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Title: Apache Velocity Engine - Getting Started
## Getting Started
Velocity is easy to use! A quick way to get started is to skim the references below, then look at the examples and source provided in the distribution. *For developers writing web-based applications, the Web Application Guide is highly recommended!*
+ [User's Guide](user-guide.html) - explains how to write Velocity templates
+ [Developer's Guide](developer-guide.html) - expains how to user Velocity inside Java programs
+ [VTL Reference](vtl-reference.html) - concise syntax for Velocity Template Language (VTL)
+ [Web Application Guide](webapps.html) - web-based application techniques and VelocityViewServlet tutorial
The best place to start is with the examples provided in the distribution, and with the source code itself, which is included.
## Downloading Velocity
You can download the latest release version of [Velocity Engine](/download.cgi#engine) or [Velocity Tools](/download.cgi#tools) from the main Apache Velocity download site. For Velocity itself, source is included with the binary download.
If you want to download the [latest source](source-repository.html), you can do so via the git source control system.
You can also find published snapshots on the [Apache Snapshot Repository](
Instructions for building Velocity from source can be found in the [Build](build.html) document.
## API Documentation
Our API documentation is available [online](apidocs/), as part of the distribution package, an of course, you can generate it yourself from the included source code.
If you would like to create a full set of detailed API documentation for Velocity, go to the `build` directory and run:
ant javadocs
The docs will be found in the `/bin/apidocs/` directory.
**Note:** Velocity uses the [Maven]( build tool for all code and documentation generation, so you will need to have it installed.