blob: 480c68884efcf4d28899331fec045cc245a97ba1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
=head1 NAME
use base qw(VCL::healthcheck);
Needs to be written.
package VCL::healthcheck;
# Specify the lib path using FindBin
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/..";
# Configure inheritance
use base qw();
# Specify the version of this module
our $VERSION = '2.5';
# Specify the version of Perl to use
use 5.008000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use VCL::utils;
use VCL::DataStructure;
#use VCL::Module::Provisioning::xCAT2;
use DBI;
our $LOG = "/var/log/healthcheckvcl.log";
our $MYDBH;
=head2 new
Parameters :
Returns :
Description :
sub new {
my ($class, %input) = @_;
my $obj_ref = {%input,};
bless $obj_ref, $class; # bless ref to said class
$obj_ref->_initialize(); # more work to do
return $obj_ref;
=head2 _initialize
Parameters :
Returns :
Description :
sub _initialize {
my ($info) = @_;
my ($mnid, $managementnodeid, $selh, @row, $rows, $mnresourceid, $resourceid);
my $date_time = convert_to_datetime;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "########### healthcheck run $date_time #################");
$info->{"globalmsg"}->{"header"} = "STATUS SUMMARY of VCL nodes:\n\n";
$info->{"logfile"} = $LOG;
if ($info->{managementnode} = get_management_node_info()) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "retrieved management node information from database");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to retrieve management node information from database");
#2 Collect hash of computers I can control with data
if ($info->{computertable} = get_computers_controlled_by_mn(%{$info->{managementnode}})) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "retrieved management node resource groups from database");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to retrieve management node resource groups from database");
} ### end sub _initialize
=head2 process
Parameters : object
Returns :
Description :
sub process {
my ($info, $powerdownstage) = @_;
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "in processing routine");
$info->{"globalmsg"}->{"body"} = "Summary of VCL node monitoring system:\n\n";
my $mn_hostname = $info->{managementnode}->{hostname};
my $last_check;
if ($powerdownstage =~ /^(available|all)$/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "ALERT: powerdown stage triggered,placing MN $mn_hostname in maintenance");
if (set_managementnode_state($info->{managementnode}, "maintenance")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Successfully set $mn_hostname into maintenance");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "Failed to set $mn_hostname into maintenance");
elsif ($powerdownstage =~ /^restore/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "ALERT: Environment OK: restoring state of MN $mn_hostname in available");
if (set_managementnode_state($info->{managementnode}, "available")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Successfully set $mn_hostname into available");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "Failed to set $mn_hostname into available");
else {
#proceed standard checks
foreach my $cid (keys %{$info->{computertable}}) {
#set some local variables
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, " dumping data for computer id $cid\n" . format_data($info->{computertable}->{$cid}));
# Create a DataStructure object containing data for the computer specified as the argument
my $data;
my $self;
my $computer_id = $cid;
eval {
$data= new VCL::DataStructure({computer_identifier => $computer_id});
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to create DataStructure object for computer ID: $computer_id, error: $EVAL_ERROR");
elsif (!$data) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to create DataStructure object for computer ID: $computer_id, DataStructure object is not defined");
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "created DataStructure object for computer ID: $computer_id\n". format_data($data->get_request_data));
my $computer_state = $data->get_computer_state_name();
$last_check = $data->get_computer_lastcheck_time();
my $computer_currentimage_name = $data->get_computer_currentimage_name();
#Only preform actions on available or failed computers
#skip if is inuse, maintenance, tovmhost, etc.
if ($computer_state !~ /available|failed/) {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "NODE computer_id $computer_id is in computer_state $computer_state skipping");
$info->{computers}->{$cid}->{"skip"} = 1;
$info->{"computersskipped"} += 1;
#check lastcheck timestampe
if (defined($last_check) && $computer_state !~ /failed/) {
my $lastcheckepoch = convert_to_epoch_seconds($last_check);
my $currentimeepoch = convert_to_epoch_seconds();
my $delta = ($currentimeepoch - $lastcheckepoch);
my $delta_minutes = round($delta / 30);
if ($delta_minutes <= (90)) {
# notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "NODE $computer_id recently checked $delta_minutes minutes ago skipping");
#this node was recently checked
$info->{computers}->{$cid}->{"skip"} = 1;
$info->{"computersskipped"} += 1;
$info->{"computerschecked"} += 1;
} ## end if (defined($last_check) && $computer_state !~...
