VCL-1127 - Make changes to handle Cygwin's change of sshd service name to cygsshd

update_cygwin.cmd: modified line that determines name for ssh service - added spaces after '=' for arguments, without the spaces, Windows gives a weird 1060 error
diff --git a/managementnode/tools/Windows/Scripts/update_cygwin.cmd b/managementnode/tools/Windows/Scripts/update_cygwin.cmd
index 8c0d093..64d854a 100755
--- a/managementnode/tools/Windows/Scripts/update_cygwin.cmd
+++ b/managementnode/tools/Windows/Scripts/update_cygwin.cmd
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@

 echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------


-sc queryex type=service state=all | findstr "cygsshd" > nul && SET sshdservice=cygsshd || SET sshdservice=sshd

+sc queryex type= service state= all | findstr "cygsshd" > nul && SET sshdservice=cygsshd || SET sshdservice=sshd


 echo %TIME%: Setting sshd service startup mode to auto...

 "%SystemRoot%\System32\sc.exe" config %sshdservice% start= auto 2>&1