>The sort methods can handle all of the collection types supported by
* #foreach and the same constraints apply as well as the following.
* Every object in the collection must support the set of properties
* selected to sort on. Each property which is to be sorted on must
* return one of the follow:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Primitive type: e.g. int, char, long etc</li>
* <li>Standard Object: e.g. String, Integer, Long etc</li>
* <li>Object which implements the Comparable interface.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>During the sort operation all properties are compared by calling
* compareTo() with the exception of Strings for which
* compareToIgnoreCase() is called.</p>
* <p>The sort is performed by calling Collections.sort() after
* marshalling the collection to sort into an appropriate collection type.
* The original collection will not be re-ordered; a new list containing
* the sorted elements will always be returned.</p>
* <p>The tool is used as follows:</p>
* <pre>
* Single Property Sort
* #foreach($obj in $sorter.sort($objects, "name"))
* $ Ordinal= $obj.ordinal
* #end
* End
* Multiple Property Sort
* #foreach($obj in $sorter.sort($objects, ["name", "ordinal"]))
* $, $obj.ordinal
* #end
* End
* </pre>
* <p>The sort method takes two parameters, a collection and a property name
* or an array of property names. The property names and corresponding
* methods must conform to java bean standards since commons-beanutils
* is used to extract the property values.</p>
* <p>By default the sort tool sorts ascending, you can override this by
* adding a sort type suffix to any property name.</p>
* <p>The supported suffixes are:</p>
* <pre>
* For ascending
* :asc
* For descending
* :desc
* Example
* #foreach($obj in $sorter.sort($objects, ["name:asc", "ordinal:desc"]))
* $, $obj.ordinal
* #end
* </pre>
* <p>This will sort first by Name in ascending order and then by Ordinal
* in descending order, of course you could have left the :asc off of the
* 'Name' property as ascending is always the default.</p>
* <p>Example tools.xml config (if you want to use this with VelocityView):</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;tools&gt;
* &lt;toolbox scope="application"&gt;
* &lt;tool class=""/&gt;
* &lt;/toolbox&gt;
* &lt;/tools&gt;
* </pre>
* @author S. Brett Sutton
* @author Nathan Bubna
* @since VelocityTools 3.0
* @version $Id$
public class CollectionTool extends SafeConfig implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1410809929945061865L;
public static final String STRINGS_DELIMITER_FORMAT_KEY = "stringsDelimiter";
public static final String STRINGS_TRIM_KEY = "trimStrings";
public static final String DEFAULT_STRINGS_DELIMITER = ",";
public static final boolean DEFAULT_STRINGS_TRIM = true;
private String stringsDelimiter = DEFAULT_STRINGS_DELIMITER;
private boolean stringsTrim = DEFAULT_STRINGS_TRIM;
* Sets the delimiter used for separating values in a single String value.
* The default string delimiter is a comma.
* @param stringsDelimiter strings delimiter
* @see #split(String)
protected final void setStringsDelimiter(String stringsDelimiter)
this.stringsDelimiter = stringsDelimiter;
* Gets the configured strings delimiter
* @return strings delimiter
public final String getStringsDelimiter()
return this.stringsDelimiter;
* Sets whether strings should be trimmed when separated from
* a delimited string value.
* The default is true.
* @param stringsTrim flag value
* @see #split(String)
protected final void setStringsTrim(boolean stringsTrim)
this.stringsTrim = stringsTrim;
* Gets whether to trim strings
* @return whether to trim strings
public final boolean getStringsTrim()
return this.stringsTrim;
* Does the actual configuration. This is protected, so
* subclasses may share the same ValueParser and call configure
* at any time, while preventing templates from doing so when
* configure(Map) is locked.