my $computer_hostname = $data->get_computer_host_name();
my $computer_short_name = $1 if ($computer_hostname =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.?)/);
my $computer_type = $data->get_computer_type();
if ($computer_type eq "lab") {
$computer_short_name = $computer_hostname;
#next if ($computer_type eq "blade");
#next if ($computer_type eq "virtualmachine");
my %node_status;
$node_status{"ping"} = 0;
$node_status{"ssh"} = 0;
$node_status{"ssh_status"} = "off";
$node_status{"status"} = "reload";
$node_status{"imagerevision_id"} = 0;
$node_status{"currentimage"} = 0;
$node_status{"vmstate"} = "off";
$node_status{"rpower"} = "off";
my $datestring;
my $node_status_string = "reload";
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "pinging node $computer_short_name ");
if (_pingnode($computer_short_name)) {
$node_status{ping} = 1;
# Try nmap to see if any of the ssh ports are open before attempting to run a test command
my $port_22_status = nmap_port($computer_short_name, 22) ? "open" : "closed";
my $port_24_status = nmap_port($computer_short_name, 24) ? "open" : "closed";
my $port = 22;
if ($port_24_status eq "open") {
$port = 24;
my $ssh_user= "root";
$ssh_user = "vclstaff" if ($computer_type eq "lab");
my ($exit_status, $output) = run_ssh_command({
node => $computer_short_name,
command => "echo \"testing ssh on $computer_short_name\"",
max_attempts => 2,
output_level => 0,
port => $port,
user => $ssh_user,
timeout_seconds => 30,
my $sshd_status = "off";
# The exit status will be 0 if the command succeeded
if (defined($output) && grep(/testing/, @$output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "ssh test: Successful");
$sshd_status = "on";
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "ssh test: failed. port 22: $port_22_status, port 24: $port_24_status");
if ($sshd_status eq "on") {
$node_status{"ssh"} = 1;
if ($computer_type eq "lab") {
$node_status_string = "ready";
$node_status{status} = "ready";
my @currentimage_txt_contents = get_current_image_contents_no_data_structure($computer_short_name);
foreach my $l (@currentimage_txt_contents) {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "NODE l=$l");
if ($l =~ /imagerevision_id/i) {
my ($b,$imagerevision_id) = split(/=/,$l);
$node_status{imagerevision_id} = $imagerevision_id;
$node_status_string = "post_load";
$node_status{status} = "post_load";
if ($l =~ /vcld_post_load/) {
$node_status_string = "ready";
$node_status{status} = "ready";
if ($node_status{imagerevision_id}) {
#Get image info using imagerevision_id as identifier
my $image_info = get_imagerevision_info($node_status{imagerevision_id},0);
$node_status{"currentimage"} = $image_info->{imagename};
$node_status{"current_image_id"} = $image_info->{imageid};
$node_status{"imagerevision_id"} = $image_info->{id};
$node_status{"vmstate"} = "on";
$node_status{"rpower"} = "on";
#need to pass some of the management node info to provisioing module node_status
$info->{computertable}->{$cid}->{"managementnode"} = $info->{managementnode};
$info->{computertable}->{$cid}->{"logfile"} = $info->{logfile};
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "hostname:$computer_hostname cid:$cid type:$computer_type state:$computer_state");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_hostname currentimage:$node_status{currentimage} current_image_id:$node_status{current_image_id}");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_hostname imagerevision_id:$node_status{imagerevision_id}");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_hostname vmstate:$node_status{vmstate} power:$node_status{rpower} status:$node_status{status}");
# Collect current state of node - it could have changed since we started
if (my $comp_current_state = get_computer_current_state_name($cid)) {
$info->{computertable}->{$cid}->{computer}->{state}->{name} = $comp_current_state;
$computer_state = $comp_current_state;
else {
#could not get it, use existing data
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "could not retrieve current computer state cid= $cid, using old data");
#check for powerdownstages
if ($powerdownstage =~ /^(available|all)$/) {
$info->{computertable}->{$cid}->{"powerdownstage"} = $powerdownstage;
if (powerdown_event($info->{computertable}->{$cid})) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Successfully powered down $computer_hostname");
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Could not powerdown $computer_hostname");
else {
#proceed as normal
#count the nodes processed
$info->{"computercount"} += 1;
if ($node_status_string =~ /(^ready)|(post_load)/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "nodestatus reports $node_status_string for $computer_hostname");
#update lastcheck datetime
$datestring = makedatestring;
