blob: 41b937e8d1f84166cc6ab5e2fa71f6c3bf688959 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# $Id: 1945 2008-12-11 20:58:08Z fapeeler $
=head1 NAME
use base qw(VCL::healthcheck);
Needs to be written.
package VCL::healthcheck;
# Specify the lib path using FindBin
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/..";
# Configure inheritance
use base qw();
# Specify the version of this module
our $VERSION = '2.00';
# Specify the version of Perl to use
use 5.008000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use VCL::utils;
use DBI;
use Net::DNS;
use VCL::Module::Provisioning::xCAT;
use VCL::Module::Provisioning::Lab;
our $LOG = "/var/log/healthcheckvcl.log";
our $MYDBH;
/// \fn function
/// \param
/// \return
/// \brief
sub new {
my ($class, %input) = @_;
my $obj_ref = {%input,};
bless $obj_ref, $class; # bless ref to said class
$obj_ref->_initialize(); # more work to do
return $obj_ref;
/// \fn function
/// \param
/// \return
/// \brief
sub _initialize {
my ($hck) = @_;
my ($mnid, $managementnodeid, $selh, @row, $rows, $mnresourceid, $resourceid);
my @hostinfo = hostname;
$hck->{MN} = $hostinfo[0];
$hck->{MNos} = $hostinfo[1];
$hck->{dbh} = getnewdbh;
#set global dbh for imagerevision check
$MYDBH = $hck->{dbh};
#= DBI->connect(qq{dbi:mysql:$DATABASE:$SERVER}, $WRTUSER,$WRTPASS, {PrintError => 0});
unless (defined $hck->{dbh}) { # dbh is an undef on failure
my $outstring = DBI::errstr();
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, $outstring);
#goto SLEEP;
return 0;
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"header"} = "STATUS SUMMARY of VCL nodes:\n\n";
#1 get management node id and management node's resource id
$selh = $hck->{dbh}->prepare(
FROM resource r, resourcetype rt, managementnode m
WHERE r.resourcetypeid = AND r.subid = AND = ? AND m.hostname = ?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $hck->{LOG}, "Could not prepare select for management node id" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$selh->execute("managementnode", $hck->{MN}) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not execute management node id" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
my $dbretval = $selh->bind_columns(\($managementnodeid, $resourceid));
$rows = $selh->rows;
if ($rows != 0) {
while ($selh->fetch) {
$mnid = $managementnodeid;
$mnresourceid = $resourceid;
$hck->{"mnid"} = $managementnodeid;
$hck->{"mnresourceid"} = $resourceid;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$hck->{MN} mnid $mnid resourceid $resourceid");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, $LOG, "No management id for $hck->{MN}.");
#2 select management node groups I belong to
$selh = $hck->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT resourcegroupid FROM resourcegroupmembers WHERE resourceid= ?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare select for management node group membership" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$selh->execute($hck->{mnresourceid}) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not execute statement for collecting my group membership" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$rows = $selh->rows;
if ($rows != 0) {
while (@row = $selh->fetchrow_array) {
$hck->{"groupmembership"}->{$row[0]} = $row[0];
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$hck->{MN} resourceid $hck->{mnresourceid} is in group $row[0]");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, $LOG, "Not a member of any groups $hck->{MN} resourceid $hck->{mnresourceid}");
#3 get list of computer groups I have access to control
$selh = $hck->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT r.resourcegroupid2 FROM resourcemap r, resourcetype rt WHERE AND r.resourcegroupid1=? AND") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare computer groups statement:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
foreach my $grpid (sort keys(%{$hck->{groupmembership}})) {
$selh->execute($hck->{groupmembership}->{$grpid}, "computer") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not execute computer goups statement:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$rows = $selh->rows;
if ($rows != 0) {
while (@row = $selh->fetchrow_array) {
$hck->{"groupscancrontrol"}->{$row[0]} = $row[0];
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$hck->{MN} resourceid $hck->{mnresourceid} cg= $grpid manages group $row[0]");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "no group to control $hck->{MN} resourceid $hck->{mnresourceid} groupid $grpid ");
} ## end foreach my $grpid (sort keys(%{$hck->{groupmembership...
#4 foreach of the groups i can manage get the computer members
$selh = $hck->{dbh}->prepare(
"SELECT r.subid,
FROM resourcegroupmembers rm,resourcetype rt,resource r
WHERE AND AND AND rm.resourcegroupid =?
") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare computer groups statement:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
foreach my $rgroupid (sort keys(%{$hck->{groupscancrontrol}})) {
$selh->execute("computer", $hck->{groupscancrontrol}->{$rgroupid}) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not execute computer goups statement:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$rows = $selh->rows;
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},$LOG,"rows = $rows for group$hck->{groupscancrontrol}->{$rgroupid}");
if ($rows != 0) {
while (@row = $selh->fetchrow_array) {
$hck->{"computers"}->{$row[0]}->{"id"} = $row[0];
# notify($ERRORS{'OK'},$LOG,"$hck->{MN} resourceid $row[1] computerid $row[0] in group $hck->{groupscancrontrol}->{$rgroupid}");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "no group to control $hck->{MN} resourceid $hck->{mnresourceid} groupid $rgroupid ");
} ## end foreach my $rgroupid (sort keys(%{$hck->{groupscancrontrol...
#5 based from our hash table of computer ids collect individual computer information
$selh = $hck->{dbh}->prepare(
"SELECT c.hostname,c.IPaddress,c.lastcheck,,c.currentimageid,c.preferredimageid,c.imagerevisionid,c.type,c.ownerid,,,c.deleted
FROM computer c,state s, image i, OS o
") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare computer info statement:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
foreach my $cid (sort keys(%{$hck->{computers}})) {
$selh->execute($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{id}) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not execute computer info statement:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$rows = $selh->rows;
my @crow;
if ($rows != 0) {
while (@crow = $selh->fetchrow_array) {
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"hostname"} = $crow[0];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"IPaddress"} = $crow[1];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"lastcheck"} = $crow[2] if (defined($crow[2]));
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"state"} = $crow[3];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"currentimageid"} = $crow[4];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"preferredimageid"} = $crow[5];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"imagerevisionid"} = $crow[6];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"type"} = $crow[7];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"ownerid"} = $crow[8];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"dbimagename"} = $crow[9];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"OSname"} = $crow[10];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"shortname"} = $1 if ($crow[0] =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\./); #should cover all host
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"MNos"} = $hck->{MNos};
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"deleted"} = $crow[11];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"id"} = $cid;
} ## end while (@crow = $selh->fetchrow_array)
} ## end if ($rows != 0)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "no rows related to computer id $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{id} reporting no data to pull for computer info statement ");
} ## end foreach my $cid (sort keys(%{$hck->{computers}}...
} ## end sub _initialize
/// \fn function process
/// \param
/// \return
/// \brief check each computer, sort checks by type
/// lab: ssh check,vclclientd running, adduser,deluser
/// blade: ssh check, correct image, adduser,deluser
sub process {
my ($hck) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "in processing routine");
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"body"} = "Summary of VCL node monitoring system:\n\n";
if (!($hck->{dbh}->ping)) {
$hck->{dbh} = getnewdbh();
my $checkstate = $hck->{dbh}->prepare(
"SELECT,c.lastcheck FROM computer c,state s
WHERE AND =?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare state check statement on computer:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$hck->{"computercount"} = 0;
$hck->{"computerschecked"} = 0;
foreach my $cid (sort keys(%{$hck->{computers}})) {
#skipping virtual machines for now
next if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{type} eq "virtualmachine");
# check ssh
# check uptime
# check vclclientd working
# reboot if needed
# update lastcheck timestamp
# update state if needed
# add to failed notification summary if needed
# $hostname,$os,$mnOS,$ipaddress,$log
# check the current image revision
#count the node
$hck->{"computercount"} += 1;
#recheck state and lastcheck time -- this is important as more machines are checked
if (!($hck->{dbh}->ping)) {
#just incase handle and statement are lost
$hck->{dbh} = getnewdbh();
$checkstate = $hck->{dbh}->prepare(
"SELECT FROM computer c,state s
WHERE AND =?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare state check statement on computer:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$checkstate->execute($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{id}) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not execute computer check state for $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{id}:" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
my $rows = $checkstate->rows;
if ($rows != 0) {
my @crow = $checkstate->fetchrow_array;
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"state"} = $crow[0];
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "no rows related to computer id $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{id} reporting no data to pull for computer info statement ");
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"failedbody"} .= "$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} : UNABLE to pull current state, skipping";
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{state} =~ /inuse|reloading/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "NODE $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} inuse skipping");
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{state} =~ /^(maintenance|hpc|vmhostinue)/) {
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"skip"} = 1;
$hck->{"computersskipped"} += 1;
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{deleted}) {
#machine deleted but set on a state we monitor
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} = "maintenance";
#check lastcheck
if (defined($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"lastcheck"})) {
my $lastcheckepoch = convert_to_epoch_seconds($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{lastcheck});
my $currentimeepoch = convert_to_epoch_seconds();
my $delta = ($currentimeepoch - $lastcheckepoch);
#if( $delta <= (5*60) ){
if ($delta <= (1 * 60 * 60 * 24 + 60 * 60)) {
#if( $delta <= (90*60) ){
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "NODE $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} recently checked skipping");
#this node was recently checked
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"skip"} = 1;
$hck->{"computersskipped"} += 1;
$hck->{"computerschecked"} += 1;
} ## end if (defined($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"lastcheck"...
