blob: 5415860abff0c647ed389488e47937fcdd191276 [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Apache Velocity Tools Dependencies
## Dependencies
VelocityTools requires certain external jar dependencies at different times. These charts should help you determine which jars you need and when.
Since VelocityTools relies on Velocity Engine, please also check [Engine dependencies](/engine/2.0/dependencies.html).
Note: Java version 1.7+ is required for compilation, testing and use of VelocityTools 3.x.
### GenericTools
Jar Name | Version | Compile | Tests | Runtime | Notes
velocity | 2.0+ | Yes | Yes | Yes | Required for core infrastructure and several tools
commons-beanutils | 1.9.4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Required for core infrastructure and several tools
commons-digester3 | 3.2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Required for [xml configuration](config-xml.html) (and [UIDependencyTool](apidocs/org/apache/velocity/tools/view/UiDependencyTool.html) view tool)
com.github.cliftonlabs.json-simple | 1.1.1 | Yes | No | No | Required for [JsonTool](apidocs/org/apache/velocity/tools/generic/JsonTool.html)
junit | 4.13.1 | No | Yes | No | Only required for tests.
### VelocityView
Jar Name | Version | Compile | Tests | Runtime | Notes
velocity-tools-generic | 3.0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
servletapi | 3.1.0 | Yes | Yes | No | Required for most view tools (provided by the J2EE container)
junit | 4.13.1 | No | Yes | No | Only required for tests
easymock | 4.2 | No | Yes | No | Only required for tests
## SLF4J Binding
At runtime, Velocity Tools will require an SLF4J binding to be present in the path. Typically, one of:
+ [AVSL]( - “A Very Simple Logger”
+ [SLF4J JDK14 Adapter]( - redirect logs towards Java 1.4+ logging framework
+ [SLF4J Log4J Adapter]( - redirects logs towards Log4J
+ [SLF4J Simple Logger]( - minimalistic logger
+ [SLF4J Android]( - logger for Android platforms
+ [LogBack]( - full featured logging framework
+ [WebApp SLF4J Logger]( - redirects logs towards the J2EE container log