blob: 77fc5f6a80cbcb9149abfd0ddfa44e76173c2c4b [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
$header = "<html><head><title>VCL Setup Test Script</title>\n";
$header .= "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
$header .= "ul {margin-top: 0;}\n";
$header .= "li {list-style-type: none;}\n";
$header .= ".pass {color: green;}\n";
$header .= ".fail {color: red;}\n";
$header .= ".title {font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;}\n";
$header .= "</style>\n";
$header .= "</head>\n";
if(isset($_GET['cookietest'])) {
print $header;
print "<body style=\"margin: 0; padding: 0;\">\n";
print "<span class=pass>Successfully set a test cookie</span>\n";
print "<span class=fail>Failed to set a test cookie</span>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
if(isset($_GET['includeconftest'])) {
if(! is_readable('.ht-inc/conf.php')) {
print "unreadable";
print 'worked';
if(isset($_GET['includesecretstest'])) {
if(! is_readable('.ht-inc/secrets.php')) {
print "unreadable";
print 'worked';
$header .= "<body>\n";
function exHandler($errno, $errmsg) {
print "Error: $errmsg<br>";
function pass($msg) {
print "<li><span class=pass>$msg</span></li>\n";
function fail($msg) {
print "<li><span class=fail>$msg</span></li>\n";
function title($msg) {
print "<span class=title>$msg ...</span><br>\n";
$myurl = "http://";
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on")
$myurl = "https://";
$includesecrets = 1;
$includeconf = 1;
if(! ip2long(getHostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))) {
print $header;
# php version
print "PHP version: " . phpversion() . "<br><br>\n";
title("Trying to resolve my hostname ({$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']})");
print "<ul>\n";
fail("unable to resolve my hostname; ensure {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']} is in DNS or create an entry for it in /etc/hosts");
print "</ul>\n";
$includesecrets = 0;
$includeconf = 0;
# test including secrets.php
$allowurlopen = ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
if($includesecrets) {
$data = '';
if($fp = fopen("$myurl?includesecretstest=1", 'r')) {
$data = fread($fp, 100);
if($allowurlopen && (empty($data) || $data == 'unreadable')) {
print $header;
# php version
print "PHP version: " . phpversion() . "<br><br>\n";
title("Including .ht-inc/secrets.php");
print "<ul>\n";
if($data == 'unreadable')
fail("unable to read .ht-inc/secrets.php - check the permissions of the file");
fail("unable to include .ht-inc/secrets.php - this is probably due to a syntax error in .ht-inc/secrets.php");
fail("skipping tests for contents of .ht-inc/secrets.php");
print "</ul>\n";
$includesecrets = 0;
$includeconf = 0;
else {
title("Including .ht-inc/secrets.php");
print "<ul>\n";
fail("cannot include .ht-inc/secrets.php when hostname resolution fails");
print "</ul>\n";
# conf.php test
if($includeconf) {
$data = '';
if($fp = fopen("$myurl?includeconftest=1", 'r')) {
$data = fread($fp, 100);
$allowurlopen = ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
if($allowurlopen && (empty($data) || $data == 'unreadable')) {
print $header;
# php version
print "PHP version: " . phpversion() . "<br><br>\n";
title("Including .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "<ul>\n";
if($data == 'unreadable')
fail("unable to read .ht-inc/conf.php - check the permissions of the file");
fail("unable to include .ht-inc/conf.php - this is probably due to a syntax error in .ht-inc/conf.php");
fail("skipping tests for contents of .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "</ul>\n";
$includeconf = 0;
else {
title("Including .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "<ul>\n";
fail("cannot include .ht-inc/conf.php when including of .ht-inc/secrets.php fails");
print "</ul>\n";
# conf.php tests
if($includeconf && include('.ht-inc/conf.php')) {
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if(! defined('COOKIEDOMAIN')) {
print $header;
# php version
print "PHP version: " . phpversion() . "<br><br>\n";
title("Including .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "<ul>\n";
pass("successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "</ul>\n";
title("Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "<ul>\n";
fail("COOKIEDOMAIN is not defined in .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "</ul>\n";
else {
$len = strlen(COOKIEDOMAIN);
if($len && substr_compare($host, COOKIEDOMAIN, 0 - $len, $len, true) != 0) {
print $header;
# php version
print "PHP version: " . phpversion() . "<br><br>\n";
title("Including .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "<ul>\n";