if (update_computer_lastcheck($computer_id, $datestring, 0)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "updated lastcheckin for $computer_hostname");
#udpate state to available if old state is failed
if ($computer_state =~ /failed/i) {
if (update_computer_state($computer_id, "available", 0)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "updated state to available for $computer_hostname");
} ## end if ($node_status_string =~ /^ready/i)
elsif ($node_status_string =~ /^reload/i) {
$info->{computertable}->{$cid}->{node_status} = \%node_status;
$info->{computertable}->{$cid}->{"computer_currentimage_name"} = $computer_currentimage_name;
$info->{computertable}->{$cid}->{"computer_hostname"} = $computer_hostname;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "nodestatus reports $node_status_string for $computer_hostname");
#additional steps
my $node_available = 0;
if ($computer_type eq "lab") {
#no additional checks required for lab type
#if (lab_investigator($info->{computertable}->{$cid})) {
$node_available =1;
elsif ($computer_type eq "virtualmachine") {
if (_virtualmachine_investigator($info->{computertable}->{$cid})) {
$node_available = 1;
elsif ($computer_type eq "blade") {
if (_blade_investigator($info->{computertable}->{$cid})) {
$node_available = 1;
if ($node_available) {
#update state to available
if (update_computer_state($computer_id, "available", 0)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "updated state to available for $computer_hostname");
#update lastcheck datetime
$datestring = makedatestring;
if (update_computer_lastcheck($computer_id, $datestring, 0)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "updated lastcheckin for $computer_hostname");
} ## end if ($node_available)
else {
$info->{globalmsg}->{failedbody} .= "$computer_hostname type= $computer_type offline\n";
} ## end elsif ($node_status_string =~ /^reload/i) [ if ($node_status_string =~ /^ready/i)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "node_status reports unknown value for $computer_hostname node_status_string= $node_status_string ");
sleep 3;
return 1;
} ## end sub process
=head2 blade_investigator
Parameters : hash
Returns : 1,0
Description : provides additional checks for blade types
sub _blade_investigator {
my ($self) = @_;
my $retval = 0;
my $computer_hostname = $self->{computer}->{hostname};
my $comp_imagename = $self->{computer_currentimage_name};
my $computer_id = $self->{computer_id};
my $nodestatus_status = $self->{node_status}->{status};
my $nodestatus_nodetype = $self->{node_status}->{nodetype};
my $nodestatus_currentimage = $self->{node_status}->{currentimage};
my $nodestatus_ping = $self->{node_status}->{ping};
my $nodestatus_rpower = $self->{node_status}->{rpower};
my $nodestatus_nodeset = $self->{node_status}->{nodeset};
my $nodestatus_ssh = $self->{node_status}->{ssh};
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "computer_hostname= $computer_hostname node_status_status= $nodestatus_status");
#If can ping and can ssh into it, compare loaded image with database imagename
if ($nodestatus_ping && $nodestatus_ssh) {
if (_image_revision_check($computer_id, $comp_imagename, $nodestatus_currentimage)) {
#return success
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "computer_hostname= $computer_hostname imagename updated");
$retval = 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "computer_hostname= $computer_hostname is confirmed down");
return $retval;
} ## end sub _blade_investigator
=head2 powerdown_event
Parameters : hash
Returns : 1,0
Description :
sub powerdown_event {
my ($self) = @_;
my $management_node_keys = $self->{managementnode}->{keys};
my $computer_host_name = $self->{computer}->{hostname};
my $computer_short_name = 0;
my $computer_ip_address = $self->{computer}->{IPaddress};
my $image_name = $self->{imagerevision}->{imagename};
my $image_os_type = $self->{image}->{OS}->{type};
my $provisioning_perl_package = $self->{computer}->{provisioning}->{module}->{perlpackage};
my $computer_type = $self->{computer}->{type};
my $computer_state = $self->{computer}->{state}->{name};
my $computer_node_name = $self->{computer}->{hostname};
my $power_down_stage = $self->{powerdownstage};
$computer_short_name = $1 if ($computer_node_name =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.?)/);
#If blade or vm and available|failed|maintenance - simply power-off
#If blade and vmhostinuse - check vms, if available power-down all
if (($computer_type =~ /blade/) && ($computer_state =~ /^(available|failed|maintenance)/)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "calling provision module $provisioning_perl_package power_off routine $computer_short_name");
eval "use $provisioning_perl_package";
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$provisioning_perl_package module could not be loaded");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "returning 0");
return 0;