#handle the failed machines first
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{state} =~ /failed|available/) {
if (_valid_host($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname})) {
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"valid_host"} = 1;
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"basechecksok"} = 0;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "process: reports valid host for $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname}");
else {
# for now leave state as to annoy owner to either remove or update the machine
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"valid_host"} = 0;
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"failedbody"} .= "$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname}, $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{IPaddress} : INVALID HOSTname, remove or update\n";
my @basestatus = _baseline_checks($hck->{computers}->{$cid});
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"ping"} = $basestatus[0];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"sshd"} = $basestatus[1];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"vclclientd"} = $basestatus[2] if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{type} eq "lab");
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"localimagename"} = $basestatus[2] if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{type} eq "blade");
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"uptime"} = $basestatus[3];
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"basechecksok"} = $basestatus[4];
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"failedbody"} .= "$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} : $basestatus[5]\n" if (defined($basestatus[5]));
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},$LOG,"status= $basestatus[0],$basestatus[1],$basestatus[2],$basestatus[3],$basestatus[4]");
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{basechecksok}) {
#baseline checks ok, do more checks
if (_imagerevision_check($hck->{computers}->{$cid})) {
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{type} eq "lab") {
# if(enablesshd($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname},"eostest1",$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{IPaddress},"new",$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{OSname},$LOG)){
#good now disable it disable($hostname,$unityname,$remoteIP,$state,$osname,$log
# if(disablesshd($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname},"eostest1",$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{IPaddress},"timeout",$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{OSname},$LOG)){
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} = "available";
$hck->{"labnodesavailable"} += 1;
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"correctedbody"} .= "$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} : was failed, now active\n" if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{state} eq "failed");
# }
# else{
# #failed
# $hck->{"labnodesfailed"} +=1;
#$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"failedbody"} .= "$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} : failed could not disablesshd\n";
#$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"failedbody"} .= "$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} : failed could not enablesshd\n";
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{uptime} >= 10) {
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{"failedbody"} .= "$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} : UPTIME $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{uptime} days\n";
} ## end if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{type} eq "lab")
elsif ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{type} eq "blade") {
#blade tasks
#options fork in order to load mulitples simultaneously
# 1) partly completed, basechecks are ok, pingable, sshd running/logins ok,
# 2) does image name match whats listed
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} = "available";
} ## end if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{basechecksok...
else {
#basechecks failed, reason appended to failedbody already
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{type} eq "lab") {
# can not do much about a lab machine
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} = "failed";
$hck->{"labnodesfailed"} += 1;
elsif ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{type} eq "blade") {
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} = "failed";
#dig deeper --
#if no power turn on and wait
#if no sshd
} ## end else [ if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{basechecksok...
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} ne $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"state"}) {
#different states update db to reflected confirmed state
#my $stateid;
#$stateid = 2 if($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} eq "available");
#$stateid = 5 if($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} eq "failed");
#$stateid = 10 if($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"} eq "maintenance");
$hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"state"} = $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"};
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "basestatus check= $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{basechecksok} setting to $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} to $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{confirmedstate} ") if (updatestate(0, $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{id}, "computer", $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{confirmedstate}, 0, $LOG));
if (update_computer_state($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{id}, $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{confirmedstate})) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "basestatus check= $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{basechecksok} setting to $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{hostname} to $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{confirmedstate} ");
} ## end if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{"confirmedstate"...
} ## end if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{state} =~ ...