* @param values configuration values
protected void configure(ValueParser values)
String delimiter = values.getString(STRINGS_DELIMITER_FORMAT_KEY);
if (delimiter != null)
Boolean trim = values.getBoolean(STRINGS_TRIM_KEY);
if (trim != null)
* @param value the value to be converted
* @return an array of String objects containing all of the values
* derived from the specified array, Collection, or delimited String
public String[] split(String value)
if (value == null)
return null;
String[] values;
if (value.indexOf(this.stringsDelimiter) < 0)
values = new String[] { value };
values = value.split(this.stringsDelimiter);
if (this.stringsTrim)
for (int i=0,l=values.length; i < l; i++)
values[i] = values[i].trim();
return values;
* Sorts a Collection using a Comparator. A defensive copy is made
* of the Collection beforehand, so the original Collection is left
* untouched and null elements filtered out.
* @param <T> collection content class
* @param c The Collection to sort.
* @param comparator The comparator to use for sorting.
* @return A copy of the original Collection,
* sorted using the supplied Comparator.
* @since VelocityTools 2.0.1
public <T> Collection<T> sort(final Collection<T> c,
final Comparator<T> comparator)
ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (T elem : c)
if (elem != null)
if (list.size() < c.size())
getLog().warn("[collection] sort: null items have been filtered");
Collections.sort(list, comparator);
return list;
* Sorts an array using a Comparator. A defensive copy is made
* of the array beforehand, so the original array is left
* untouched and null elements filtered out.
* @param <T> array content class
* @param a The array to sort.
* @param comparator The comparator to use for sorting.
* @return A copy of the original array,
* sorted using the supplied Comparator.
* @since VelocityTools 2.0.1
public <T> T[] sort(final T[] a, final Comparator<T> comparator)
int nulls = 0;
for (T t : a)
if (t == null)
if (nulls > 0)
getLog().warn("[collection] sort: null items have been filtered out");
final T[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(a,a.length - nulls);
for (int from = 0, to = 0; from < a.length; ++from) if (a[from] != null) copy[to++] = a[from];
Arrays.sort(copy, comparator);
return copy;
* Sorts a Map's values using a Comparator. A defensive copy is made
* of the values beforehand, so the original Map is left
* untouched.
* @param <T> Map values class
* @param map The Map whose values should be sorted.
* @param comparator The comparator to use for sorting.
* @return A copy of the original Map's values,
* sorted using the supplied Comparator.
* @since VelocityTools 2.0.1
public <T> Collection<T> sort(final Map<?,T> map,
final Comparator<T> comparator)
return sort(map.values(), comparator);
* Sorts a Collection (or array, or Map's values)
* using a Comparator. A defensive copy is made
* of the original beforehand, so the original is left
* untouched. Unsupported collection objects result in
* a <code>null</code> return value.
* @param o The Collection to sort.
* @param comparator The comparator to use for sorting.
* @return A copy of the original Collection,
* sorted using the supplied Comparator.
* @since VelocityTools 2.0.1
public Collection<?> sort(final Object o,
final Comparator<?> comparator)
if (o instanceof Collection)
return sort((Collection<?>)o, comparator);
else if (o instanceof Object[])
return sort((Object[])o, comparator);
else if (o instanceof Map)
return sort((Map<?,?>)o, comparator);
// the object type is not supported
getLog().error("object type not supported: {}", o == null ? "null" : o.getClass().getName());
return null;
* Sort a collection
* @param collection collection to sort, left unchanged
* @return new sorted collection
public Collection sort(Collection collection)
return sort(collection, (List)null);
* Sort an array
* @param array array to sort, left unchanged
* @return new sorted collection
public Collection sort(Object[] array)
return sort(array, (List)null);
* Sort map values
* @param map map to sort
* @return new sorted collection of map values
public Collection sort(Map map)
return sort(map, (List)null);
* Sort a collection, array or map
* @param object collection, array or map to sort
* @return new sorted collection, or null of object type is not supported
public Collection sort(Object object)
if (object instanceof Collection)
return sort((Collection)object, (List)null);
else if (object instanceof Object[])
return sort((Object[])object, (List)null);
else if (object instanceof Map)
return sort((Map)object, (List)null);
// the object type is not supported
getLog().error("object type not supported: {}", object == null ? "null" : object.getClass().getName());
return null;
* Sorts the collection on a single property.
* @param object the collection to be sorted, left unchanged.
* @param property the property to sort on.
