[site] Minor fixes on site building page
diff --git a/src/content/site-building.mdtext b/src/content/site-building.mdtext
index dd733a7..268aa2a 100644
--- a/src/content/site-building.mdtext
+++ b/src/content/site-building.mdtext
@@ -22,25 +22,25 @@
 This method is by far the easiest one.
 1. Clone the site sources
-If you are a Velocity commiter, you will want to directly edit the site sources:
-    :::shell
-    git clone https://github.com/apache/velocity-site.git
-If you are a contributor, you should first fork the site sources to your github account, and use:
-    :::shell
-    git clone --single-branch --branch master git@github.com:[YOUR_GITHUB_ID]/velocity-site.git
+    If you are a Velocity commiter, you will want to directly edit the site sources:
+        :::shell
+        git clone https://github.com/apache/velocity-site.git
+    If you are a contributor, you should first fork the site sources to your github account, and use:
+        :::shell
+        git clone --single-branch --branch main git@github.com:[YOUR_GITHUB_ID]/velocity-site.git
 2. Clone the site production pages
-As a commiter you will use it to push into production the generated site. As a contributor, you will use it to check locally the result of your changes.
-This clone must be called `velocity-site-prod` and must be made in the same directory as the `velocity-site` one.
-    :::shell
-    git clone --single-branch --branch asf-site https://github.com/apache/velocity-site.git velocity-site-prod
+    As a commiter you will use it to push into production the generated site. As a contributor, you will use it to check locally the result of your changes.
+    This clone must be called `velocity-site-prod` and must be made in the same directory as the `velocity-site` one.
+        :::shell
+        git clone --single-branch --branch asf-site https://github.com/apache/velocity-site.git velocity-site-prod
 3. Make your changes to the site sources
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
 5. Check the result using your favorite browser
 6. Advertize your changes
-Commiters have to push the changes in both clones. Contributors only need to submit a pull request to the site sources.
+    Commiters have to push the changes in both clones, the source and the production one. Contributors only need to submit a pull request to the site sources.
 ### Building the site without docker