if ($hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{skip}) {
#update lastcheck time
my $datestring = makedatestring;
my $update_lc = $hck->{dbh}->prepare("UPDATE computer SET lastcheck=? WHERE id=?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare lastcheck time update" . $hck->{dbh}->errstr());
$update_lc->execute($datestring, $hck->{computers}->{$cid}->{id}) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not execute lastcheck time update");
} #for loop
return 1;
} ## end sub process
/// \fn function _valid_host
/// \param
/// \return 1,0
/// \brief is this a valid host in dns
sub _valid_host {
my ($node) = @_;
my @ns = qw(;
my $rns = \@ns;
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(nameservers => $rns,
tcp_timeout => 5,
retry => 2);
my $q = $res->search($node);
if ($q) {
foreach my $rr ($q->answer) {
next unless $rr->type eq "A";
next unless $rr->type eq "PTR";
return 1;
else {
return 0;
} ## end sub _valid_host
/// \fn function _baseline_checks
/// \param
/// \return array - ping status(1,0),ssh status(1,0),uptime(1,0)- reboots, basestatus (1,0), failure statement
/// \brief pingable, sshd, uptime
sub _baseline_checks {
my ($cidhash) = @_;
#based on type and OS
# ? for unix lab machines is vclclientd running
my @ret;
my $node = $cidhash->{IPaddress};
if ($cidhash->{type} eq "blade") {
$node = $cidhash->{shortname};
# node_status
# hashref: reference to hash with keys/values:
# {status} => <"READY","FAIL">
# {ping} => <0,1>
# {ssh} => <0,1>
# {rpower} => <0,1>
# {nodeset} => <"boot", "install", "image", ...>
# {nodetype} => <image name>
# {currentimage} => <image name>
if ($cidhash->{type} eq "lab") {
my $identity;
if ($cidhash->{OSname} =~ /sun4x/) {
$identity = $IDENTITY_solaris_lab;
elsif ($cidhash->{OSname} =~ /rhel/) {
$identity = $IDENTITY_linux_lab;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "os $cidhash->{OSname} set but not something I can handle yet, will attempt the unix identity.");
$identity = $IDENTITY_linux_lab;
#my @status = VCL::Module::Provisioning::Lab::node_status($cidhash->{hostname}, $cidhash->{OSname}, $cidhash->{MNos}, $cidhash->{IPaddress}, $identity, $LOG);
my $node_status = VCL::Module::Provisioning::Lab::node_status($cidhash->{hostname}, $cidhash->{OSname}, $cidhash->{MNos}, $cidhash->{IPaddress}, $identity, $LOG);
if ($node_status->{ping}) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$cidhash->{IPaddress} pingable");
push(@ret, 1);
else {
push(@ret, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "NOT pingable");
return @ret;
if ($node_status->{ssh}) {
push(@ret, 1);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$cidhash->{IPaddress} ssh reponds");
else {
push(@ret, 0, 0, 0, 0, "sshd NOT responding");
return @ret;
if ($node_status->{vcl_client}) {
push(@ret, 1);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$cidhash->{IPaddress} vclclientd running");
else {
push(@ret, 0, 0, 0, "vclclientd NOT running");
return @ret;
#check_uptime ($node,$IPaddress,$OSname,$type)
my @check_uptime_array = check_uptime($cidhash->{hostname}, $cidhash->{IPaddress}, $cidhash->{OSname}, $cidhash->{type}, $LOG);
push(@ret, $check_uptime_array[0]);
#if here then basechecks are ok
push(@ret, 1);
} ## end if ($cidhash->{type} eq "lab")
elsif ($cidhash->{type} eq "blade") {
#my @status = VCL::Module::Provisioning::xCAT::node_status($cidhash->{shortname}, $LOG);
my $node_status = VCL::Module::Provisioning::xCAT::node_status($cidhash->{shortname}, $LOG);
# First see if it returned a hashref
if (ref($node_status) eq 'HASH') {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "node_status returned a hash reference");
# Check if node_status returned an array ref
elsif (ref($node_status) eq 'ARRAY') {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "node_status returned an array reference");
# Check if node_status didn't return a reference
# Assume string was returned
elsif (!ref($node_status)) {
# Use scalar value of node_status's return value
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "->node_status() returned an unsupported reference type: " . ref($node_status) . ", returning");
#host/power (pingable)
#if ($status[1] eq "on") {
if ($node_status->{rpower}) {
#powered on
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$cidhash->{shortname} power on ");
push(@ret, 1);
else {
push(@ret, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Powered off\n");
return @ret;
#if ($status[3] eq "on") {
if ($node_status->{ssh}) {
push(@ret, 1);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$cidhash->{shortname} ssh reponds");
else {
push(@ret, 0, 0, 0, 0, "$cidhash->{shortname} sshd NOT responding");
return @ret;
#if ($status[7]) {
if ($node_status->{nodetype}) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$cidhash->{shortname} imagename set $node_status->{nodetype}");
if ($node_status->{currentimage}) {
