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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
=head1 NAME
VCL::makeproduction - Perl module for the VCL makeproduction state
use VCL::makeproduction;
use VCL::utils;
# Set variables containing the IDs of the request and reservation
my $request_id = 5;
my $reservation_id = 6;
# Call the VCL::utils::get_request_info subroutine to populate a hash
my $request_info = get_request_info->($request_id);
# Set the reservation ID in the hash
$request_info->{RESERVATIONID} = $reservation_id;
# Create a new VCL::makeproduction object based on the request information
my $makeproduction = VCL::makeproduction->new($request_info);
This module supports the VCL "makeproduction" state.
package VCL::makeproduction;
# Specify the lib path using FindBin
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/..";
# Configure inheritance
use base qw(VCL::Module::State);
# Specify the version of this module
our $VERSION = '2.4.1';
# Specify the version of Perl to use
use 5.008000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use VCL::utils;
=head2 process
Parameters :
Returns : exits with status 0 if successful, 1 if failed
Description : Processes a reservation in the makeproduction state.
sub process {
my $self = shift;
my $request_data = $self->data->get_request_data();
my $image_name = $self->data->get_image_name();
# Update the image and imagerevision tables:
# = imagename of new production revision
# image.test = 0
# image.lastupdate = now
# imagerevision.production = 1 for revision specified in hash
# imagerevision.production = 0 for all other revisions associated with this image
if ($self->set_imagerevision_to_production()) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "successfully updated image and imagerevision tables");
else {
$self->reservation_failed("unable to update the image and imagerevision tables");
# Notify owner that image is in production mode
if ($self->notify_imagerevision_to_production()) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "successfully notified owner that $image_name is in production mode");
else {
$self->reservation_failed("failed to notify owner that $image_name is in production mode");
# Update the request state to deleted, leave the computer state alone, exit
switch_state($request_data, 'deleted', '', 'EOR', '1');
} ## end sub process
=head2 set_imagerevision_to_production
Parameters : None, uses image and image revision set in DataStructure
Returns : 1 if successful, 0 if failed
Description : Changes the production image revision for a given image.
It sets the imagerevision.production column to 1 for the
imagerevision specified in the DataStructure, and all other
image revisions to 0 for the same image.
sub set_imagerevision_to_production {
my $self = shift;
my $image_id = $self->data->get_image_id();
my $image_name = $self->data->get_image_name();
my $imagerevision_id = $self->data->get_imagerevision_id();
# Check the variables necessary to update the database
if (!defined $image_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to change production imagerevision, image id is not defined");
return 0;
elsif ($image_id <= 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to change production imagerevision, image id is $image_id");
return 0;
if (!defined $imagerevision_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to change production imagerevision, imagerevision id is not defined");
return 0;
elsif ($imagerevision_id <= 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to change production imagerevision, imagerevision id is $image_id");
return 0;
# Clear production flag for all image revisions
# Set the correct image revision to production
# Update the image name, set test = 0, and lastupdate to now
my $sql_statement = "
imagerevision imagerevision_production,
imagerevision imagerevision_others
SET = imagerevision_production.imagename,
image.test = 0,
image.lastupdate = NOW(),
imagerevision_production.production = 1,
imagerevision_others.production = 0
WHERE = '$image_id'
AND imagerevision_production.imageid =
AND imagerevision_others.imageid =
AND = '$imagerevision_id'
AND !=
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($sql_statement)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "imagerevision $imagerevision_id set to production for image $image_name");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to set imagerevision $imagerevision_id to production for image $image_name");
return 0;
} ## end sub _update_flags
=head2 notify_imagerevision_to_production
Parameters :
Returns :
Description :
sub notify_imagerevision_to_production {
my $self = shift;
my $image_prettyname = $self->data->get_image_prettyname();
my $imagerevision_revision = $self->data->get_imagerevision_revision();
my $user_affiliation_helpaddress = $self->data->get_user_affiliation_helpaddress();
my $user_email = $self->data->get_user_email();
# Assemble the message subject
my $subject = "VCL -- Image $image_prettyname made production";
# Assemble the message body
my $body = <<"END";
Revision $imagerevision_revision of your VCL '$image_prettyname' image has been made production. Any new reservations for the image will receive this revision by default.
If you have any questions, please contact $user_affiliation_helpaddress.
Thank You,
VCL Team
# Send the message
if (mail($user_email, $subject, $body)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "email message sent to $user_email");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to send email message to $user_email");
return 0;
} ## end sub _notify_owner
=head1 SEE ALSO