blob: d827b1624239bf0347947aa44b4f98fac8b67d43 [file] [log] [blame]
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* \file
/// \fn addITECSUser($loginid)
/// \param $loginid - email address of user
/// \return new id from user table or NULL if there was a problem
/// \brief looks up a user's info in the accounts database and adds the user to
/// our database
function addITECSUser($loginid) {
global $mysql_link_vcl, $ENABLE_ITECSAUTH;
return NULL;
$esc_loginid = mysql_real_escape_string($loginid);
$query = "SELECT id AS uid, "
. "first, "
. "last, "
. "email, "
. "created, "
. "active, "
. "lockedout "
. "FROM user "
. "WHERE email = '$esc_loginid'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101, "accounts");
if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
// FIXME test replacing ''s
// FIXME do we care if the account is active?
$first = mysql_real_escape_string($row['first']);
$last = mysql_real_escape_string($row['last']);
$loweruser = mysql_real_escape_string(strtolower($row['email']));
$email = mysql_real_escape_string($row['email']);
$query = "INSERT INTO user ("
. "uid, "
. "unityid, "
. "affiliationid, "
. "firstname, "
. "lastname, "
. "email, "
. "emailnotices, "
. "showallgroups, "
. "lastupdated) "
. "VALUES ("
. "{$row['uid']}, "
. "'$loweruser', "
. "2, "
. "'$first', "
. "'$last', "
. "'$email', "
. "0, "
. "1, "
. "NOW())";
// FIXME might want this logged
doQuery($query, 101, 'vcl', 1);
if(mysql_affected_rows($mysql_link_vcl)) {
$qh = doQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM user", 101);
if(! $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) {
return $row[0];
return NULL;
/// \fn validateITECSUser($loginid)
/// \param $loginid - email address for user
/// \return 1 if account exists and is active or not yet activated, 0 otherwise
/// \brief looks up $loginid in accounts db
function validateITECSUser($loginid) {
return 0;
$loginid = mysql_real_escape_string($loginid);
$query = "SELECT email "
. "FROM user "
. "WHERE email = '$loginid' AND "
. "(active = 1 OR "
. "activated = 0)";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101, "accounts");
return 1;
return 0;
/// \fn updateITECSUser($userid)
/// \param $userid - email address for user
/// \return NULL if fail to update data or an array with these elements:\n
/// \b id - user's numeric from user table\n
/// \b uid - user's numeric unity id\n
/// \b unityid - unity ID for the user\n
/// \b affiliation - user's affiliation\n
/// \b affiliationid - user's affiliation id\n
/// \b firstname - user's first name\n
/// \b preferredname - user's preferred name\n
/// \b lastname - user's last name\n
/// \b email - user's preferred email address\n
/// \b IMtype - user's preferred IM protocol\n
/// \b IMid - user's IM id\n
/// \b width - rdp file width\n
/// \b height - rdp file height\n
/// \b bpp - rdp file bpp\n
/// \b audiomode - rdp file audio mode\n
/// \b mapdrives - rdp file drive mapping\n
/// \b mapprinters - rdp file printer mapping\n
/// \b mapserial - rdp file serial port mapping\n
/// \b showallgroups - show all user groups or not\n
/// \b lastupdated - datetime the information was last updated
/// \brief updates user's info in the user table; adds user if not already in
/// table
function updateITECSUser($userid) {
return NULL;
$query = "SELECT id AS uid, "
. "first, "
. "last, "
. "email, "
. "created "
. "FROM user "
. "WHERE email = '$userid'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101, "accounts");
if(! ($userData = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)))
return NULL;
$now = unixToDatetime(time());
// select desired data from db
$query = "SELECT AS IMtype, "
. "u.IMid AS IMid, "
. "u.affiliationid, "
. " AS affiliation, "
. "u.preferredname AS preferredname, "
. "u.uid AS uid, "
. " AS id, "
. "u.width AS width, "
. "u.height AS height, "
. "u.bpp AS bpp, "
. "u.audiomode AS audiomode, "
. "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, "
. "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, "
. "u.mapserial AS mapserial, "
. "COALESCE(u.rdpport, 3389) AS rdpport, "
. "u.showallgroups "
. "FROM user u, "
. "IMtype i, "
. "affiliation af "
. "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND "
. "u.affiliationid = AND "
. "u.uid = {$userData['uid']}";
$qh = doQuery($query, 255);
// if get a row
// update db
// update results from select
$esc_userid = mysql_real_escape_string($userid);
$first = mysql_real_escape_string($userData['first']);
$last = mysql_real_escape_string($userData['last']);
$email = mysql_real_escape_string($userData['email']);
if($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
$user["unityid"] = $userid;
$user["firstname"] = $userData['first'];
$user["lastname"] = $userData["last"];
$user["email"] = $userData["email"];
$user["lastupdated"] = $now;
$query = "UPDATE user "
. "SET unityid = '$esc_userid', "
. "firstname = '$first', "
. "lastname = '$last', "
. "email = '$email', "
. "lastupdated = '$now' "
. "WHERE uid = {$userData['uid']}";
doQuery($query, 256, 'vcl', 1);
else {
// call addITECSUser
$id = addITECSUser($userid);
$query = "SELECT u.unityid AS unityid, "
. "u.affiliationid, "
. " AS affiliation, "
. "u.firstname AS firstname, "
. "u.lastname AS lastname, "
. "u.preferredname AS preferredname, "
. " AS email, "
. " AS IMtype, "
. "u.IMid AS IMid, "
. "u.uid AS uid, "
. " AS id, "
. "u.width AS width, "
. "u.height AS height, "
. "u.bpp AS bpp, "
. "u.audiomode AS audiomode, "
. "u.mapdrives AS mapdrives, "
. "u.mapprinters AS mapprinters, "
. "u.mapserial AS mapserial, "
. "COALESCE(u.rdpport, 3389) AS rdpport, "
. "u.showallgroups, "
. "u.lastupdated AS lastupdated "
. "FROM user u, "
. "IMtype i, "
. "affiliation af "
. "WHERE u.IMtypeid = AND "
. "u.affiliationid = AND "
. " = $id";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh);
# add account to demo group
#$demoid = getUserGroupID('demo', getAffiliationID('ITECS'));
#updateGroups(array($demoid), $user['id']);
$user["groups"] = getUsersGroups($user["id"], 1);
$user["groupperms"] = getUsersGroupPerms(array_keys($user['groups']));
checkExpiredDemoUser($user['id'], $user['groups']);
$user["privileges"] = getOverallUserPrivs($user["id"]);
$tmparr = explode('@', $user['unityid']);
$user['login'] = $tmparr[0];
return $user;
/// \fn testITECSAffiliation(&$login, &$affilid)
/// \param $login - (pass by ref) a login id with affiliation
/// \param $affilid - (pass by ref) gets overwritten
/// \return - 1 if successfully found affiliation id, 0 if failed
/// \brief changes $login to be without affiliation and sticks the associated
/// affiliation id for ITECS in $affilid
function testITECSAffiliation(&$login, &$affilid) {
if(preg_match('/^([^@]*@[^@]*\.[^@]*)@ITECS$/', $login, $matches) ||
preg_match('/^([^@]*@[^@]*\.[^@]*)$/', $login, $matches)) {
$login = $matches[1];
$affilid = getAffiliationID('ITECS');
return 1;
return 0;
array_push($findAffilFuncs, "testITECSAffiliation");