if ($node_status->{currentimage} =~ /\r/) {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},$LOG,"$cidhash->{shortname} imagename had carriage return $status[8]");
if ($node_status->{nodetype} =~ /$node_status->{currentimage}/) { #do 7 & 8 match
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},$LOG,"$cidhash->{shortname} nodetype matches imagename on local file");
push(@ret, $node_status->{nodetype});
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},$LOG,"$cidhash->{shortname} nodetype DO NOT matche imagename on remote file");
push(@ret, "$node_status->{currentimage}");
} ## end if ($node_status->{currentimage})
else {
#possible linux env
push(@ret, $node_status->{nodetype});
} ## end if ($node_status->{nodetype})
else {
#very strange imagename for nodetype not defined
push(@ret, 0, 0, "imagename for nodetype not defined");
return @ret;
#uptime not checkable yet for some blades
#basechecks ok if made it here
push(@ret, 0, 1);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "$cidhash->{shortname} past basecheck flag ret = @ret");
} ## end elsif ($cidhash->{type} eq "blade") [ if ($cidhash->{type} eq "lab")
return @ret;
} ## end sub _baseline_checks
/// \fn function _reload
/// \param
/// \return array - [1,0], [string]
/// \brief trys to reload the blade if needed, returns success or reason why could not be done
sub _reload {
my ($cidhash) = @_;
/// \fn function _imagerevision_check
/// \param
/// \return array - [1,0], [string]
/// \brief checks image name and revsion number of computer id
sub _imagerevision_check {
my ($cidhash) = @_;
if (!($MYDBH->ping)) {
$MYDBH = getnewdbh();
my %imagerev;
my $sel = $MYDBH->prepare(
FROM imagerevision ir
WHERE ir.imageid = ?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare select for imagerevision check" . $MYDBH->errstr());
$sel->execute($cidhash->{currentimageid}) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare select for imagerevision check" . $MYDBH->errstr());
my $update = $MYDBH->prepare("UPDATE computer SET imagerevisionid =? WHERE id = ?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not prepare update for correct image revision" . $MYDBH->errstr());
my $rows = $sel->rows;
if ($rows != 0) {
while (my @row = $sel->fetchrow_array) {
$imagerev{"$row[0]"}{"id"} = $row[0];
$imagerev{"$row[0]"}{"imagename"} = $row[1];
$imagerev{"$row[0]"}{"revision"} = $row[2];
$imagerev{"$row[0]"}{"production"} = $row[3];
if ($row[3]) {
#check computer version
if ($row[0] != $cidhash->{imagerevisionid}) {
$update->execute($row[0], $cidhash->{id}) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "Could not update for correct image revision" . $MYDBH->errstr());
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "imagerevisionid $cidhash->{imagerevisionid} does not match on computer id $cidhash->{id} -- setting to version $row[2] revision id $row[0]");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOG, "imagerevision matches -- skipping update");
return 1;
} ## end if ($row[3])
} ## end while (my @row = $sel->fetchrow_array)
} ## end if ($rows != 0)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOG, "imagerevision check -- no rows found for computer id $cidhash->{id}");
return 0;
} ## end sub _imagerevision_check
/// \fn function send_report
/// \param
/// \return 1,0
/// \brief sends detailed report to owners of possible issues with the boxes
sub send_report {
my ($hck) = @_;
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},$LOG,"$hck->{globalmsg}->{body}\n\n $hck->{globalmsg}->{failedbody}\n");
if (defined($hck->{computercount})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "Number of nodes found for this management node $hck->{MN}: $hck->{computercount}\n";
if (defined($hck->{"computerschecked"})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "Number of nodes checked: $hck->{computerschecked}\n";
if (defined($hck->{"computersskipped"})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "Number of nodes skipped due to recent check: $hck->{computersskipped}\n";
if (defined($hck->{labnodesfailed})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "UNavailable labnodes: $hck->{labnodesfailed}\n";
if (defined($hck->{labnodesavailable})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "Available labnodes: $hck->{labnodesavailable}\n";
if (defined($hck->{globalmsg}->{correctedbody})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "\nCorrected VCL nodes:\n\n$hck->{globalmsg}->{correctedbody}\n";
if (defined($hck->{globalmsg}->{failedbody})) {
$hck->{"globalmsg"}->{body} .= "\nProblem VCL nodes:\n\n$hck->{globalmsg}->{failedbody}\n";
if (!defined($hck->{globalmsg}->{failedbody}) && !defined($hck->{globalmsg}->{correctedbody})) {
$hck->{globalmsg}->{body} .= "\nAll nodes report ok";
mail($SYSADMIN, "VCL node monitoring report", "$hck->{globalmsg}->{body}");
} ## end sub send_report
There are no known bugs in this module.
Please report problems to the VCL team (
=head1 AUTHOR
Aaron Peeler,
Andy Kurth,
=head1 SEE ALSO