pass("successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "</ul>\n";
title("Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "<ul>\n";
fail("COOKIEDOMAIN (" . COOKIEDOMAIN . ") does not match all of or ending of the hostname of this server ($host). This will prevent cookies from being set.");
print "</ul>\n";
else {
$expire = time() + 10;
setcookie("cookietest", 1, $expire, '/', COOKIEDOMAIN);
print $header;
# php version
print "PHP version: " . phpversion() . "<br><br>\n";
title("Including .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "<ul>\n";
pass("successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "</ul>\n";
title("Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php");
print "<ul>\n";
pass("COOKIEDOMAIN is set to empty string (this is valid and will result in the domain of cookies being set to $host)");
pass("COOKIEDOMAIN (" . COOKIEDOMAIN . ") appears to be set correctly");
print "<iframe src=\"$myurl?cookietest=1\" width=200px height=20px scrolling=0 style=\"border: 0; padding: 0px\"></iframe><br>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
# check for BASEURL starting with https
title("Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https");
print "<ul>\n";
if(! defined('BASEURL'))
fail("BASEURL is not defined in .ht-inc/conf.php");
else {
if(substr_compare(BASEURL, 'https:', 0, 6, true) == 0)
pass("BASEURL correctly set to use https");
fail("BASEURL is not set to use https. https is required.");
print "</ul>\n";
# check for SCRIPT being set
title("Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately");
print "<ul>\n";
if(! defined('SCRIPT'))
fail("SCRIPT is not defined in .ht-inc/conf.php");
else {
if(substr_compare(SCRIPT, '/', 0, 1, true) == 0 &&
substr_compare(SCRIPT, '.php', -4, 4, true) == 0)
pass("SCRIPT appears to be set correctly");
fail("SCRIPT does not appear to be set correctly");
print "</ul>\n";
# required extentions
title("Testing for required php extensions");
if(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2", "<"))
$requiredexts = array('gd', 'mcrypt', 'mysql', 'openssl', 'sysvsem', 'xml', 'xmlrpc', 'session', 'pcre', 'sockets', 'ldap');
$requiredexts = array('gd', 'mcrypt', 'mysql', 'openssl', 'sysvsem', 'xml', 'xmlrpc', 'session', 'pcre', 'sockets', 'json', 'ldap');
$exts = get_loaded_extensions();
$diff = array_diff($requiredexts, $exts);
print "<ul>\n";
if(count($diff)) {
$missing = implode(', ', $diff);
fail("Missing these extensiosn: $missing. Depending on the extension, some or all of VCL will not work.");
pass("All required modules are installed");
if(! in_array('ldap', $exts)) {
print "<li>NOTE: The <strong>ldap</strong> extension is only required if using LDAP authentication</li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
# secrets.php file and mysql connection
if($includesecrets && include('.ht-inc/secrets.php')) {
title("Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php");
print "<ul>\n";
$trymysqlconnect = 1;
$allok = 1;
if(empty($vclhost)) {
fail("\$vclhost in .ht-inc/secrets.php is not set");
$trymysqlconnect = 0;
$allok = 0;
if(empty($vcldb)) {
fail("\$vcldb in .ht-inc/secrets.php is not set");
$trymysqlconnect = 0;
$allok = 0;
if(empty($vclusername)) {
fail("\$vclusername in .ht-inc/secrets.php is not set");
$trymysqlconnect = 0;
$allok = 0;
if(empty($vclpassword)) {
fail("\$vclpassword in .ht-inc/secrets.php is not set");
$trymysqlconnect = 0;
$allok = 0;
if(empty($mcryptkey)) {
fail("\$mcryptkey in .ht-inc/secrets.php is not set");
$allok = 0;
if(empty($mcryptiv)) {
fail("\$mcryptiv in .ht-inc/secrets.php is not set");
$allok = 0;
elseif(strlen($mcryptiv) != 8) {
fail("\$mcryptiv in .ht-inc/secrets.php needs to be 8 characters");
$allok = 0;
if(empty($pemkey)) {
fail("\$pemkey in .ht-inc/secrets.php is not set");
$allok = 0;
pass("all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set");
print "</ul>\n";
if($trymysqlconnect && in_array('mysql', $exts) && in_array('sockets', $exts)) {
title("Testing mysql connection");
print "<ul>\n";
if($fp = fsockopen($vclhost, 3306, $errno, $errstr, 5)) {
$link = mysql_connect($vclhost, $vclusername, $vclpassword);
if(! $link)
fail("Could not connect to mysql on $vclhost");
else {
pass("Successfully connected to mysql on $vclhost");
if(mysql_select_db($vcldb, $link))
pass("Successfully selected database ($vcldb) on $vclhost");
fail("Could not select database ($vcldb) on $vclhost");
fail("Could not connect to port 3306 on $vclhost");
print "</ul>\n";
# test mcrypt
title("Testing mcrypt");
print "<ul>\n";
if(in_array('mcrypt', $exts)) {