* @return new collection, sorted.
public Collection sort(Object object, String property)
List<String> properties = Collections.singletonList(property);
if (object instanceof Collection)
return sort((Collection)object, properties);
else if (object instanceof Object[])
return sort((Object[])object, properties);
else if (object instanceof Map)
return sort((Map)object, properties);
// the object type is not supported
getLog().error("object type not supported: {}", object == null ? "null" : object.getClass().getName());
return null;
* Sorts the collection on several properties.
* @param collection the collection to be sorted, left unchanged.
* @param properties the properties to sort on.
* @return new collection, sorted.
public Collection sort(Collection collection, List properties)
List list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : collection)
if (o != null)
if (list.size() < collection.size())
getLog().warn("[collection] sort: null items have been filtered out");
return internalSort(list, properties);
* Sorts map values on several properties.
* @param map the map to be sorted, left unchanged.
* @param properties the properties to sort on.
* @return new collection, sorted.
public Collection sort(Map map, List properties)
return sort(map.values(), properties);
* Sorts array on several properties.
* @param array array to be sorted, left unchanged.
* @param properties the properties to sort on.
* @return new collection, sorted.
public Collection sort(Object[] array, List properties)
return sort(Arrays.asList(array), properties);
* Internal sorting method.
* @param list values to sort.
* @param properties the properties to sort on.
* @return new collection, sorted.
protected Collection internalSort(List list, List properties)
if (properties == null)
Collections.sort(list, new PropertiesComparator(properties));
return list;
catch (Exception e)
getLog().error("exception encountered while sorting: {}", e.getMessage());
return null;
* Does all of the comparisons
public static class PropertiesComparator
implements Comparator, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8139857062638518319L;
private static final int TYPE_ASCENDING = 1;
private static final int TYPE_DESCENDING = -1;
public static final String TYPE_ASCENDING_SHORT = "asc";
public static final String TYPE_DESCENDING_SHORT = "desc";
List properties;
int[] sortTypes;
public PropertiesComparator(List props)
// copy the list so we can safely drop :asc and :desc suffixes = new ArrayList(props.size());;
// determine ascending/descending
sortTypes = new int[properties.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++)
if (properties.get(i) == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property " + i
+ "is null, sort properties may not be null.");
// determine if the property contains a sort type
// e.g "Name:asc" means sort by property Name ascending
String prop = properties.get(i).toString();
int colonIndex = prop.indexOf(':');
if (colonIndex != -1)
String sortType = prop.substring(colonIndex + 1);
properties.set(i, prop.substring(0, colonIndex));
if (TYPE_ASCENDING_SHORT.equalsIgnoreCase(sortType))
sortTypes[i] = TYPE_ASCENDING;
else if (TYPE_DESCENDING_SHORT.equalsIgnoreCase(sortType))
sortTypes[i] = TYPE_DESCENDING;
//FIXME: log this
// invalid property sort type. use default instead.
sortTypes[i] = TYPE_ASCENDING;
// default sort type is ascending.
sortTypes[i] = TYPE_ASCENDING;
public int compare(Object lhs, Object rhs)
for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++)
int comparison = 0;
String property = (String)properties.get(i);
// properties must be comparable
Comparable left = getComparable(lhs, property);
Comparable right = getComparable(rhs, property);
if (left == null && right != null)
// find out how right feels about left being null
comparison = right.compareTo(null);
// and reverse that (if it works)
comparison *= -1;
else if (left instanceof String)
//TODO: make it optional whether or not case is ignored
comparison = ((String)left).compareToIgnoreCase((String)right);
else if (left != null)
comparison = left.compareTo(right);
// return the first difference we find
if (comparison != 0)
// multiplied by the sort direction, of course
return comparison * sortTypes[i];
return 0;
* Safely retrieves the comparable value for the specified property
* from the specified object. Subclasses that wish to perform more
* advanced, efficient, or just different property retrieval methods
* should override this method to do so.
* @param object target object
* @param property target property
* @return comparable
protected static Comparable getComparable(Object object, String property)
return (Comparable)PropertyUtils.getProperty(object, property);
catch (Exception e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not retrieve comparable value for '"
+ property + "' from " + object + ": " + e);