my $power_off_status = eval "&$provisioning_perl_package" . '::power_off($computer_short_name);';
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$power_off_status ");
if ($power_off_status) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "SUCCESS powered_off $computer_short_name");
return 1;
return 0;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "SKIPPING $computer_short_name computer_type= $computer_type in computer_state= $computer_state");
return 0;
=head2 virtualmachine_investigator
Parameters : hash
Returns : 1,0
Description : provides additional checks for virtualmachine types
sub _virtualmachine_investigator {
my ($self) = @_;
my $retval = 0;
my $computer_hostname = $self->{computer}->{hostname};
my $comp_imagename = $self->{computer_currentimage_name};
my $computer_id = $self->{computer_id};
my $nodestatus_status = $self->{node_status}->{status};
my $nodestatus_currentimage = $self->{node_status}->{currentimage};
my $nodestatus_ping = $self->{node_status}->{ping};
my $nodestatus_ssh = $self->{node_status}->{ssh};
my $nodestatus_vmstate = $self->{node_status}->{vmstate};
my $nodestatus_image_match = $self->{node_status}->{image_match};
if ($nodestatus_vmstate =~ /off/) {
# Ok for node to be off
$retval =1;
return $retval;
if ($nodestatus_currentimage && $nodestatus_ssh) {
if (_image_revision_check($computer_id, $comp_imagename, $nodestatus_currentimage)) {
#return success
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "computer_hostname= $computer_hostname imagename updated");
$retval = 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "computer_hostname= $computer_hostname is confirmed down nodestatus_vmstate= $nodestatus_vmstate nodestatus_ssh= $nodestatus_ssh");
return $retval;
} ## end sub _virtualmachine_investigator
=head2 _image_revision_check
Parameters : hash
Returns : 1,0
Description : compare the input values, if no difference or success
updated return 1, if can not update return 0
provides additional checks for virtualmachine types
sub _image_revision_check {
my ($computer_id, $comp_imagename, $nodestatus_currentimage) = @_;
my $retval = 1;
#Return retval=1 only if update_computer_imagename fails
if ($comp_imagename !~ /$nodestatus_currentimage/) {
#update computer entry
if (update_computer_imagename($computer_id, $nodestatus_currentimage, 0)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "updated computer_id currentimage $nodestatus_currentimage");
$retval = 1;
else {
#failed to update computer image info
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "update_computer_imagename return 0");
$retval = 0;
} ## end if ($comp_imagename !~ /$nodestatus_currentimage/)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, " image revisions match - no update required");
return $retval;
} ## end sub _image_revision_check
=head2 send_report
Parameters : hash
Returns : 1,0
Description :
sub send_report {
my ($hck) = @_;
my $management_node_info = get_management_node_info();
if (!$management_node_info) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to send report, management node information could not be retrieved");
my $sysadmin_email = $management_node_info->{SYSADMIN_EMAIL};
if (!$sysadmin_email) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to send report, management node information does not contain a SYSADMIN_EMAIL value");
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},0,"$hck->{globalmsg}->{body}\n\n $hck->{globalmsg}->{failedbody}\n");
if (defined($hck->{computercount})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "Number of nodes found for this management node $hck->{MN}: $hck->{computercount}\n";
if (defined($hck->{"computerschecked"})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "Number of nodes checked: $hck->{computerschecked}\n";
if (defined($hck->{"computersskipped"})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "Number of nodes skipped due to recent check: $hck->{computersskipped}\n";
if (defined($hck->{labnodesfailed})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "UNavailable labnodes: $hck->{labnodesfailed}\n";
if (defined($hck->{labnodesavailable})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "Available labnodes: $hck->{labnodesavailable}\n";
if (defined($hck->{globalmsg}->{correctedbody})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "\nCorrected VCL nodes:\n\n$hck->{globalmsg}->{correctedbody}\n";
if (defined($hck->{globalmsg}->{failedbody})) {
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{body} .= "\nProblem VCL nodes:\n\n$hck->{globalmsg}->{failedbody}\n";
if (!defined($hck->{globalmsg}->{failedbody}) && !defined($hck->{globalmsg}->{correctedbody})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "\nAll nodes report ok";
mail($sysadmin_email, "VCL node monitoring report", "$hck->{globalmsg}->{body}");
} ## end sub send_report
=head1 SEE ALSO