blob: 737d8f7cc8e2ba07142f7ce065c5084c39d09611 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# $Id: 1953 2008-12-12 14:23:17Z arkurth $
=head1 NAME
Needs to be written
This module provides...
package VCL::Module::Utils::SCP;
# Specify the lib path using FindBin
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../..";
# Configure inheritance
use base qw();
# Specify the version of this module
our $VERSION = '2.00';
# Specify the version of Perl to use
use 5.008000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
use File::Basename;
use VCL::Module::Utils::Logging;
=head2 scp
Parameters :
Returns :
Description :
sub scp {
my $options_hashref = shift;
my $options = $options_hashref->{options};
my $cipher = $options_hashref->{cipter};
my $ssh_config = $options_hashref->{ssh_config};
my $identity_file = $options_hashref->{identity_file};
my $limit = $options_hashref->{limit};
my $ssh_option = $options_hashref->{ssh_option};
my $port = $options_hashref->{port};
my $program = $options_hashref->{program};
my $source_user = $options_hashref->{source_user};
my $source_host = $options_hashref->{source_host};
my $source_path = $options_hashref->{source_path};
my $destination_user = $options_hashref->{destination_user};
my $destination_host = $options_hashref->{destination_host};
my $destination_path = $options_hashref->{destination_path};
if (!$source_path || !$destination_host || !$destination_path) {
log_warning("missing at least 1 of the required parameters: source_path, destination_host, destination_path");
return 0;
# TODO: Add ssh path to config file and set global variable
# Locate the path to the scp binary
my @possible_scp_paths = ('scp.exe', 'scp', 'C:/cygwin/bin/scp.exe', 'D:/cygwin/bin/scp.exe', '/usr/bin/scp',);
my $scp_path;
for my $possible_scp_path (@possible_scp_paths) {
if (-x $possible_scp_path) {
$scp_path = $possible_scp_path;
if (!$scp_path) {
log_warning("unable to locate the SCP executable");
return 0;
# Fix the options
$options = '' if !$options;
# -B, Selects batch mode (prevents asking for passwords or passphrases).
$options .= 'B' if ($options !~ /B/);
# -p, Preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the original file.
$options .= 'p' if ($options !~ /p/);
# -r, Recursively copy entire directories.
$options .= 'r' if ($options !~ /r/);
# Don't use -q, Disables the progress meter. Error messages are more descriptive without it
$options =~ s/q//g if ($options =~ /q/);
# Remove all dashes and spaces from the options string
$options =~ s/[-\s]//g;
# Replace 'x' with ' -x'
$options =~ s/(\w)/ -$1/gx;
# Remove leading space
$options =~ s/^\s//;
# Fix some things if pscp.exe is being used
# Set the default destination user
$destination_user = 'root' if !$destination_user;
# Set the default port
$port = '22' if !$port;
# Create a variable to store the entire SCP command
my $scp_command;
# Check if source path contains a colon (likely a Windows machine)
# SCP can't handle Windows-style paths like C:\...
# cd to the directory then run SCP on the local file name
if ($source_path =~ /:/) {
# Take the source path apart
my ($source_filename, $source_directory) = fileparse($source_path);
# Add the cd command to the beginning of the SCP command
# Use the /D switch to change drives if necessary
$scp_command .= "cd /D \"$source_directory\" && ";
# Change the source file path to the file name
$source_path = $source_filename;
} ## end if ($source_path =~ /:/)
# Assemble the SCP command
$scp_command .= "\"$scp_path\" ";
$scp_command .= "$options ";
$scp_command .= "-c $cipher " if $cipher;
$scp_command .= "-F \"$ssh_config\" " if $ssh_config;
$scp_command .= "-i \"$identity_file\" " if $identity_file;
$scp_command .= "-l $limit " if $limit;
$scp_command .= "-o $ssh_option " if $ssh_option;
$scp_command .= "-P $port ";
$scp_command .= "-S \"$program\" " if $program;
$scp_command .= "$source_user@" if $source_user;
$scp_command .= "$source_host:" if $source_host;
$scp_command .= "\"$source_path\" ";
$scp_command .= "$destination_user@";
$scp_command .= "$destination_host:";
$scp_command .= "\"$destination_path\" ";
# Redirect standard output and error output so all messages are captured
$scp_command .= ' 2>&1';
# Print the configuration if $VERBOSE
log_verbose("SCP command: $scp_command");
# Execute the command
my $scp_output = `$scp_command` || 'scp did not produce any output';
# Save the exit status
my $scp_exit_status = $?;
# Strip out the key warning message
$scp_output =~ s/\@{10,}.*man-in-the-middle attacks\.//igs;
chomp $scp_output;
# Check the exit status
# scp exits with 0 on success or >0 if an error occurred
if ($scp_exit_status <= 0) {
# Success
log_verbose("scp exit status: $scp_exit_status (success), output: $scp_output");
log_info("successfully copied files using scp");
return 1;
else {
# Failure
log_verbose("failed to copy files using scp, exit status: $scp_exit_status, output: $scp_output");
return 0;
} ## end sub scp