if($includesecrets && ! empty($mcryptkey) && ! empty($mcryptiv) && strlen($mcryptiv) == 8) {
$teststring = 'testing';
if($cryptdata = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, $mcryptkey, $teststring, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $mcryptiv)) {
pass("Successfully encrypted test string");
$decrypted = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, $mcryptkey, $cryptdata, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $mcryptiv);
if(trim($decrypted) == $teststring)
pass("Successfully decrypted test string");
fail("Failed to decrypt test string");
else {
fail("Failed to encrypt data with mcrypt");
elseif($includesecrets && strlen($mcryptiv) != 8)
fail("Cannot test encryption when \$mcryptiv is not exactly 8 characters");
fail("Cannot test encryption without \$mcryptkey and \$mcryptiv from .ht-inc/secrets.php");
fail("mcrypt extension missing");
print "</ul>\n";
# encryption keys
$privkeyok = 0;
$pubkeyok = 0;
if(in_array('openssl', $exts)) {
title("checking openssl encryption keys");
print "<ul>\n";
if($includesecrets && ! empty($pemkey)) {
if(is_readable(".ht-inc/keys.pem")) {
$fp = fopen(".ht-inc/keys.pem", "r");
$key = fread($fp, 8192);
$keys["private"] = openssl_pkey_get_private($key, $pemkey);
if(! $keys['private'])
fail("Could not create private key from private key file (.ht-inc/keys.pem). Try running .ht-inc/ again.");
else {
pass("successfully created private key from private key file");
$privkeyok = 1;
fail("Could not read private key file (.ht-inc/keys.pem). Check permissions on the file.");
fail("Cannot test private key file without \$pemkey from .ht-inc/secrets.php");
if(is_readable(".ht-inc/pubkey.pem")) {
$fp = fopen(".ht-inc/pubkey.pem", "r");
$key = fread($fp, 8192);
$keys["public"] = openssl_pkey_get_public($key);
if(! $keys['public'])
fail("Could not create public key from public key file (.ht-inc/pubkey.pem). Try running .ht-inc/ again.");
else {
pass("successfully created public key from public key file");
$pubkeyok = 1;
fail("Could not read public key file (.ht-inc/pubkey.pem). Check permissions on the file.");
print "</ul>\n";
title("Testing openssl encryption");
print "<ul>\n";
if(! $privkeyok)
fail("cannot test encryption without a valid private key");
else {
if(openssl_private_encrypt('test string', $cryptdata, $keys["private"])) {
pass("successfully encrypted test string");
if(! $pubkeyok)
fail("cannot test decryption without a valid public key");
else {
if(openssl_public_decrypt($cryptdata, $tmp, $keys['public'])) {
if($tmp == 'test string')
pass("successfully decrypted test string");
fail("failed to decrypt test string");
fail("failed to decrypt test string");
fail("failed to encrypt test data");
print "</ul>\n";
# check dojo directories
title("Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories");
print "<ul>\n";
if(is_dir('./dojoAjax')) {
pass("dojoAjax directory exists");
pass("dojoAjax directory is readable");
fail("dojoAjax directory is not readable. Check permissions on this directory");
fail("dojoAjax directory does not exist. Download and install Dojo Toolkit 0.4.0");
if(is_dir('./dojo')) {
pass("dojo directory exists");
pass("dojo directory is readable");
fail("dojo directory is not readable. Check permissions on this directory");
fail("dojo directory does not exist. Download and install Dojo Toolkit 1.1.0");
print "</ul>\n";
# check for jpgraph directory
title("Testing for existance of jpgraph directory");
print "<ul>\n";
if(is_dir('.ht-inc/jpgraph')) {
pass(".ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists");
pass(".ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is readable");
fail(".ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is not readable. Check permissions on this directory");
fail(".ht-inc/jpgraph directory does not exist. This will only prevent statistic graphs from being generated. To correct, download and install the 2.x series of jpgraph.");
print "</ul>\n";
# php display errors
title("Checking value of PHP display_errors");
$a = ini_get('display_errors');
print "<ul>\n";
if($a == 'Off' || $a == 'off' || $a == '')
print "<li>display_errors: <strong>disabled</strong></li>\n";
elseif($a == 'On' || $a == 'on' || $a == 1)
print "<li>display_errors: <strong>enabled</strong></li>\n";
fail("failed to determine value of display_errors");
<li>NOTE: Displaying errors in a production system is a security risk; however,<br>
while getting VCL up and running, having them displayed makes debugging<br>
a little easier. Edit your php.ini file to modify this setting.</li>
print "Done";
print "</body></html>\n";